My Shadow Followed When You Walked Away.

You're only as tall as your heart will let you be.


Christofer’s POV

“Christofer! Get down here and let us see how you look!” my mom shouted from downstairs. I sighed before taking one last look at myself. I was decked out in a black and white tuxedo, my hair its own usual, natural mess. I had on somewhat fancy dress shoes and I had just the right amount of cologne radiating off my body. It was my favorite scent and every girl I came in contact with loved it. I only used it for special occasions. I guess this was a semi-special occasion-Senior Prom. “Christofer Drew Ingle! Get your butt down here!” my mother shouted.

“Be right there!” I shouted back. I took one last look at myself before sighing and walking out of my room, slipping my phone into my pants pocket as I closed my door. As I descended the stairs, my mother took out her camera and started snapping pictures. “Mom, stop.”

“Right, sorry. Miranda should be here soon.” She mumbled the last part. My mom didn’t like my girlfriend. A shrill ringing ripped me out of my thoughts. My mother walked to the door, opening it slowly. The door was slammed open, making both me and my mom jump back in shock.

“Chris! Lets go!” Miranda demanded.

“But what about pic-” I started but she interrupted me.

“Who gives a flying fuck about pictures! Lets get to the prom on time! I want to remember this night!” She shouted as she headed back out the door. I rolled my eyes. If she wanted to remember, she would want pictures. Okay, so maybe Miranda was a bit bitchy. But she had her good moments. I mumbled a quick goodbye to my mom before shuffling out the door and down the front steps, into the limo Miranda had rented for us for the night. Miranda sighed in aggravation as the limo took off down the street, heading to our high school. This was going to be a long night. I stared out the window, watching kids walking, most of them going to prom by the looks of their outfits. A yellow dress flashed in the corner of my eye. I turned my head to look back, but we were driving too fast for me to get a decent look at the girl in the brightly colored dress. “We’re here!” Miranda shrieked as she grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the limo. I sighed. I wasn’t the showy type, and I didn’t want to be in a tuxedo. Miranda had planned all of this night-the limo, which I refused to, the tux, which I refused to also. She had basically made me come against my will. I sighed again as we entered the gym. It was strategically decorated with strings of lamps lining the ceiling all the way around the room. A disco ball hung from the middle of the room, lights flashing everywhere. There was a DJ in one corner of the room, blasting music loudly through the speakers. There were tables of food and drinks on each side of the room, kids surrounding each one. Tables to sit at were scattered around the room also, only a few tables not being occupied. In the very middle of the room, a few kids were dancing. There weren’t very many kids; we lived in a small town and this was the only high school. The population was a low one, almost everyone knew each other in this town, that’s just how small it was. Miranda tugged at my sleeve exasperatedly as she tried to drag me to a group of her friends by a small table. I obliged reluctantly as I followed her to her destination. She sat down in a chair, leaving me to stand awkwardly behind her. Me and her friends had never gotten along very well, we didn’t like each other. They weren’t the only ones in that I group I didn’t like.

“Hey guys!” Miranda said excitedly. They droned on with mindless chatter, randomly commenting on cute guys that were walking by. Did she not notice me standing right behind her? I sighed as I pulled up a chair and sat partly next to Miranda and partly behind her. I turned my chair the other way and watched as kids filed around the room. A bright yellow dress caught my eye again. A girl was sitting in a chair, making a disgruntled face at her friend sitting right next to her. The friend seemed to be asking for something and the girl in yellow was trying to get her way out of it. I watched and studied the girl’s outfit. She was wearing a yellow dress that came to about her knees, a black band coming across the middle of it. She wore black high heels on her feet, her chestnut brown hair piled on top of her head in a messy bun, loose strands hanging out everywhere. Her expression was the same disgruntled one as she stared at her friend. She was utterly beautiful. I decided I would go talk to her, it would be more than sitting here awkwardly with Miranda and her bitchy friends.

“I’ll be right back,” I mumbled to Miranda.

“Yeah whatever,” she said in annoyed tone as she waved me away. I sighed as I walked across the room to where the girl and her friend were.

“But Amy, I don’t want to! You’re lucky you even got me here!” the yellow girl told her friend.

“Awh come on, it won’t be that bad! Please?” her friend pleaded. I chose this as my time to interrupt and ask her to dance. I cleared my throat.

“Excuse me?” Both girls’ heads snapped up to me, shock written on both of their faces.

“Yeah?” the girl in yellow asked.

“Would you umm…like to dance? With me?” I asked awkwardly, offering her my hand. The girl looked to her friend, a ‘help me!’ look on her face. Her friend nodded at her and she took my hand. I grasped it firmly in my hand, bringing her to the dance floor. I kept her hand in mine and put her other hand on my shoulder then placed my other hand on her waist. We swayed lightly to the beat of the music. It was awkwardly quiet, so I decided to try and make conversation. “So…thanks for dancing with me.”

“No problem,” she mumbled quietly, down casting her green gaze at the floor, her bangs sweeping into her eyes. She flicked her head lightly, making her bangs swing back and out of her eyes, only to have them fall back into her eyes seconds later. She groaned, and I laughed. Her head shot up. “Are you laughing at me?” I gulped and shook my head.

“N-n-no,” I stuttered. She laughed.

“Relax, I was just kidding.”

“Right,“ I said nervously. “So are you new here, or something? I’ve never seen you around, and everyone knows who everyone is here.“ She shook her head lightly.

“No, I’m not new, I’ve lived here all my life. I just never wanted people to know who I am. I hide in the shadows, I’m not one who’s fond of attention. I actually pretty much despise it,” she told me.

“Oh, I’m sorry.”

“No, its okay. I didn’t want people to know me.” She shook her head and let her gaze fall back down to the ground, her bangs once again falling into her eyes. She groaned again, a small laugh escaping her lips.

“Need some help with that?” I asked casually. She looked up at me, a confused look on her face. I lifted my hand up from her waist to her face, pushing her bangs back behind her ear lightly.

“Thanks,” she mumbled, dropping her head back down, her bangs staying successfully out of her eyes this time.

“Looks like I was successful in keeping your bangs out of your eyes,” I remarked as I let my hand drop back down to her waist. She laughed and her green eyes flickered up to me.

“I guess you were.” She nodded in agreement and smiled at me.

“You know, you have the most beautiful emerald green eyes I have ever seen,” I told her. Blood rushed up to her cheeks, making them flush a dark shade of pink.

“Thank you, you have quite amazing brown eyes, yourself,” she said quietly, her head dropping back down for the millionth time tonight. I laughed and lifted her head with my finger placed on her chin. I searched her face for a second before softly placing my lips on hers in a short kiss, pulling back after just a second. I looked at her face again, she was blushing a darker shade of pink, her eyes averting to the corners of the room. I smiled.

“Well thank you madam,” I said to her, earning a small laugh. “You seem shy,” I commented.

“I kinda am, sometimes. Only with new people. Once I get to know a person, I’m quite the chatterbox, and quite the wild one. Or at least that’s what Amy says,” she told me.

“Ah, I see.” I nodded my head. “Amy?”

“Yeah, she’s my best friend. The girl I was with when you asked me to dance,” she answered. “By the way, might I ask why you asked me to dance with you?”

“Well, I saw you walking here with your little friend, Amy, and I also saw you from across the room. You looked exceptionally beautiful, and I just couldn’t help myself.” I looked at her from the corner of my eye, seeing her blush again. “Plus, I was with my girlfriend and her bitchy friends, and they were getting on my nerves.”

“Oh. WAIT, did you say girlfriend?” she questioned, her body immediately tightening up.

“Yeah…why?” I asked slowly.

“Why?! You have a girlfriend, you asked me to dance with you, you kissed me, and now you want to know why I’m questioning you about it?!” she asked incredulously.

“Look, I know this may seem bad, but Miranda-” I started, but she interrupted me.

“Miranda? As in Miranda Sanchez?!” she practically shrieked. I nodded. “You’re her boyfriend?! You’re Christofer?!” I nodded again.

“Yeah, why…?” I asked slowly.

“Are you kidding me?!” She yanked my hand and pulled me to a small corner of the room. “You can’t seriously be asking that, right? Do you know who your girlfriend is?”

“I’m guessing she’s Miranda?” I said, trying to lighten the mood with humor. She groaned and shook her head.

“I’m sorry to say this, because I hate girls like this, but Miranda is one of the most popular girls in this school. She would tear me to shreds if she found out we kissed and danced. She would not be happy at all. Along with that would come attention, and drama. And like I said before, I don’t like attention. And I’m one of the only girls in this school who doesn’t like drama.” She shook her head again, groaning. I sighed and looked at her.

“Look, I know Miranda can be a bitch, but she most likely wouldn’t be that bitchy, just because we kissed and danced.” A sarcastic laugh escaped her lips.

“Oh, you can’t be serious. I kissed Miranda Sanchez’s boyfriend. What girl wouldn’t be pissed about some other girl kissing her boyfriend?!” she whisper shouted.

“Okay, but I seriously doubt she would tear you to shreds.” She groaned again.

“You don’t get it do you? If she were to find out she would bring the two things I despise the most to my life,” she whispered harshly. I cringed back the slightest. “Were you really planning on telling her anyways?”

“No, I guess not.”

“Then why did you even argue?”

“Hypothetical, I guess,” I mumbled, looking down at the floor. I heard her sigh.

“Look, I need to go before Miranda catches me with you. She’ll get mad just seeing me with you.”

“What?!” I looked up at her in shock. “You’re leaving me?” She smirked.

“Leaving you? You have a girlfriend, Chris. Besides, I was just someone to dance with while your girlfriend was chatting with her friends, and you were bored, right? Nothing more. There’s no reason for me to stay.”

“Can I at least get your name? You never gave it to.”

“You never asked for it,” she replied in a nervous voice.

“Well then can I ask for it now?”

“You can ask,” she told me.

“Okay, what’s your name?”

“Right, like I’m gonna tell you ,” she said before pushing past me and going out the gym doors. I stared after her, stunned. I felt the need to go after her, so I quickly pushed through the doors and ran down the hall after her.

“Wait!” I shouted, grabbing her wrist. She sighed and stopped, turning towards me.

“Wha-” She started, but I interrupted her by planting my lips on top of hers. She pushed me off. “Great, now I have two kisses to worry about,” she grumbled. I stared at her, not moving from my spot. She glanced up at me. “What do you want, Chris?”

“I want your name,” I told her plainly.

“Well you can’t have it, and you don’t need it,” she said in a matter-of-fact tone. I sighed and looked at her.

“Please, tell me your name,” I begged quietly.

“You already have all the names you need, for example, the most important, Miranda.” She glared at me and I cringed again.

“I’ll find out somehow,” I whisper.

“I highly doubt that. No one knows who I am. I’m a big nobody in this school, and this town,” she whispered harshly before going through the front doors of the school and disappearing. I felt my heart drop to my stomach, though I wasn’t quite sure why.

“Excuse me,” a female voice said from behind me. “Hey-you’re the guy who danced with my friend. Any idea where she went?” I pointed to the doors. “Thanks.”

“Wait.” She halted at the doors and turned around.

“Yes?” she asked sweetly.

“What is your friends name?” She opened her mouth, but before she could say anything, another female voice came screeching through the halls.

“CHRISTOFER DREW!” Miranda. What great timing. I looked back to the doors where the girl had been, but the door was already closing behind her. I sighed and looked at Miranda. “Lets get back to the dance,” she whined as she tugged on my arm. I obliged, promising myself I would somehow find out that girl’s name.
♠ ♠ ♠
New story.
First chapter sucks.
Christofer Drew.
I'm trying to decide on a name for the female character.
[url=]Help me, please?[/url
It would make writing this story easier.

If you've read any of my other stories, you know that my chapter title is song lyrics.
And they all will be.
If you know what song they're from, tell me in a comment.
And I will do that in every chapter.