A Paralysing Nightmare.

Part One.


I laughed nervously as we passed through the rusted iron gates that hung limply from the thick stone fence that lined the grave yard. God knows how long those gates had been stuck open for, the few plants that dared to grow on the dead’s land had entwined themselves around the decaying bars as if holding them open for visitors. A chilly wind rustled through the randomly placed trees that littered the land, I pulled my arms tighter around the two people they were linked with; Wednesday on my left and Joey on my right.

Our feet padded in time down the worn gavel track that weaved its way through the center of the cemetery. Dirt tracks that had been created by the feet of mourners met up with the track and slithered off in different directions by the hundreds of tombs that surrounded us. The sounds of screaming children and ‘trick or treats’ that had followed us here had all but disappeared into the distance.

I tightened my grip on their arms and looked up at Wednesday whose lip ring flashed in the moonlight beams that fell down upon us, curtesy of the full moon above us. My Mom always said a full moon meant the loons were out. I looked away from Wednesday and back towards the path before us which vanished into the darkness. I jumped us an owl hooted overhead, making Joey and Wednesday laugh.

“Don’t tell me you’re scared Regan,” Joey mocked as he unlinked his arm from mine so he could walk backwards in front of Wednesday and I, cocky bastard.

“Shut it midget,” I bit back bitterly. It had not been my ideal place to come at this time of night, especially on a day like Halloween. Joey had insisted though and Wednesday had no problem with it so he wasn’t much of a help when we were debating it. Joey laughed again and turned around to skip in front of us, humming some random tune to himself. I turned as Wednesday’s nose brushed against the side of my face.

“If you really get that scared we can go ok?” he whispered into my ear, I shuddered slightly and nodded as he pulled back and offered me a smile. I smiled back, he unlinked our arms and instead took my hand, squeezing it gently as we continued to walk further and further away from the only lights around which came from the streetlights by the road.

“Yo lovebirds let’s go down here!” Joey called, he was pointing excitedly down one of the beaten dirt tracks that led deep into the cemetery. I looked wearily at him when we reached him and looked down the track he was pointing at. I couldn’t see past more than the first five graves; beyond that was complete darkness. I shivered and narrowed my eyes in an attempt to see any further, but it was impossible.

“I know you think this is cool and everything but there is no way I am going down there,” I told Joey sternly; I turned away from the track which was beginning to freak me out. Joey glared and folded his arms, jutting out his bottom lip in an attempt to win me over with cuteness.

“Joey that may have worked when we were five and you wanted a lick of my ice cream, but it does not work when you’re seventeen and wanting me to go into complete darkness with dead bodies all around me,” I informed him stubbornly. Joey stomped his foot childishly and turned to Wednesday for support – of course gang up on the gender with less voting power.

“Come on Wednesday make your girlfriend come,” Joey whined at Wednesday who grinned and held his free hand up in defeat. “This is not my fight,” he said to Joey with a light chuckle. Joey growled darkly and turned back to me. “Fine, I’ll go by myself,” he said, turning on the spot and he marched off down the track.

I turned to Wednesday who was watching him wearily before he looked down at me, “We should really go with him,” he said softly; I sighed and nodded, knowing that I couldn’t live with myself if something happened to him. Wednesday gripped my hand tighter as we trudged along the path in search of Joey. The grass was overdue for a cut and the long blades tickled my skin as we walked by, sending trembles up my legs and spine.

“God how far did he walk?” Wednesday asked breathlessly. It was getting harder and harder to see anything; the darkness enclosed itself around us, blanketing our eyes from seeing further than a step ahead.

I was just about to tell Wednesday that we should call out his name when something grabbed my ankle tightly. I screamed and yanked my foot away from whatever was attacking me as fast as I could. I fell into Wednesday, who wrapped his arms protectively around me, keeping as both balanced. I closed my eyes and breathed in Wednesday’s scent as a laughing erupted around us.

“I knew you’d follow me!” Joey laughed, jumping out from behind a tomb stone he dusted his vampire costume off; a considerably better Halloween costume than the one he had last year. I turned around and pushed him hard in the chest.

“Joey you ass!” I exclaimed but he continued laughing, barely stumbling back a foot from my push.

“Come on its all good fun Ree,” said Joey, his laughter died away and he stood innocently in front of me. I huffed and was about to push him again when I felt Wednesday’s arms wrap expertly around my waist and pull me into him, “Let it go,” he whispered. I sighed and glared once more at Joey before turning and continuing to walk down the track slowly.

We walked in silence for a good five minutes passing only grave stones until we came to a clearing which dipped down in the middle. Joey, who had been walking behind us, walked around in front and stood at the edge of the dip trying to decipher whether or not there was anything in the middle. I leant my head on Wednesday’s shoulder and closed my eyes, waiting for Joey’s verdict - which I was hoping would be to go back, fat chance.

“Hey guy’s I think there’s some kind of building down there,” Joey said, turning back to us I could see his face was alive with anticipation. I sighed at the excitement that was evident in his voice as Wednesday pulled me forward to get a closer look. I don’t know what kind of supernatural vision Joey has, but I couldn’t see a thing down there and I was beginning to get goose bumps from the chilly wind that was getting cooler the longer we walked.

“Let’s go check it out,” said Joey, tugging on my elbow. I looked up at Wednesday who shrugged and resigned myself to my fate; [i[I would have to follow Joey.

The slope was much steeper than any of us had anticipated, Wednesday ended up having to unwrap his arm from around me so we could grab onto rocks and trees for support. It was slippery too from the small rocks that were scattered everywhere and every now and then a blade of grass would run along my bare skin, I regretted dressing up as a zombie Alice in Wonderland.

I was almost at the bottom when I lost my footing and ended up rolling down the rest of the hill, I heard Wednesday and Joey gasp as they hurried to see if I was alright. I landed on a patch of mowed grass face forward and laid there momentarily trying to work out if any part of my body was throbbing in an unnaturally painful way, everything seemed ok.

“Regan are you ok?” I heard Wednesday, I could feel him bend down beside me and rub my back. I groaned and sat up slowly, wiping my face which was covered in dirt.

“Yeah I’m good,” I replied, I caught the sight of Joey standing a few meters off fro m Wednesday staring at something in awe. My insides jolted as I followed his gaze, it landed on what looked to be a mini church. There was a cast iron fence around the perimeter of a two story sandstone abode that had stained glass stained windows and small gargoyles. Above the huge doors which were obviously the entry point to the place was an inscription that I couldn’t read from this distance.

Amongst the awe I was in over the place I felt uneasy, a sense of foreboding washed over me as I stared at the doors, as if my sixth sense was trying to warn me of something.

“Let’s get a closer look,” said Joey more to himself as he headed forwards towards it. Wednesday stood and helped me up before taking my hand and following Joey. My heart rate quickened with every step we took until finally it was thudding painfully in my chest. We came to a stop just in front of the large doors; I stood in between Joey and Wednesday who were craning their necks up to read the inscription.

For my darling daughter Elizabeth Mary III, Rest in Peace.

My eyes widened and I pulled myself closer to Wednesday, oh great so the freaky building in the middle of death valley was a mausoleum. My teeth began to chatter uncontrollably as Joey stepped forward and gently pushed at one of the doors which was surprisingly open. I squeaked and jumped back away from the door, Like hell I was going in there.

“Sweet as! Let’s go explore Miss fancy pants’ tomb,” Joey said with a wicked glint in his eye.

“Joey if you go in there I swear to God I will not follow you,” I told him firmly, and this time I meant it. The last place on earth I would go would be inside a mausoleum, at night, on Halloween; unless of course I was dead, then it really would be the last place I would go anyway. Joey rolled his eyes and let out a sigh “Fine, wait out here then,” he said, turning around he slipped through the door before I could say anymore.

Wednesday and I eyed each other wearily, but Wednesday knew I was serious about not going inside. He let go of my hand and pulled my shaking cold body towards his warm one, I smiled into his chest and wrapped my arms around his waist as he kissed my neck gently.

“You’re freezing,” he whispered, his breath on my neck adding to the extra trembles I was already experiencing; but I didn’t mind these trembles.

“I know, it’s freaking cold and this place is scaring me,” I mumbled back into his shirt. He pulled back from the embrace and took off the long leather jacket he was wearing as part of his ‘vampire slayer’ ensemble and handed it to me.

“Are you sure?” I asked uncertainly, taking it from his hands. He waved his hand carelessly in the air and tugged at the ends of his long T-shirt.

“I have this on so I’ll be alright,” he said, I smiled gratefully and pulled the jacket on which was much thicker than it first looked. I snuggled into it and pulled Wednesday back towards me again. “This is really comfortable,” I mumbled, resting my head against his slowly rising and falling chest I closed my eyes.

“Joey’s Mom gave it to me,” Wednesday replied with a small smile. We stood like that for a few minutes more before Wednesday sighed and pulled back again. “I know you don’t want to go in there but he’s been in there for a while, so if you don’t mind staying here I’ll go get him ok?” Wednesday suggested. I sighed and look back up at the ‘tomb’ as Joey put it; another chill ran down my spine.

“Hurry up,” I told him, he nodded and quickly pecked my lips before disappearing behind the door like Joey had. I folded my arms and hopped between my feet; staring at my surroundings uncomfortably. The mausoleum was in the middle of a perfect circle that had mowed lush green grass, from what I could tell anyway. I bit my lip and looked upwards at the stain glass windows. I was just trying to make out what the stains were of when a wind swept behind me, and it wasn’t the kind that was caused by breeze.
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This is not written very well, it was soemthing I wrote for fun a few years ago and fixed up a bit the other week.

Only two parts, let me know if I should post the next part! =]