Status: Active


There’s a world underneath the smiles and champagne glasses where even angels fear to tread. There’s a world underneath it all where it’s not unusual for a father to agree to the murder of his own son.

There’s a world down there where a secret would be taken to one’s grave

Well, that’s what everyone says.

It’s about time you started believing them.

Brendon Urie is the heir to that world whether he likes it or not, he’s the heir to the old school Underworld but there is a new school of crim, rising from Melbourne’s northern suburbs.

The likes of the Uries came from old blood, back from the dockers and sparkies days of the 1930s, they grew up with, and were taught by Robert Deneiro in the Godfather and had set rules and guidelines to abide by.

These new criminals had no rules, no one was safe, no one knew who to trust no one knew who was going to be blown apart next.

In Melbourne’s underworld, it truly is a survival of the fittest.

Brendon soon learnt that his father's work had more rules than a game of over complicated Euopean Handball. Brendon had suffered many injuries during his short reign as European Handball king of Xavier College but high school sport was never as dangerous as this.

1. Stand by the Cosa Nostra
2. Never look at the wives of friends.
3. Never be seen with cops.
4. The innocent are not to be targets in confrontations.
5. Always being available for Cosa Nostra is a duty - even if your wife's about to give birth.
6. Appointments must absolutely be respected.
7. Wives must be treated with respect.
8. When asked for any information by the Cosa Nostra, the answer must be the truth.
9. The law is ours, we abide by no laws but our own.
10. When dealing with police and undesirables the code of silence is to be employed.