Status: Active


One More Step

Lara wandered into the busy restaurant bumping into several people along the way. Co-ordination was never her strong point, neither was the ability to walk in a straight line. Tonight was her uncle’s birthday so instead of another quiet night in, she found herself at the Lygon Street restaurant.

Spotting, well more like hearing her family shout affectionately at each other from across the restaurant, Lara headed in the direction of the back of the restaurant where her family was seated.

“Anyway,” Gabe laughed hysterically as William smiled beside him “The kid was shit scared and fucking ran so fast that he tripped over his own feet!”

“So by now” William joined in, “This kid is half bashed to death and has fallen out into the middle of the road and then it hit us. Let’s rescue him, and take him to hospital. So we drop the bloke off at the hospital and told him that he could report us, ‘cause we had just save his life!”

The whole table including Brendon roared with laughter and William’s father gave him a proud pat on the back. William, Gabe and to some extent were different to Brendon, Jack and Alex. For starters, they were older than the others, more violent, they said they wouldn’t hesitate to snap one’s neck and, they were more interested in their father’s dealings.

Throughout the day, Brendon had found himself staying in the background with Jack and Alex while William and Gabe got a hands on experience of sweet talking the police. As it turns out, some coppers turned up at the warehouse, William and Gabe were sent outside to successfully talk the police out of coming inside. The cops turned up after a passerby reported seeing the heavily beaten Zack leaving the warehouse. William and Gabe were then sent to teach that passerby a lesson, and let’s just say that they won’t be interfering again.

Brendon could be a prick, he knew that but he didn’t know if he could kill someone with his own hands. He didn’t know if he had it in him.

Then there was Pete. He didn’t say much, he just observed. He was about a year older than Gabe but didn’t hand around with the older boys. He was like Brendon, partner less and no one knew much about him. Pete was quiet, but unlike Brendon, who sat in a stunned shocked silence, Pete acted like he had seen this all before.

After the end of a ‘hard working’ day the men often retired to one of the many city restaurants which littered the city. Tonight it was one of Lygon streets finest.

“In my opinion, the best part about all this to me” Alex smiled as the fathers started their own conversations, “is all the chicks, every chick loves a bad boy, it’s like vegemite and margarine, chicks and bad boys, it’s the way the world works.”

Brendon couldn’t help but find his mind wondering off to the girl he had met two days ago
with the weird green eyes. He bit down on his lip as he felt a jolt of fear surge through him.
He could think- he couldn’t feel like that about a girl.

And of course, that’s the way it goes, Brendon was having dinner in the same restaurant as Lara’s uncle was celebrating his birthday. She smiled simply at Brendon while he half smiled half nodded and in all truth, simply made himself look like an idiot.

“Who was she?” Jack nudged Brendon roughly in the ribs.

“Umm…I don’t know, no one” Brendon said quick, trying to convince himself that she really was nothing. It was stupid to be so effected by this girl, he’s barely even spoken to her. He hated her for making him feel like this.

“You’re a shit liar mate,” Alex laughed “Better work on it.”

Brendon let out a frustrated sigh “I really don’t know, her name’s Lara, she goes to my school but I think she thinks I’m a druggie.”

“Chicks dig stoners” Jack nodded.

“No they don’t” Alex hissed, whacking Jack playfully over the head “Stop selling him shit.”

Lara was sitting next to her closest cousin Louise and across from the over protective brother she never had Davide.

It was nearing the end of the night and she was digging into her Vanilla ice cream, seriously, what kind of Italian restaurant serves ice cream but not gelati?

“He still fucking looking over here” Davide hissed, his eyes focused on Brendon’s figure.

“Dave, please” Lara pleaded “just stop looking at him, and he’ll stop looking at you.”“If he was looking at me I wouldn’t give a shit, he’s looking at you. Why were you smiling to him.”

Lara ran a hand loosely though her long hair “I’ve met him at school, please Dave, just stop, you’re over-reacting.”

“You shouldn’t be leading guys like that on-”

“Dave, I’ve had this talk from Spence, from Dad, please, I don’t want to hear it from you either” she begged though managing not to raise her voice in desperation. “I just want to go home to be honest” she said standing up.

“I’ll walk you out” Davide jumped up from his chair.

Brendon hadn’t said much during dinner, he just watched Lara, he could only see her back but he always found himself glancing in her direction for no real reason at all.

“Bye Lara” All the boys except Brendon called out as she walked towards the exit. Brendon flushed red and buried his face in his hands. She jumped slightly and turned around at the group of strangers.

“Oh…umm…bye” she smiled in her high pitched voice. She bit down on her lip for a few second before a small, shy smile crept onto her face “Bye Brendon.”

A smile also formed on his lips “See you ‘round.”

She turned on her heal with the intention of walking out of the restaurant and walked straight into a pole. Flushing a deep red she continued out of the restaurant, making the effort not to look back.

Brendon’s father smiled from his spot further up the table and gave him the thumbs up. For some reason, he already liked this girl. Brendon on the other hand rolled his eyes, wishing that everyone would stop acting as if he was going to get married to her.
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this story is so close to going on hiatus it's not funny, I just cant get any inspiration, please comment.