Status: Active


In The Record Shop

“I’m gonna leave you here for now okay? I’ll probably be back in about an hour okay?” Brendon’s dad called from the outside of the warehouse. It was another one of Brendon’s days off from school and today, he was alone, well, with Adam Siska and Zack Merrick at his father’s warehouse. Brendon struggled to come to grips with the fact that they were producing drugs in broad daylight and struggled even more to figure out why they hadn’t been caught.

Truth be told, they would’ve been caught by now if there wasn’t a few corrupt cops hiding up in high places.

Brendon found Adam Siska and Zack Merrick a rather weird pair. Upon immediately seeing them, Brendon thought that they were the type of guys who would speak up if they disagreed with something. At first impressions they seemed to Brendon like leaders, like people who dared to be different, people Brendon wanted to be friends with. However, after seeing how truly spineless they were Brendon held little if any respect for them.

Brendon wasn’t settling into mafia life to easily. He was currently sitting on his father’s desk playing online arcade games and checking his facebook every ten minutes. He knew he should hurry up and get started on a Business Management assignment but Brendon’s priorities had always been out of whack.

He wondered down to the warehouse end of the dock where Siska and Merrick working “Why are you loading the eccies into that Ute?” Brendon asked curiously.

“Oh” Siska laughed nervously “Your dad wants us to bring them to a back lot in Brunswick, he stores them there so the cops won’t get sus.”

Brendon nodded “Oh, okay then…uhh…how much longer are you guys going to be?”

Siska bit on his lip for a few seconds “Umm… no more than half an hour.”

Brendon nodded again “just make sure you don’t get caught okay?” he added an element of venom to his voice “We’re not going to be pleased if you even loose one pill okay?”

Siska nodded and returned to loading the Ute.

It took Brendon about twenty minutes to begin and get bored with his assignment. He then attempted to read the paper but that was boring to, eventually, he ended up of facebook again. He was a closet facebook addict.

The warehouse door slammed rather suddenly, signaling the boys’ exit. Just like Brendon’s father had always told him to do Brendon immediately went out into the warehouse and collected the books which detailed all the production of the day. He had to work out the pays, the more ingredients they needed, math was never Brendon’s favourite subject but he was damn good at it, he even took methods in VCE.

Brendon glanced up hurriedly as one of the front windows smashed, with fear running through him he began to walk to the window trying to find what smashed it. Then the next window smashed as did another and another. In a few seconds Brendon realized that he was under fire.

Brendon knew he should’ve run but he was rooted on the spot. More and more bullets began to fly across the room, hitting walls, the machines, hitting everything except Brendon.

Finally, his mind and body began to work together. Brendon began to run as fast as he could, he grabbed the books and began to leave the area. He didn’t know how he was still alive or at least how he still hadn’t been hit. Brendon was almost out of the room when he felt his neck explode.

“Fuck” he cursed his hand flying up to his neck and his hand flew up to his neck where he felt the warm blood. The same feeling of pain soon hit his left arm and he let out another loud scream. Blood was pouring from his arm and the pain was nearly immobilizing. Somehow, Brendon made it to the office. He could still hear the bullets howling through the warehouse as he grabbed his phone of the desk.

By the time his dad answered his phone the shooting had stopped but the pain that was surging throughout Brendon’s whole body was just getting worse.

“Dad” Brendon gasped once his dad answered “I-I’ve been shot.”

“What! Fuck, a-are you alright?” Roberto’s eyes widened.

“I-I’ve been grazed…fuck dad it hurts, I-I’ve been grazed in the neck a-and fuck dad, there’s a hole in my arm.” Brendon now began to freak out “Dad!” he cried “I-I’m calling the ambulance-”

“No” Roberto hissed “They’ll bust us.”

“But dad” Brendon hissed, “I’ve been shot, what d-d dad I’m in so much fucking pain, I think I’m gonna vomit” he tried to keep his voice steady as tear began to drip down his face. He couldn’t wipe them off, he couldn’t move his arm.

“Bren, just wait okay, I’m coming down now.”

“Dad!” Brendon whined “it feels like I’m dying!”

“Have the stopped shooting?”


“I’ll be there in ten okay, and we’ll get you down to the hospital okay, and then we’ll get you out of here for a while.”

Brendon was in hospital for just over a day. He had the bullet removed from his arm, fortunately, it hadn’t hit any major arteries or muscles but he still had to wear his arm in a sling for the next few weeks. In hospital, Brendon was treated like a star, everything he wanted, he got on his command. He wasn’t sure if it was because of the exclusive hospital he was staying in or because of who he was. Either way, he’d be lying if he said he didn’t like being spoilt.

Brendon was then whisked off to Thailand for a week until things died down. He didn’t want to go, but of course, he didn’t have a say. It was for his own safety. Brendon hated missing out on so much uni, well, he told himself that but really, Brendon couldn’t stand the fact that he wasn’t going to see Lara for at least another week.
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