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Two pregos. One House. Kill me now (Completed)

April; like the month

'Hey what do you think about getting an apartment?' Max asked rubbing my stomach, softly one day. I looked at him, and he had a serious face on. I shrugged.

'I would love too, but I really will miss this place, and everyone,' I said. He chuckled.

'What if they were three minutes away?' he grinned. I gave him a confused look.

'What are you talking about?' I asked, getting off his lap. He stood up.

'Well I was thinking,' he began, but the door opened and in walked Shane. I hadn't seen him in a while so I was pretty happy.

'Shane!' I shouted. I ran to him and gave him a big hug. He laughed picking me off the ground and spun us around, once before he set me back down.

'I missed you squirt!' he laughed and gave Max, a bro hug. I wrinkled my nose at the squirt part. Max, kissed my nose and walked out the room.

'How have you and Claire been?' I asked. He smiled.

'Great! We are having a couple arguments hear and there, but nothing make-up sex can't handle,' he simply said. I gaged.

'Shannee!' I whined. 'Too much info!' I snapped. He smiled.

'So you got a little Carmen or Max in there huh?' he asked pointing to my stomach. I looked down at my stomach and smiled.

'Thirteen weeks,' I said. He made an 'o' shape with his mouth and I laughed.

'Stop staring at my stomach, you make me feel self conscous,' I slapped his shoulder and he looked even closer at my stomach.

'Your getting huge!' he shouted. I blushed and kicked his knee. He frowned.

'You know I don't mean it that way,' he pouted. I smiled and gave his hand a squeeze.

'I could tell your happy, you have this glow about you,' he whispered. I raised an eyebrow.

'I glow?' I asked. He laughed.

'Well you are radient Carmen,' he said in a no duh tone. I smiled and blushed. Shane was such a cutie.

I fixed my shirt and stood up.

Shane asked where I was going.

'Labor class, be back later,' I said. The doctor recomended we take classes to help us with the baby. Max, thought we didn't need them but I wanted to follow the steps and do good in raising this child.

'Max, ready!' I yelled. He nodded and led me to his car.

'What was the thing about the apartment Max?' I asked, realizing he didn't finish his sentance.

'Uhm, never mind. We will talk later,' he leaned over the car console and gave me a quick kiss. We arrived at the class and there was a lot of pregnant women. Well obviously, but I mean I have never seen so much pregs in one building.

We took our seats on a mat and waited for everyone to take a seat. A girl looked about sixteen or seventeen took a seat next to us. She had dirty blondish hair, it was really long, but it was tied up in a messy bun. She had blue, greenish eyes. I looked at her expression. It looked like a mixture of anxiety and depression.

I smiled at her and she smiled back.

'What your name?' I asked, while Max, was talking to another one of the guys.

'April,' she mumbled. I nodded.

'As in the month?' I asked, trying to be funny. She smiled and nodded.

'First time?' I asked. She nodded, rubbing her stomach, I could tell she was about three to four months.

'After I told him he took off and never came back,' she whisepered. I nodded.

'Do you want to talk about it?' I asked. She shook her head no. The teacher came in and everybody stopped talking as the class began. She taught us anything and everything about the expreience of being pregnant. She made us do small activites and help us practice, with a fake baby.

After class ended I was just about to leave with Max, when I noticed April was having trouble zipping her bag. I squeezed Max's hand and notioned towards her. He nodded kissing my cheek and went outside.

I grabbed her bag and pulled it hard, zipping it. She looked up and smiled.

'Thank you,' I nodded and I turned to leave when she softly grabbed my shoulder.

'Can we talk?' she asked. I nodded smiling.

Max dropped us off at planet smoothie, I was craving something sweet. April agreed, we sat in the coner booth.

'So how old are you?' I asked. She looked at the ground and mumbled, twenty. I shook my head knowing this was a lie.

'Come on you can trust me,' I whispered, touching her hand. She pulled it back.

'Can I?' she snapped. I pulled my hand back and was about to say something when the waiter came and took our orders.

'Two strawberry banana, smoothies,' I said. I looked over at April and she was staring out the window. When the waiter left, she turned back I could see tears in her eyes.

'Im only sixteen,' she sobbed. I put my hand out and this time she took it in hers.

'My parents, fucking banished me from the family and my friends abandoned me and my boyfriend,' she paused chocking up. I rubbed her hand.

'He is such a dick head. 'No it's okay April, the chances of you getting pregnant is slime to none, I really love you and I want you to feel my love,' she said probably quoting her ex.

'I cried for tens days when I realized I was pregnant,' she sobbed. I nodded, listening.

'When I started to show, I stopped going to school. I didn't tell my mom intil I was really showing. She thought I was gaining weight, but when she saw that I stopped using my pad and tampons, well she just knew,' she looked at me wiping her tears.

Her face, was red, but she was beautiful.

'Im sorry Im putting this all on you,' she mumbled. I shook my head.

'It's okay,'

She sipped her drink and fiddled with her hands.

'When my dad found out, well, lets just say dad was being dad,'Not my little girl, she can't be, she doesn't even know how to have sex' she imitated her dad this time.

She looked at her watch and frowned.

'I have to go,' she whispered. She stood up fairly quickly for a pregnant girl and I stook up too.

'Wait what your full name?' I asked. She grabbed the napkin pulling a pen from her bag, she wrote it down quickly and before I could say by she left.

I was dumbfounded. I took the paper in my hands and smiled when I read her name.

April May Summers.
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new charecter!! I love new charecters. thought you guys desreved another update!

this charecter is brought to you by: uniqueweirdo27. She gave me a great idea and I just started writing from there. And plus thats amkes two new charecters, David and now April.

hmm, things ganna get a little interesting, ya think?


I was reading my comments on this story and I notice alot of you wnat to know what was in the mysterious bag that Max, brought home.

Let me say this. I DON"T EVEN KNOW WHATS IN THE BAG. :] I have to think of something to put IN THE BAG, before I could tell you whats IN THE BAG.


Im taking guesses so comment me if you have an idea and maybe it will spark a few ideas.