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Two pregos. One House. Kill me now (Completed)

Goodbyes...for now

I felt a sharp pain to the side of my stomach, as the baby kicked. I couldn't get any sleep, I was tired but restless at the same time. I am slowly but surely going insane. I couldn't find a comfortable spot on the bed, and I was hot, like sweating hot.

I shifted for the hundredth time tonight and faced Max as he slept soundlessly, with one hand entwined in mines. He looked so cute, with his mouth slightly agape and his light snoring.

I brushed my hands across his cheek and smiled. Until the baby kicked again, and I shifted again, feeling uncomfortable... yet again.

"Babe," Max whispered. I turned back to see his eyes open a little and he was smiling.
"Are you OK?" he asked.

I rolled my eyes and bit my tongue at the response I was going to give him. No I'm not OK, I got a baby growing in me, do I look OK?

I shook my head instead.He chuckled and grabbed me pulling me back into his chest and wrapping an arm, softly around my stomach.

"Is that better?" he whispered into my ear. I shuddered slightly at the feel of his breath of my neck.

"Yes, much better," I smiled and snuggled deeper into his chest.


"Max, honestly you are the same as when you left us aren't you?" Martha said picking up the shirt, Max threw on the floor as he pack.

"Mom, am not, I grew up," Max whined. I smiled.

"Slightly," I said. He looked at me shocked and Martha laughed.

"Ugh, I'm ganna miss you guys," Martha sighed walking to the bathroom.

"Mom we're only on the other side of the country, no biggy," Max joked. I laughed and shook my head. We had to fly back home, because it wasn't to good for me to be flying in my latest tri-mester. I was 6 and a half months pregnant and that wasn't good.

I was so giddy to get this baby out, and see that beautiful face. I was so ready to start my life with my child and Max. But on the other side, I was scared. What if I am a bad mother? What if something happens.

"Carmen," Max said waving his hand in front of my face. I snapped out of my daze and slapped his hand away playfully.

"I love you, but your a little space cadet aren't you," he whispered in my ear wrapped his arms around my waists.

"Max," I whispered as he began kissing my ear.

"What baby?" his husky voice, sent a shock down my spine. I tried to stifle a giggle as he moved down my neck.

"Your mom is in the bathroom," I said, playfully pushing him away.

"God I can't wait till this baby is out," he growled.

I gasped.

"Max! Is that all you want me for? Sex?" I asked. His eyes widen and he began stuttering.

"C-Carmen, no I,"

"I'm joking Max, I love you and can't wait for this baby to get out either," I winked and pulled him in for a quick kiss.


"I will miss you guys, Max you better take care of her," Martha said, giving us a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"Will do mom,"

"I will miss you too," Rick said, giving me a warm hug, and clapped Max on the back, eventually pulling him into a hug.

"We're coming a week before the baby is due, and we will buy a house while we're there. I looked online and I already set a date, to a house I saw," Martha reminded us.

We nodded and the flight attended called for our flight.

"Bye guys I love you both so much," Martha said, wiping her tears. I wiped my tears and gave her another hug.

"You are like a mother to me," I whispered, each word was true.

"You already are my daughter," she whispered back, giving me one last squeeze.

"Bye guys," Max said.

"What are you getting all weepy about Carm, there coming in like two months,"

I rolled my eyes.

"I love you parents,"

We boarded our plan, setting back to New York.

Wonder what we missed over there?
♠ ♠ ♠
yes wonder what did they miss?

mhhh, intresting stuff, happening in the next couple chapters.
one hint:


lol sorry I haven't updated in a whileee, school is sooo busy. ALL HONORS CLASSES is really killling me, so much projects, and reports and essasy. UGH.

how bout you make my day better and comment ?