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Two pregos. One House. Kill me now (Completed)

Soft Cries

Ouch, was too emotionless to describe the pain I was going through. Everything was a blur; I was in Max’s arm one second, and the next, in a wheel chair, being pushed by Doctor Gray, at the hospital. I felt like my stomach was about to explode and I was pretty sure that I made Max aware of that. I knew that Mira was in a different room, also in pain. A bit of sadness hit me because I really wanted her to be here for my birth, and vice versa.

“Max I swear, you stick that penis anywhere near me again, I will have Mira cut them up, like she promised,” I groaned, as a contraction hit me.

“Carmen relax you’re barely 3 centimeters,” Doc G. announced as she finished checking my uterus. I took a deep breath as the pain subsided a little bit.

“How much do I have to be to give birth?” I asked. Max stayed quiet as he held my hand, looking pale.

“About 10 cm,” she said.

I groaned, and not because of the pain.

“10? That means I’m what 7 cm, away? I cannot take this pain and I’m not even giving birth yet,” I whined.

Doctor Grey smiled.

“Carmen, we have drugs to help you, and besides, it will all be worth it once you see your baby,”

As she said that, she left the room, leaving nothing but the beeping monitor that checked my heart and Max, looking as if he has seen a ghost.

“Please say something Max,” I whispered.

He blinked.

“I’m going to be a Dad,” he whispered. I smiled, but he frowned.

“Carmen, I can’t,” he whispered, letting go of my hand.

“What the fuck are you---,” I groaned as a contraction hit me again. This one was short and only lasted a couple seconds, but Max held my hand.

“Babe, what are you talking about?” I asked as I took a deep breath.

His blue eyes looked sad, and that made me sad.

“Carmen, what if I’m not a good father?” he whispered.

“Don’t be silly Maximilian, you are going to be a great father, I know you are,” I grabbed his hand and kissed his knuckles.

He smiled.
Ryan’s POV

I watched as she breathed in and out. I knew she was in pain, but I didn’t hear it from her.

“Ryan?” I heard her whispered. I opened my eyes, to see beautiful honey ones looking at me.

“Is Carmen ok?” she asked. I smiled.

“She is fine, she is 3 centimeters, so she might be having hers, at the same time,” I had gotten a text from Max, explaining everything.

She frowned.

“Really?” she asked. I nodded, I know how much they wanted to be there for each other but, it looks like it’s not going to happen.

“WHERES THE MOTHER TO BE,” Claire’s voice boomed, followed by a shhh from Shane. I smiled and gave Mira a kiss on the forehead, before I went to open up the door for Mira.

“Ah, there she is,” Claire walked over and handed Mira the giant teddy bear and flowers, she bought.

Mira blushed and thanked her for the gifts. She never looked so beautiful, even if she had a hospital gown on and her hair was messy. She was my fiancée, and I love her.

Max’s POV

“I holy smokes, where is she?!” I heard a voice yelled. I laughed and headed to the door. I opened it up to see a bright eyes April, with Aaron at her side.

I couldn’t believe he could walk already.

“Oh, Carmen, I wouldn’t miss this for the world,” she said as she embraced her. Carmen sniffled and gave Aaron a huge hug and kiss.

“How is he?” she asked.

April smiled and gave her son a warm smiled.

“He had his first cold,” Carmen looked scared. “But he is strong, like his mom,” she finished. Carmen laughed and they went on into their little conversations.

7 hours>>> Carmen’s POV

I was sleeping when I felt a little nudge; it was so small that I barely noticed it. I looked at my stomach and took a deep breath, going back to sleep.

I felt it again, this time more powerful, way more powerful.

“Max,” I tried to say, but it came out more in a scream. Max woke up and ran to me.
“Call the Doctor, the baby is coming,” I hissed. I didn’t mean to sound me, but this shit fucking hurt. A LOT.

“Carmen, looks like you are about 10 centimeters,” she said, taking off her gloves, and putting new ones on. Two nurses flanked her sides.

“Wait, so this means,”

“Start pushing,” she finished.

A bubbly feeling came to my stomach and it wasn’t the baby, it was nervousness. How was I supposed to push? Those stupid classes didn’t help much, when it came down to the real thing.

“Ok Carmen, 123, PUSH!”

Mira’s POV

“Ready Mira?” said Doctor Richards, I Iooked at her and nodded, gritting my teeth as I pushed.

“Again,” she yelled.

I held on to Ryan’s hand and did as she told me.

Third person

The soft cries of two new born were heard.
♠ ♠ ♠
one more to go!

comments,& I most definately will finish it today.
but lots of comments ok. COMMENT TWICE IF YOU MUST.
haha just kidding, not but seriously, comments!:)