Dying in the arms of Billie Joe Armstrong

going home / the wedding

Dying in the arms of Billie Joe Armstrong
Chapter – Going home / The Wedding.

On the way back to the house, Mike started to come around, " I cant believe Mike fainted in the police station, everyone was like oh shit, is he dead or alive, is he breathing?, that kinda shit" laughed Billie. "To be honest Billie, I kinda got a fright, i was like oh shiiiit" i said looking out of the window, "do you think we should go to Tre's" i asked Billie still looking out of the window. "erm yeah, i don’t see why not, but do you think we should drop Mike off at My moms, so she can take care of him, until we get back" Billie said to me. "yeaaaah" i said.
"i heard that" Mike said into the back seat. "WAHHHHH" Billie screamed and slammed the brakes, Mike wasn’t strapped in, and he went right into the back of our seats, "HOLY SHIT, MIKE, MIKE SPEAK TO ME, ARE YOU OK" I kept on screaming at him and hitting him to make sure he was alright, "Stop hitting me Carlie it is very sore" Mike mumbled again.

Mike i am so sorry Billie said starting to panic that he had killed his best man for the wedding. "No no I’m fine " Mike said pulling himself back on the seats, "are you sure" Billie said looking in his rear mirror. "Yes" Mike said again......There was a long pause it last for 5 minutes, "I need Coffee" Mike said out of the Blue, "How many cups of coffee do you drink a day" i asked him......"ooooooo, Loads" he said looking at the car roof.

We got to Tre's house and we walked in, "BILLIE OH BILLIE, I WAS SO WORRIED ABOUT YOU" Tre shouted coming down the stairs. "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO CARLIE" i looked at him what on earth was he going on about? was he stoned? i thought to myself. "LA LA LALA LA LA LALA" Tre sang, then it hit me, he saw the ring on my finger. "ah" i said to him. "what you ahh-ing at you should be happy, like meeeeeeeee" Tre said bouncing around the room.

“I am happy, I just don’t want to waste all of my energy by jumping around” I said in between laughs. “Are you going to have kids?” asked Tre Finally sitting on the sofa. Billie and I looked at each other and shrugged, “Oh please tell me you haven’t talked out it” Tre said getting up and going to the fridge. “Are you always hungry Tre?” Asked Billie going over and sitting on the chair. “noooooo, I was going to ask you if you wanted a beer”….”Oh” said Billie like in a wee girls voice. I couldn’t help myself but laugh. “Shut it” Tre and Billie said together laughing.
“can I use your loo” I Asked Tre, “Yeah sure go a head just don’t make a mess, I just cleaned up” he said to me. “Ooooo Tre Cool cleaning”

I walked into the bathroom and thought Wow! This is really clean for once. I sat down on the toilet and looked at my white boxers, the were all red. No this can’t be happening I thought to myself again, I pulled a lot of bog roll of the little handle thing and stuck it all over my white plus slightly red boxers, once I had done that I got up and flushed before walking down the stairs, “Billie can I get the keys to go home and get changed? I asked him “Yeah sure, is everything all right” he asked in a concerned look. “yeah, I just have a tiny problem I said waving my hand in front of my belt. “Ahhh, ok, uhm, I’ll be home in a couple of hours” he said “that’s fine” I said kissing him on the lips and walking out of the door.
I walked and walked until I reached the house, something didn’t seem right it was like way to quite for this street. Where were all the kids? Where are all the cars from the driveways? I kept asking myself. I walked up to the house and unlocked it, I walked in put the keys on the table and went to our bedroom, pulled out a tampon and went to the bathroom I was in no rush until my mobile began to ring, I finished up and ran to my mobile thinking it was Billie, I was wrong! It was my mother. “Hello” I said sarcastically. “Sweetie…Hi, have you heard that your kidnapper got bailed out today” she asked “uh yeah….i was there when he got bailed out because I bailed him out” I said back sitting on my bed. “You stupid stupid stupid child do you know what you have done, god knows what he’ll do next he could rape you” she said in this kind of angry and sad voice, “mom, I have 3 years of my life left, I am very happy being with Billie, why cant you be happy for me and Billie” I said still sitting on my bed being as calm as I could. “Carlie I just want you to be happy”….”But I am happy” I said trying not to squeal into the phone “What has he done” she asked out of her anger tone. “mom he has asked me to Marry him, and I want you to come to the wedding” I said looking down at my ring. There was along pause I thought she had hung up on me. “mom you there” I said down the phone.

“yes, sorry Hun, I’m speechless, I’m really happy for you” she said in between tears. “mom are you alright, I know you and Billie don’t like each other but can you please get along at the wedding it would mean so much to me” said back to her. “Hunny I have some bad news to tell you” she said “no mom I really want you to come to the wedding” I said to her before she could speak. “Carlie, your granddad has died,” she said to me, I dropped my phone onto the ground and burst into tears, I bent down and picked up my phone “how did he…die” I asked her….. “heart attack” her quite voice came back to me. I heard Billie come in the front door. “Hunny! I’m home” he shouted. “was that Billie” asked mom on the end of the phone, “yes mom it was” I said still in shock from hearing my granddad had died.

Billie came up the stairs and into our room, he saw me sitting on the window sill, “Mom I have to go, phone me later” I said to her then hung up. I laid my phone next to me and continued to look out of the window. “Did you phone her? Asked Billie. “No No she phoned me” I replied wiping the tears from my eyes ….”are you alright? Did she upset you? Billie asked concerned, “she phoned to give me some news”….Oh Billie said he walked over and sat next to me, I turned my head and looked at him, my eyes where all red and puffy from were I was crying. “Is everything all right” he asked….”…..No I said to him, “mom has just told me that my granddad has just died, I was gonna ask him to come to the wedding” I said starting to cry. “Shh shh shh” Billie said rocking me back n forth, “I’ve asked mom to come to the wedding to replace Grandad” I said looking down at my feet, “she says she’s happy for us, and she wants to start again2 I said holding Billie’s hand, “but can we trust her, I mean look at what she did to me, she shoved me into prison, I mean that’s pure evil, but if it’s what you want then she can come” Billie said.

“Thank you” I said while jumping onto of him, we fell of the window sill and onto the floor, a loud thump came from where Billie had landed, “oooo ouch!” I said laughing, He rolled me over until he was lying onto of me, I could not believe that in 2 weeks we where getting married and in 4 months I was going on tour with them. Billie leaned in for a kiss, he lift my head so that my lips touched his, I ran my hands up and down his body, he got up picked me up so that we were on the bed, “do you want to this now or when were married” Billie asked, “ Not really bothered “ I replied to him, He laughed and continued to kiss me on my neck, he began biting it. As it became more fun I started to enjoy it more, I rolled him onto his back so that I was now on top of him, he slid his hand up my top “ your hands are cold “ I said in between kisses. Billie’s phone began to ring, “hello” he said with me still on top listening in, “oh hi mom, how are you doing?” he replied back to her, “uh sure I can come round, but it will be in a few hours am a bit busy the now you see” he said again, I sat up and he yelled as I looked down he had a hard on, “whoops” I said as I just bent it back. “yeah mom I’m fine, just caught my finger in the window” he said winking at me. “ ok mom, I’ll see you about 5ish” then he hung up and went back to doing what he was doing. “that really hurt” he said rolling me over until we fell out of the bed again.

I’m so sorry Billie I didn’t realize you had a hard on, I said to him trying to laugh pee myself laughing. “meh don’t worry about it” he said like it had never happened.
“how can you just pretend that it didn’t hurt like really bad” I said undoing his belt, “that’s because Carlie I am a genius” he replied sliding my top of, he moved his hands down to my belt, “how many belts have you got o” Billie said struggling to undo them “here let me help” I said pulling of my belt, I slid of my trouser until I was only left in my bra and underwear, same with Billie but without the bra, Billie walked over to his bed side table and pulled out a packet of condoms, he looked at me and smiled, I smiled back , I didn’t know what I was doing but for some reason I could trust him I said speaking to myself in my brain,

“on…off…want do you prefer” Billie asked me togging at my pants, “to be honest I’m not really bothered” I said back to him “I just want you to fuck me so hard Billie Joe Armstrong” I said in a evil voice, “ah o.k.” Billie said back to me, “in that case your on” he said ripping of my pants and his, before putting the condom on and entering me, he stayed on top of me and started, his groans became louder and louder, “wait! What was that? I said not sure of what I heard “it was properly nothing” Billie replied to me.

He carried on “Billie I’m sure I heard something, like foot steps” I said in a voice that I have never known to do, he stopped and pulled out before wrapping a towel round him and checking it out, as I watched him I heard foot steps again, “did you hear that?” I asked him “yeah” his voice came back from the other end of the room. “hello is anyone there?” he called out. Billie checked the entire house out before coming back to bed and began to fuck me again. “ah Billie ah” I kept screaming I turned my head towards the door to see a face that looked like my brother. I turned my head back to Billie who was sweating badly “your turn” he said rolling onto his back.

Billie turned his head to the door to see no one standing there, he put his hands on my hips, his hands followed the movement of my body, “I’m gonna cum soon” he said rolling me onto my back, “in me?” I asked him still looking at the door “only if you want me to, remember I have it on so you won’t get pregnant” he said looking down and my chest, Billie finally pulled out an flopped onto his back, I pulled the sheets over us, the bottom sheet soaking for where we were sweating, “that was Amazing” Billie said out of breath.
“Well well look who it is” my brother said walking into the room, “wha what who are you?” Billie asked confused “don’t you know me Billie Joe” he asked again, Billie shook his head “why I’m your son, the son you left to die when you wear very young” he said again in a evil voice, “sorry boy you have it wrong I’m not a dad just yet” Billie said looking for his boxers, “Billie don’t listen to him, he’s my brother he’s just trying to get me to leave you and go back home” I said to him, “how did you fine me” I asked him, “I have my ways, you see, I’m not like mom, I don’t just let you do what the fuck you want, so I’m doing her job for you” he said laughing in an evil way, I grabbed the sheet and walked to the bathroom to get changed.

“so Billie, I heard you are getting married to my prat slapper sister” he said to Billie “she’s not a prat nor a Slapper, so I would like you to get out of out house” Billie said “ooo so touchy Billie, what you gonna do slaughter me” he threatened “look if you do not get out of my house, I am gonna call the police” Billie threatened back to him, My brother left the room without a word and went back to were he came from.
“Billie I swear I did not tell him anything I practically hate him” I said while walking over to him, “Its ok, I no you didn’t I’m just trying to figure out who told him” he said to himself,

“ah Billie its 4:45, shouldn’t we head on over to you mothers house” I said sitting next to him. “Carlie you are a star I am so happy that you are gonna be my wife” he said kissing my forehead and grabbing his clothes to change into. I walked out of the room and downstairs his house was so big it was like a maze. “Carlie were are you” I heard Billie call over and over again “I’m downstairs, “ I shouted back from the stairs.
Billie came down the stairs jumping off the third stair “weeeeee” he shouted as he was a two year old again.
We walked out of the house hand in hand, locked the door, and jumped into the car, once we were in the car I turned on the radio and it was “in this moment – Call Me) originally sung by Blonde, I started to sing and do we dance moves, “I didn’t know you where a blonde fan” Billie said laughing away, “it’s not sung by Blonde…. it’s sung by In This Moment” I laughed back, “I hate Blonde”….”Oi, don’t diss” Billie butting in, I put my head down and played around with my hair, until it had fallen over my face, I looked up at and Billie couldn’t stop laughing, “what! What is it?” I kept asking. “Your hair and your face” he said, pulling the mirror thing down so I could look, “OMG!” I blurted in the car,

I started to fuss about my hair being messy, soon after we arrived at Billie’s mom’s house, it was big no wonder, Billie wondered in front of me, “watch your step” Billie said to me but it was too late I fell right over the step and landed on my face, “ooo” Billie said bending down to help be off the ground. “My nose is bleeding, My nose is bleeding” I kept saying to him “it’s ok we will get you cleaned up” he said putting one hand over my shoulder and the other on ready to grab the door handle, “kept you hand over that nose” Billie giggled at me. “oh… I will” I said.
We walked into the house “Mom I’m here” Billie shouted, Billie’s mother cam down the stairs, “oh Billie what happened” she said running up to me and walking me into the kitchen,
“oh, she fell over the step just coming up to the door” Billie said grabbing a hot-ish tea towel for me to put on my nose. “what’s you name” Billie’s mom asked me, “oh, Sorry I’m Carlie” I said pulling the tea towel away from my nose. “mom she’s my fiancé “ Billie said cheerfully “oh Billie I’m so happy for and for your Carlie” she said hugging both of us. “when the wedding?” she asked tears starting to swell in her eyes, “oh mom don’t cry” Billie said hugging her, “Billie Joe I am so happy to be your mother” she said back into his shoulder, “I’ll give u guys a minute” I said and began to walk out of the kitchen I walked into the living room and sat down soon followed by Billie and Olli (his mom) “so. When is the wedding” she asked “uh in 2 weeks, I no its really early planned, but Carlie only has 3 years to live” Billie said trying not to cry.
“oh Carlie I’m really sorry to hear that” she said pulling me into a hug, “sorry but I don’t want to get my blood all over you beautiful white blouse” I said to her, “ah don’t worry about it Billie Joe always used to bleed all over is” she laughed.

We stayed there for ages until Billie said it was time to go. “oh don’t go your welcome to stay the night, Billie its been a while” she said Billie looked at me as in saying do you want to stay “I don’t mind staying Billie” I said to him, “in that case mom well be happy to stay the night” he said smiling at him mom, “I’m just gonna make a quick phone call to Mike and Tre just to let them know that I’m gonna be staying here tonight” he said then walking into the other room. “so Carlie what do you make of my son” she said turning her entire body so that she was facing me.

“I love him to pieces” I said to her it looked like well in my opinion she thought that I was using him “you to look so happy together, it’s the happiest I have ever seen him” she said taking a hold of my hand “did you know Billie Joe is the youngest of 6 children?” she told me “no to be honest I didn’t” I replied back to her in the nicest way I could “ I never had enough time for Billie Joe, maybe that’s why he is always avoiding me, maybe I’m not good enough for him” she said “no Olli you are a good mom, he loves and you love him” I said to her “I don’t know if you no but Billie Joe was very close to his father and sadly he died when he was 10 years old and I know he misses him so much, Andy was a great man, when we had Billie Joe Andy fell in love with Billie Joe, he spent most of the time with him, Andy would be so proud of you two” she said tears running down her face, she wiped them away before Billie entered the room.

“Are you ok” he asked her, “yeah am fine just a little tired, I’m just gonna pop off to bed the now, see you guys in the morning” Olli said before disappearing up the stairs and into her bedroom, “what did she say? Did she tell you about my dad” Billie said sitting down next to me, “yeah she did, I can understand that you were very close to him, and I do not disrespect that what so ever” I said moving closer to him “thank you” Billie said kissing my lips.

Yawn * “I’m so tired” I said snuggling my head into Billie’s chest “me too” Billie said leaning back on the sofa. “what do you think of my mom” Billie asked me turning on the TV. “I think your mom is a very nice person” I said back stealing the remote from him. “Oi I was watching that” he said trying to steal the remote of me again “ Oi shutter is on, it is the best horror film” I said sitting on the remote “fine we’ll watch it” he wined

“ahhhhhhhh” Billie screamed pulling the pillow up to his eyes, “chicken” I said to him pulling the pillow away from him, all the lights where off so it made it even more scary. “ahhhhhhhhhhh” he squealed again “shhhh, your mom might think we are having sex” I giggled to him, “hahaha, yeah BJA calm down a bit you don’t want to get into shit” he said to himself….it sounded like he was going crazy “ Billie Joe what’s all the racket about? Could you please keep it down its 3 in the morning! Are you having sex?” she asked all of a sudden, “nooo Ms Armstrong were not we are just watching a horror film and Mr. Chicken is a big Pussy” I said getting of the sofa and walking towards the stairs. “ahhhhh fuck” Billie screamed again, “don’t worry Ms Armstrong its nearly finished, go back to bed we’ll try and keep the nose down, promise” I said to her

i walked over to Billie and sat on his lap, "oooo is someone getting horny" he asked "mabye" i said getting up to turn the Tv off. I started to walk up the stairs until i felt Billie's hand slap my arse, "ow, that was sore....But Kinky at the same time" i said grinnig and turning around. Billie picked me up and took me up stairs to our bedroom.

He layed me down on the bed and ran to the bathroom, "How long you gonna be" i asked him. There was no reply, i climbed into bed and slowly drifted off. I woke up at 9 in the morning to see no Billie lying next to me, No clothes lying on the ground and no wrinkles in the bed were he'd been lying. I got up and walked over to the bathroom and knocked there was no reply. I waited and waited until i finally walked in to see a Billie passed out of the floor. I ran over to him and checked his airways, he was still breathing, "Billie wake up" i said shaking him like mad, until he groaned. "ow my head, oh Hi Babe" he said trying to sit up then smacking his head of the toilet "Bastard" he said movig himself so he wont hit his head again.
"Oh Billie i was so worried you didnt come to bed last night" i said hugging him. He laughed and pulled himself of off the ground.

"oh shit look at the time" he said looking at his watch and running to get changed. I locked the bathroom door and turned on the shower and jumped in. "BABE I'M AWAY SEE YOU AT 6" Billie screamed through the door. "OK BYE" i shouted back to him. Soon after i jumped out of the shower and walked through to grab my clothes. My phone began to ring and ring, But i was to late to grabb it. It said "mom" i bit my lip, not that i was scared to talk to her but just that ive moved out and we dont get along really well. I phoned her back to her the news i didnt want to hear.

"Carlie......sweety......it's your brother......" she cryed softly into the phone. "mom, i don't give a shit in the world about my brother...he did fuck all" i said back to her. "Carlie this is important" she said into the phone.

"mom why are you crying over Dan, remember what he did to us, remember when he set fire to our last house, remember he kicked Dad out and Dad soon after died" i said to her throwing my hands about as i was speaking. "HE'S DEAD" Mom said into the phone her crying becoming louder. I dropped my phone and hit hug up on her. I grabbed my hoodie n ran down the stairs, "Ms Armstrong... i'm just gonna pop out for a few hours" i said peaking my head around the coner to see her sitting in the kitchen drinking a cup of tea. "o.k." she said not looking up at me. I walke dout of the door and down the street, my hands in my pocket, i soon pulled out my ipod and began to listen to it,

Soon after i ended up the top of the hill looking down onto the city, time went by so fast i didnt see the time.