Status: II changed it round a bit plz reread and ill post more!!! :D


Blue and White

As I was on the bus I saw a rather weird sight. Everyone was staring at me I looked out the window and the sky was getting darker. It scared me. All I wanted was to be home in my own bed and get some sleep. Wake up and pretend this was all just a dream. By the time I was home it was pouring, so I pulled my hood up and ran home. When I barged in the door, my mother was cooking in the kitchen...Mmmm. The smell of moms cooking, make me feel 100 times better.
My mother looked at me with a puzzled look on her face.
“Honey, What are you doing home...What happened to your hair...your eyes...”
I ran to the bathroom.

When I looked in the mirror my refection was not usual. I had blue hair. Not a dark blue but a bright blue. The blue that you would see in cotton candy. Then my eyes, they... were white. A crystal looking white.

I screamed.

I ripped my clothing off and then took a shower. I used a whole shampoo bottle on my hair. I got out dried myself and looked at myself naked in the full length mirror.

I still had blue hair. It was now so long it touched the middle of my back and my eyes were still white. As I continued to look at myself, I realized something. I had marks on my hips. I had what looked to be jagged marks but when I touched the skin it was smooth as silk. But it looked like I had...gills under the skin almost. I was scared, I had never seen something like this happen before. Only in the crazy sci-fi films my mum used to watch.

I pulled on my pink bathrobe and went to my room. My mom called from the kitchen.
“Honey, are you okay?”
“Uh, Yea Mom I’m fine, just didn’t feel well! I’m going to take a nap!”
“Okay Hun, let me know if you need anything.”

I walked over to my closet and put on a pair of all worn jeans and a green t-shirt. I looked over at my Mac Book and decided to see if any of this had ever happened before. It was worth a try. I sat down and opened the pc. I opened up my internet browser and searched: Abnormal growth in hair and sudden change in colour. I only got a few hits. I tried the first one but that was no use. I was an ad for a hair growth product. After going through several more I felt like giving up until I reached the last hit.

It was a link to an old library in Toronto with books on old superstitions. I decided to give it a try. I grabbed my hoodie and my purse. But then I realized I had to cover my hair and eyes. I didn’t care how weird I looked but I grabbed one of Nathans ball caps tucked my hair into it and put a pair of sunglasses on. I opened my window and snuck out on to the roof. It had stopped raining but I didn’t expect it to last long. I climbed down the arbour and ran down the street. I took the 3:00 bus and went to a part of town I didn’t recognize. I got off in front of the library and went in. It looked abandoned until I went to the front desk and saw and elderly woman. I asked her where I could find the book I was looking for. The elder lady looked at me and said.

“So why are you wearing those glasses dear?”
“Well...I...I...need to protect my eyes”
“Mhmm, from what exactly?”
“Well...Umm “
“Could it be from others eyes?”

I turned around looking to see if anybody else was there. When I turned back to the desk the lady was gone. The only thing that was left was a yellow piece of paper that said

5th floor
Stack 14, Section R Code: L25 QB45
Good Luck Dear.

I looked around to see if anyone was there. Still no one. I was a little spooked but I decided to keep going. I went up the spiral staircase till I was at the 5th floor. It looked like no one had been here in decades. There was a door with a giant brass 5 on it. I looked at the handle and grabbed it, pushed and the door swung open. It smelled like old books, dust and strangely peppermint. There was no light in the room and I looked for a switch. I ran my hand along the rough wall until I found a button. I pushed it and the entire room was alight. I continued through it and found section R. There were books of all sorts. They all looked hundreds of years old. They probably were. I looked for any book that really stood out and took it to a table. About 15 minutes later I had nearly 20 books. I sat down and started to look through them. None described what I had just other crazy superstitions. I decided to keep looking. I went back to the stacks and found the one shelf. With only one book, I couldn’t reach so I jumped for it. It was not the best idea because it fell on top of me and knocked the wind out of me. I got up and carried it to the table. I took a deep breath and blew all the dust off of it. It was red, with a clear jewel in the center. I opened the book and gazed in wonder.