Status: II changed it round a bit plz reread and ill post more!!! :D


The Beginning

I woke up and it was dark, I thought I was dead. I couldn’t feel my body. I tried rolling over to my side but screamed in pain. I looked around me and saw blood. How much had I lost? I started to cough, I coughed up blood and couldn’t breathe. Then all I saw was black.

I must have awoke hours later because there was light on the horizon. I tried standing up. I only made it to my hands and knees before the gashes in my sides were howling in pain.

I waited till I was in control, I tried to put the pain out of my mind, I was on my feet. I stumbled then looked around, No one was around, I looked down. There was a huge pool of blood. It made me sick and I looked away. I was so faint I could barely see. I tried taking a step but fell. I was waiting to feel the hard ash fault but didn’t. I was still falling. Then, I hit something hard, cold and wet.

I couldn’t breathe. I had realized I had fallen of the pier. “I’m going to die” I thought. I didn’t even fight the waves. I just sank. I kept my eyes open. All I saw was the brightness of the sky fading. Then I was consumed by darkness. I felt a squeezing around my torso and thought it was me drowning. I closed my eyes and waited for it to end.

I woke to being on a hard rock surface. My head propped up on something soft. When I tried to breathe it has hard. Like something was wrapped around my sides. I opened my eyes. I looked around to see a cave, tiny. It had sculpted walls that could have been made with human hands. It even had indents in the walls that acted like shelves.

I looked to my left and saw just a wall with shelves full of beautiful sea shells. I heard crackling and looked to my right, there was a fire, with a big pot hanging over it. Something bright green was in it. It smelled delicious. I swung my legs over the side of the bug type-thingy I was in, I winced in pain.

Then a woman, popping out of nowhere probably in her early twenties rushed over to me and said
“ Oh dear, you just lie back down. You nearly died. You need some rest!”

“But... I Don’t.... No... Where am I?” I croaked.

“In my house”

“Well where is that”

“Well, It’s sort of a grotto. I sculpted the walls myself. All the furnishings I made myself. I mean, I know no one.”

“What happened to me?”

“You nearly drowned, I saved you.”

“But, How were you so low below the surface?”

“ Ha” She chuckled,
“Well that’s a story for later, you just rest.”


I was asleep before I heard what she was going to say next.