3 Strikes Your Out


I opened my front door and went inside, i placed my bag and coat on the coat hangers under the stairs.

I stopped to listen to see if anyone was in.

Unfortunately for me, my uncle was.

I could hear his snoring from the kitchen, this meant one thing.

He had been drinking.

I looked at the kitchen clock, '15.27' it displayed.

With any luck i could get Polo and go to the park for a while.

Then i heard the noise i had been dreading the 'THUD THUD THUD' of my uncles 19 stone frame moving around upstairs.

Then i heard the noise I was praying I wouldn't hear.

A door creaked open and polo came bolting down the stairs to see me, I loved this dog, he was everything to me, nobody could replace him, he was a 3 year old Siberian Husky with Grey eyes and a pink nose and a little black patch of fur over his left eye, he was perfect, well trained and he seemed to always be there for me no matter what.

I looked up from polo and saw my uncles mammoth frame waddle down the stairs.

“Ah, Shit-face, your back!” he roared with his think Scottish accent

“Yeah I'm home, can I get you anything from the shops? I'm going to take polo for a walk” I replied as polo came trotting in the room with his favorite chew toy (a Jaba-Da-Hut plushie from star wars, kinda ironic I think).

I looked up from polo to see my uncles fist seconds before it made contact with my nose, it made my nose explode with pain and blood, I doubled over in pain with one hand over my face and the other protecting my head.

What have I done wrong? What have I done to deserve this?

Crying, begging, shouting none of this would help me, I braced myself for what was to come.

He continued his brutal attack on my by punching me repeatedly in the chest and face, I couldn't’t breath or see properly, my ears popped so I couldn't’t hear his abuse, but none of this stopped the pain.

Suddenly he stopped.

Dragged me over to the sink and pushed my face into the bowl of water.

This is it, I'm going to die, he’s going to drown me and I'm going to be free of this torture I thought

But then added I should be so lucky.

He yanked me out from the washing up bowl, most of the blood had been washed off now, I could just about see his sick, sadistic smile as he laughed.

He grabbed my hair again and dragged me through the house, I could barely stand, what did he have planned for me now?

He threw me down on the cold hard tiles of the conservatory floor.

Why was I here? What was in here that he could hurt me with?

This I saw it, the pile of clothes, freshly ironed, the ironing board.

“Oi! Shit-face, Look at me!” my uncle Screamed at me.

I lifted my head in time to see him sneer and laugh sadistically.

He grabbed my neck and lifted me off my feet and raised the iron above his head and proceeded to violently hit me over the head and face with it.

He dropped me to the floor and looked out into the house.

He dropped the iron on my face and walked out of the room.

This is the last thing I remember of the week.
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