Status: Progressing, but nowhere near done just yet! <3

Been Here the Whole Time

The Euringers Are Ninjas?!

“Chantal, I’m going to wring your husband’s neck with my bare hands!” I could hear her giggle from down the hall; she knew Jimmy was in trouble, and she liked it. I swear, it’s a good thing they’re married. They wouldn’t be so lucky with anyone else on the planet with the way they’re always so….giggly with each other’s trouble. “I’m completely serious, Euringer.”

I finally made the trek through the hall and found Chantal at the kitchen table, her hand over her mouth and her eyes full of complete mischief. She was giggling through her hand, and I had a horrible feeling that the joke wasn’t over just yet. Because pushing the bathroom door open to have a bucket of ice water fall all over me wasn’t enough. No, the Euringers had to pick on me even more! So I glared at Chantal and backed my way into the kitchen, making sure to stay clear of any doorways. Jimmy had always been a ninja, meaning if I set myself up for his attack, I was doomed.

“Don’t you giggle at me, Chantal!” No matter what I said, she continued to giggle, making me feel even more like I was being trapped.

I could hear the footsteps now; just because Jimmy was a ninja didn’t mean he was particularly graceful. “Kitty! Save me!” I tried calling. Her and Steve were….somewhere unknown at the moment (probably in the basement playing a heated game of table pool) just when I needed them most! I couldn’t seriously fend for myself against Chantal and Jimmy. They’re evil masterminds around each other!

“Poor, little Lyn-z! She’s all alone!” Jimmy was close now; his voice was loud and clear. I glared at the door way to the hall, causing Chantal to also look in that direction from her spot at the table. I was seriously ready to claw Jimmy’s throat out now that my hair was damp, my lipstick and eyeliner were probably running, and my clothes were fucking cold. “Better watch out, Ballato.”

If he touched me again, he was seriously going to be killed. Gerard was coming over later and I already looked like shit as it was. I needed to find a way around Jimmy and upstairs back to the bathroom so I could attempt to dry what I was wearing off and fix my make up before Gerard and that.......thing showed up. Was it too obvious that I just wanted Gerard to come over, and not bring that skank he calls his girlfriend?

"James Euringer, if you so much as take one step closer to me I will make sure you and Chanty over here never have kids." The both of them stopped then, and Jimmy's face fell. He knew I was dead serious, but he also knew that I knew that him and Chantal were trying as hard as they could to have a fucking kid already. And so, because Jimmy knew I was completely serious, he moved so I could get past him.

And I ran, in case he changed his mind. As fast as my feet would carry me, I ran to the upstairs bathroom again, pulling my sweatshirt over my head as I did so. The tank top underneath was still dry, thank god. If worst came to worst, I’d just go down in that instead of in the sweatshirt. My jeans, however, were another story. It looked like I’d pissed myself, and I needed to get that taken care of before Gerard got here. That, and I needed to raid Chantal’s make up case to fix my lip stick.

That took longer than expected. It took me forever to find a hair dryer and attempt to dry my jeans, and then it took me even longer to find a decent color of lip stick. Chantal and I might have some things in common, but we’re not soul twins. But finally, I’d found a stick of just red and slapped it on just in time to hear the door bell go off. My eyes widened in the mirror and suddenly….I looked horrible again. I felt like trash, though there wasn’t a reason for that. It was really just because Gerard was with…it, while I was stuck alone and single with no way to let Gerard know how much I liked him without losing him completely.

This world sucks, you know that?

Sighing, I have up and headed downstairs, throwing my still wet sweater into the bathroom and making a mental note to retrieve it later. There was no turning back now; Gerard was here, and even though it was with him, I would still get a chance to be alone with him. I always did, seeing as it didn't smoke and the both of us did. "Linds, get your ass down here!"

So now Steve was around to save me? How chivalrous of him.

The moment I got a look at the door, that didn't matter anymore. There he was: the man that I was determined to get one day. Gerard Arthur Way, the one man I'd pretty much fallen head over heels for since high school, and the only man I was this head strong about making mine. And even better, it was no where in sight. Maybe, and I was starting to hope this was true, he'd found out what a whore she was and left her. Maybe he'd called to come over and sweep me off my feet-what am I saying?

Gerard wasn't interested in me. At least, I don't see why he would be. I'm nothing special. But there was something in his eye tonight, and there was definitely something in the way he headed right past Jimmy and Steve to me. Maybe there was also something in the way he hugged me hello, or maybe that part was all in my head. But there was definitely something in the way he held on, like he didn’t want to let go of me. This was something new….something I liked a lot.
♠ ♠ ♠
So, this is kinda my first Ger-z ever. I hope you guys liked it, and I'm also hoping this'll get me back into my Fanfic blocks. Lately, I've lost my muse for most of my fics, though I really don't understand why. Let me know what you think!