Status: Progressing, but nowhere near done just yet! <3

Been Here the Whole Time

In A State Of Grace

The roller coaster was over. Or so, it felt that way. Gerard was so much brighter than he had been since Stacey popping up again, and I felt so much more like his girlfriend than his therapist. And with this night-a night when tour was halting and we were being put up in a hotel-was going to be amazingly great. We’d managed to talk some people into rearranging the rooms, and so because of that, Gerard and I got to share a room. While I usually shared a room with Kitty, she was getting her room with Bob, while Ray and Frank shared, Jimmy and Steve shared, and Mikey and Alicia shared. The only bad part about hotels was the thin walls.

“Keep yourselves quiet, please!” Alicia said, pulling her suitcase down from the bunk. I rolled my eyes and kicked my own case closer to me, seeing as I was in Gerard’s arms on the couch. I scoffed and smirked over at Alicia saying, “Like the two of you ever do! Don’t be a hypocrite, Way!” She rolled her eyes back and shook her head, pulling her suitcase off of the mattress and onto the ground. Gerard ran a hand down my arm and sighed, probably just out of the silliness that Alicia and I barked at each other with. Mikey came out of the back of the bus just as the whole thing stopped, and the doors opened. I smiled and stood up, pulling Gerard up with me before I took the handle of my suitcase and nearly ran off the bus.

It wasn’t so much that I wanted to get into the hotel room and strip Gerard to his flesh, it was more that I just didn’t want to have a bunch of people with cameras asking stupid questions to my face. Are you two dating? No, we’re just holding hands because we hate each other with a fiery passion. Lindsey, are you pregnant with Gerard’s Child? Yes, because I only started dating him a few months ago! How smart of me would it be to get pregnant that quickly? Let’s go and ask Stacey-oh, I forgot. Gerard never wants to see her again, pretty much, and I don’t either.

I could hear my friends giggling around me as I pulled Gerard across the sidewalk and into the lobby, stopping once we were safely inside and away from anyone that would point stupidity (which is highly contagious) in my direction. Alicia and Mikey filed in after us and sighed, heading towards the check-in desk while Gerard pulled me to the couch against the far wall. We didn’t have to wait there long before Alicia came over to us, winked, and handed me a key to a room on the third floor. I smirked at her, took the key, and stood up with my suitcase again, then led the way to the room.

The elevator took too long, but I wasn’t really in a hurry. I kind of just wanted to get in bed and rest, but I highly doubted that would be possible. At least, it would be with the way Gerard was staring at me. I wasn’t complaining either way, it was just that he kept giving me once-overs and licking his lips. In all honestly, I liked it. It made me feel…..well, wanted for one. But finally, the elevator opened and we walked out, finding the number on the door that matched the number on our key in almost no time at all.

Slipping the key into the door, I pushed it open and nearly threw my case into the room. Before it could land steadily on the ground, I’d ran and lunged myself at the bed, landing stomach-first on a real mattress for the first time in I couldn’t even remember how long. I heard Gerard chuckle behind me before I felt my body being moved sideways so I was facing the ceiling. Suddenly, my torso was being lifted, but I realized it was just Gerard pulling me towards him. I smiled and let him kiss me, only long enough for me to pull up my legs before I pulled away and took my shoes off.

Moving back on the mattress, I made room for Gerard to climb on and keep me company. He took off his jacket and threw it over onto the other bed in the room, even though the both of us knew that bed was going to go unused. “This isn’t weird for you?” Gerard asked, pushing his own shoes off before heading onto the bed with me. I gave him a face that must have shouted, asking him if he was crazy, then shook my head. I asked, “Why would it?” before Gerard wrapped me in his arms again.

He shrugged and started to kiss my neck, making my toes warm for no apparent reason. “Finally, some actual alone time. I thought we’d never get away from Alicia!” Gee said, holding me so close I could have sworn we were one person for a second there. I giggled as his lips reattached themselves to my neck, and then trailed up to my chin. I then had to turn around in his arms so that our lips could meet, but I was glad I did. His kisses were always so special to me, and they always made me feel wanted. These were no different. My hair, down due to the cool weather rather than me trying to hide, fell around both of our faces before Gerard ran a hand through it. I smiled as my eyes closed and let him kiss me with nothing to hold back.

He pulled away though, and I found myself frowning before I sat in his lap. Gerard smiled and pushed some of my hair away from my face. “I was having fun, you know.” My voice was almost flat, but I couldn’t help but let a smile move its way across my face. Being sly wasn’t something I was good at, but I knew a thing or two about playing sexy-coy. “Why would you ruin that, Mr. Way?” I asked, moving my face closer to his centimeter by centimeter. He ran a finger from the center of my neck to just below my chin before pecking my lips again.

“Because it’s so much more fun watching you, Miss Ballato,” he replied, kissing my lips again. His lips moved again, south this time instead of north, and my eyes closed again. His finger didn’t move from under my chin, but his other hand moved to the front of my shirt. I was wearing a black button-down, quarter-sleeve jacket type deal with my usual skirt and some fishnets, though I hadn’t done so because I’d been planning anything. It was just my usual outfit.

Anyway, Gerard’s hand started with the first button of my shirt, and my hands found their way around his neck. I wanted so badly to push his head back up so he could kiss me, so he would kiss me, but he seemed to be thinking the same thing before I could move my hand. His lips moved back up towards mine, and before I knew it our lips were locked once again. Once the first button on my shirt was done, Gerard didn’t hesitate to “fix”, as I was going to say, the next one. And the next one, which seemed to take much less time than he had taken to undo the first one. I felt some pressure, and realized that Gerard wanted me to lean back. So I did, until I was lying against the mattress with Gee on top of me.

Once all of the buttons from my shirt had been undone, I needed to arch my body so Gerard could push it off. I’d forgotten I wasn’t wearing anything under the shirt, and shivered when the cool air in the room hit my skin. In an attempt to get Gerard back for de-shirting me, I pushed his jacket off, but he didn’t even so much as separate from me. So I pulled back and almost smirked at him, but instead asked, “We can’t wait for later?” After all, we’d only gotten into the room not five minutes ago. Gerard sat up and smirked at me, eyeing me as he held out one hand for me to take.

“If you don’t put that shirt back on, I’m sure I’ll live.” What a perv; ‘least I love that perv! I took his hand and rolled my eyes, letting him pull me back up so that I was sitting again. He wasn’t going to let me go long without a kiss, but I guess I couldn’t exactly complain. Why would I, when I knew that Gerard loved me the way I’d been hoping for a while? But before I could really enjoy much, Gerard pulled back and stood up, leaving me alone on the bed. He walked into the bathroom for a few minutes, and I situated myself on the bed before turning on the television. When he came back, it didn’t take long for us to find each other’s arms.

A while later, Gerard ordered some room service, and when it came I realized just how starving I was. He’d ordered some strawberries and Champagne, and you can pretty much bet it was all gone by the time we were finished. I wasn’t exactly wasted, but the both of us were beyond buzzed, possibly even drunk. Hey, tipsy felt good, and as honest as that was it also sounds a bit…..odd, but whatever. Being in that state, I was entitled to lots of slurpy kisses, things that you just wouldn’t see if the two of us were completely sober. By that time, Gee had pushed the cart of food away from the bed and we’d been lying together for some time. His hands had free roam for the most part, but they didn’t really stray far from around my waist.

Since I was still topless (yeah, Gerard had managed to talk me into staying that way but promising me he wouldn’t let go of me, even for a second), things were moving at a fair pace. Our lips were locked, and my hands held his head close to mine. Somehow, there was music playing, but then again when wasn’t there around all of us? Never, that’s for sure. But then again, maybe the music was all in my head. All I knew was that I loved being where I was, being in the arms of the man that loved me just as much as I loved him. So as I’d said, I let his hands travel, and soon enough I was completely topless. I didn’t exactly care where my bra was though, as it only made me feel closer to Gerard when it wasn’t on me. I then got my turn and slid my hands up his shirt, then pulled it off his body. He was a lot warmer when we weren’t being held apart by clothes.

I moved my arms so I was holding him closer to me than he had been when we were wearing clothing. He sighed and our kiss deepened as his hands moved down and under my skirt. I smiled before I felt my panties being pulled down. Goose bumps raised themselves along my arms and back. I was left in nothing but my skirt, Gerard only in his jeans, and I loved it. Before going for his pants though, I let him touch me. Anywhere he wanted, his hands went, and all of the feelings only made me feel like I was a whole part of him. When he was done exploring, he placed his hands under my skirt but rested them on my hips and pulled me closer to him. I could feel exactly that I needed to in a way that told me he wanted me to take his pants off of him already.

So I have him what he wanted. I let him go from around the neck and moved my hands to unzip his pants, pushing them down once I’d been successful with the zipper. All the while, I was still attached at the lips to Gerard, with absolutely no intentions of letting that change. He pulled me closer again once his jeans had joined my bra and I could feel the same thing as before, only with more detail now. I moaned lightly, and it was followed closely by a moan much louder than mine from Gerard. He moved his lips from mine, and I almost pouted but before I could, he attached his lips to my neck and started nibbling and biting. I moaned again, louder than the last. Quickly, I pushed his boxers off and before I knew it he’d taken my skirt off. My breath halted and I waited. His lips moved up my neck again and attached to my lips where they belonged, and I could tell he was trying to distract me. He didn’t want anything to hurt, though that was a bit inevitable. Then again, it wasn’t like I was a first timer at this, because that would just be very sad for a going-on-thirty year old woman.

I put my arms back around his neck and wrapped my legs around his waist, waiting. We were perfectly positioned, and my waiting was only making me more impatient as every moment passed. At least it felt like moments. Finally, he gave me what I wanted, and it was like the world stopped. Everything around the two of us was completely still, but the love that was flowing off the two of us kept us in motion. And it felt so good, to physically confess the love I’d been holding in for only God knows how long. It felt perfect. Nothing could beat the way I felt, and nothing could bring me down from the euphoric high I was traveling on through the whole experience. No man had ever fulfilled me the way Gerard was then. There was no man on the planet that I wanted to fulfill me half as much as I wanted Gerard do, and he was doing just what I’d wanted for a long time now.

He was loving me.
♠ ♠ ♠
I AM SO SORRY FOR THE LONG WAIT! See, because of this haunted house I was working at on weekends, but schedule got REALLY crazy! <3 But I tried to make this chapter as special as possible, and not just for Lyn-z and Gerard! :D Again, still no comment minimum because of my lack of updates! I love you guys!