Status: Progressing, but nowhere near done just yet! <3

Been Here the Whole Time

Love Is A Battle Field

The only bad thing about being on tour with Gerard was that….well, it followed him everywhere. Besides the coffee area; apparently, good quality coffee for a tour isn’t good enough for her-or maybe she’s just a soda pop kinda whore. Whatever she was, she was annoying mostly. ”Gerard baby,” this and, ”Gerard baby,” that! It was driving me to complete insanity, among other things. Jealousy wouldn’t even start with what I felt for her.

It was a good thing Kitty was always around when she was. Other wise, I probably would have clawed her face out days ago, when she commented on how unoriginal my shoes were. Well, skank, my shoes were patent leather with a sturdy heel that kept me walking even through sets, so I wanna see you walk off a stage in the heels you wear! “Dude, Linz, calm down! You’re going to break the pick if you don’t!”

I looked to my left to see Jimmy and Steve just kind of starring at me, almost in disbelief. The guitar pick in my hand was starting to bend, and I sighed, throwing it behind me. I did need something to grab, something to break, but…well, I’m taking a sign that I was willing to break my last pick as something yelling at me to just shut up and fume. “Stupid fucking whore.” Jimmy’s face turned into a smirk, his hair in every direction making him look like an evil scientist. He knew what I was thinking, and as I stormed across the room to the couch thing in our dressing room, he just followed me with his eyes.

“Dude, don’t get your panties in a bunch over her!” Steve said, taking a seat next to me. Knowing he was right-that she wasn’t worth my time and that I just needed to ignore her and work on getting closer (as close as humanely possible) to Gerard-didn’t help what so ever. It kinda just made me feel like a fool for being so…..overly mad at someone that I obviously hated to begin with. “She’ll be gone eventually. Won’t take Gerard forever to realize she’s not little miss perfect!”

Giving a small, sarcastic huff of a laugh, I rolled my eyes. “I can’t wait until Mikey looses it and just…blows up at him. The kid’s got enough evidence for an entire crime scene investigation!” I said, only hoping I was half right. I knew Mikey hated her as much as I did, and he was starting to grow aggravated at Gerard for keeping her around, but as far as evidence against her, I wasn’t so sure he had any. He just liked to think he did.

Jimmy sighed as his phone rang, and I’m sure Chantal was calling him from across the venue. He walked out of the room, leaving just me and Steve to sit and try not to think of it. He looked at me, smiled, and held his head with a hand that was being propped up by the back of the sofa. I scrunched up my face and backed up a little, as if he was crazy or had some odd disease that I didn’t want. He just laughed a bit before I asked, “What are you so……chipper about?” He just shook his head, his hand following as he did so.

“You’re so crazy about him,” he said simply. I rolled my eyes again, because it wasn’t like I didn’t already know that! “What? Is that not news to you?” Where has Steve been since…..well, since we met My Chem? Has he just been like…completely blind and deaf the whole time?!

“No, it’s not news to me! Steve, I worry about you sometimes.” I stood up and walked out of the room, heading out towards the venue to look for Chantal or Kitty. Anyone that wasn’t as oblivious as Steve. It was nice out, the wind wasn’t blowing too hard, but it was hardly warm enough to walk around without a jacket on until show time. So I walked around with my hands in my pockets and looked out at the landscape, trying to figure out who it was I really wanted to see. Well, that should have been bluntly visible to me, duh!

I didn’t have to look far. There he was, his dark hair hanging around his face as he screwed the mic stand tighter. I smiled and made my way across the room, only to stop dead in my tracks when it came stumbling into the room on her heels that looked like they belonged in a whore house. She didn’t seem to notice me, but she automatically found Gerard standing between the two of us with his micro phone stand. Sadly, my delay kept me from getting to him first.

“Gee! Baby, what’re you doing?” she asked. Stupid stripper. What did it look like he was doing?! I said nothing though; I kept myself silent as Gerard looked up, sighed, and brought her where I wanted to be-into his arms. I had to turn away so I wouldn’t be forced into watching them kiss because that would just be torture if I let myself stay stationary for that. “Oh, hey Lindsey!” she said in her annoying, high pitched squeak. I turned back around just as Gerard did, and a smile as big as Texas spread across his face.

“Linz!” he said happily, almost forgetting it was holding onto him with everything she had. That-the way she was hanging on him, showing me that he was hers and no one else’s-was the only thing keeping him from walking over to me and doing just what I wanted. “What are you doing out here?” he asked. It was reasonable since gates opened in a few hours and I needed to tune my bass, but that didn’t mean I particularly felt good about him asking me why I was around him. I just sighed and shrugged, trying to think of something that would get me away from them together. And then I smiled when I finally came up with an idea.

“I was just looking for Mikey!” Oh, the face that came on it! Priceless; I wish I'd had a camera with me then! She knew what I was thinking, whether Gerard did or not. She knew I knew how Mikey felt about her, and she knew I was going to use that to my advantage as much as I could with her hanging all over Gerard. "Know where he is?"

Gerard's smile only dwindled a bit, as he knew I was friends with not just him. "He should be somewhere near the bus. Al hurt her foot earlier today and Mikey insists on staying right next to her til show time," he said. Just great, he was feeding me reasons to get away! I smiled whole heartedly this time, almost forgetting she was standing defensively now, her arms all over Gerard to tell me that he belonged to her. Haha, not for long, bitch!

"Nice seeing you, Gee!" I said, ignoring her whole presence as I turned around and headed for the buses.
♠ ♠ ♠
YAY! More comments=Happy Paigels!
Anyway, I'm going to start doing that "thisamount of comments gets an update" thing, but I'm going to be nice about it! comment gets everyone an update! <3
Love you guys!