Status: updates will slow because of school, sorry

Bad Girl, Bad Boy...Could Only Mean Trouble

Re-Education Through Labor

Toni was standing by a wall talking to friends, when she felt someone walk up behind her. She turned to see who it was; she met the furious eyes of a guy she didn't't know.

"Where is he?" The guy growled.

"Who? Do I know you?" Toni asked bewildered.

"Your friend Clark. Where is he?" The guy seemed to be getting angrier with every word.

"I don't know where he is. Why?" Toni asked.

"Look, don't play with me bitch! Where the fuck is he?!" The boy pushed Toni back so that she was pinned against the wall.

"Who the HELL do you think you are? I told you, I don't know where he is. Now get your hands off of me."Tony pushed the guy away from her, stepping forward as he stumbled back. "Let's get something straight. I don't know who you are or what you want. You don’t talk to me like that. Or, for that matter, do you touch me. Do it again and I’ll lay your ass out. Got it?"

Tony had gotten up in the guys face while she was talking. He didn't respond and she shoved him out of the way as she headed towards her stuff. She could feel most eyes on her, but she ignored them and turned back towards the guy.

"And my name's Toni, not bitch. You might want to remember that for next time." She turned and walked to class, his eyes on her the entire time.

By the time lunch rolled around, the news had spread that Toni had threatened the guy. She still didn’t even know his name and he was becoming a pain in her ass. She ignored the looks and whispers as she searched for her friends. They had changed where they sat after some drama with a few other girls. She spotted them and started to walk over when someone stepped in her way.

“Can I help you?” She asked, looking up at the person.

“Yeah, actually, you can. You can mind your own business and leave my boyfriend alone. What did he ever do to you? Who do you think you are threatening him?” A girl with bright blond hair asked.

“I had every right to threaten him…almost as much right as I have to threaten you right now.” Toni smiled sweetly at the girl and walked past her.

She could hear the girl fuming behind her, but decided to ignore it and keep walking. She needed to remember that she couldn't’t afford to get into nay more fight this school year. She sat next to her friends and pushed her bag behind her so that she could use it as a pillow. After lying down and closing her eyes, she finally tuned into the conversation that her friends were having.

“So does anyone even know who that guy was?” Her friend Laurie asked.

“I don’t think so…I’ve never seen him before.” Her brother Andrue stated.

“Who was the girl talking to you Toni?” Charley, her best friend, asked.

“I have no clue…although I think she might have been assholes girlfriend.” Toni looked up them and shrugged.

“Makes sense I guess…” Charley muttered.

Her friends went back to talking for a few minutes as Toni dozed off. Suddenly her friends were quite and Andrue was shaking her awake. She opened her eyes to see Asshole and his girl standing over her. She sighed and sat up, blocking the sun so that she could see them. When that didn't’t work, she just laid back again.

“What is it? I was sleeping?” Toni asked lazily.

“Get up.” Asshole growled.

“Why should I?” Toni asked yawning.

“Because he said to.” The girl told her.

Toni looked up at her incredulously before laughing and shutting her eyes again.

“Sorry, I don’t follow orders.”

Suddenly someone had grabbed the arm that was over her eyes and pulled her to her feet. Toni struck out, catching the girl in the face with the back of her hand.

“Hands off bitch.” Toni growled, glaring at both of them.

The girl whimpered and hid behind her boyfriend. Toni straightened up and met his gaze head on.

“What do you want? I still don’t even know who the hell either of you are.” Toni exclaimed.

“I want to know why the hell you were threatening my girlfriend. And you don’t need to know who we are.” The guy explained

“Actually if we keep having these type of run ins, I am going to have to know. And are you both still on that kick were you feel the need to terrorize whoever threatened the other? Jeez…” Toni sighed as she eyed the couple.

The girl stepped out from behind the boy and got up into Toni’s face.

“My names Tiffany and you better remembering bitch.” She spat.

“I thought I already explained the whole bitch thing to your little boy toy there. Did you not get the memo, whore?” Toni shoved Tiffany lightly.

“Hey, didn't’t I see you making out with Jason earlier?” Laurie asked, naming the schools quarter back.

Tiffany blushed and stuttered out her denial. By that time, a crowd had gathered and the guy was not looking too happy. He had started glowering at Toni when she called him a boy toy, but now the look was turned on his girlfriend. He watched her stutter and try to save herself, but she wasn't’t doing a very good job. Toni smirked and backed out of the group, knowing that her job was done.

The rest of her friends were waiting a few feet away. She gathered her stuff and joined them. As they walked away, they heard they guy yelling at Tiffany and then watched Jason walk past them and towards the commotion. Toni, Charley, and Laurie tried to stifle laughter as Andrue looked back over his shoulder.

“I hate girls like her.” He muttered, throwing his arm around Charley.

“And that why you’re dating me.” She stated grinning.

He grinned back at her and leaned in to kiss her, but Toni ruined the moment by covering her eyes and screaming something about her virgin imagination.

“What in the hell does your imagination have to do with anything?!” Charley yelled frustrated.

“Images.” Toni told her, grinning cheekily.

Charley moved as if to hit Toni, but she easily evaded her, only to run into someone. Looking up from the ground where she sat, Toni couldn't’t see who she had hit because of the sun that was behind the person. They reached out a hand and Toni used it to pull herself up. After brushing herself off and making sure nothing in her back was broken, she looked over at the person she had ran into.

Her friends were watching her carefully to see how she would react, not knowing if she would recognize the guy or not. They assumed not because she immediately began apologizing…but suddenly she stopped. The guy had moved closer to her, making it easier for her to see him.

Toni gasped “M..Matt?”
♠ ♠ ♠
yay or nay?

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