Status: updates will slow because of school, sorry

Bad Girl, Bad Boy...Could Only Mean Trouble


“He’s your what?!” Toni exclaimed.

“My younger brother. He lives above shop with me.”Evan explained giving her a weird look.
Charley closed her mouth, which had dropped open, and watched Nathan to see what he would say. He watched Toni, who ignored him and continued to grill Evan on his relation to Nathan.

“Well what the hell? You’re a nice guy and he’s a complete ass…what happened? Did someone drop him on his head?”Toni asked.

“That would only work if I was stupid…so in your case it fits perfectly.” Nathan growled.

“For your information, I was dropped on my head, but I think it was more helpful than damaging.” Toni told him.

Charley giggled and confirmed her story by telling her that they should get that checked out before giving any definite answers there. Toni mock glared at her and looked down at her arm to see where Evan was on the tattoo. Nathan suddenly realized that Evan had called them customers. Turning to Charley, he asked if she had had work done.

“As fun as that sounds, not this time. I was thinking of getting something next time we come in.” She explained

“You two are coming back? What for?”Nathan asked.

“Toni’s going to need to get the color in her sleeve done. I still can’t believe you designed that yourself.” Evan directed the last comment to Toni.

“Designed what? And she’s getting a sleeve? Isn’t that more of a guy thing?” Nathan asked crossing his arms over his chest.

“I designed the tattoo I’m getting, yes I’m getting a sleeve…or rather a half one. And no, sleeves aren’t just guy things.” Toni told him scowling.

“What’s the design?” He asked, suddenly sounding curious.

Evan pointed to the page sitting on the counter while he was re-inking the needle. Nathan walked over and examined the picture. He was able to spot most of the hidden images and then some that he was sure Toni hadn’t intended to put in. When he pointed this out, Toni grinned cheekily at him.

“Of course those are on purpose. The entire image and everything in it was purposeful. I’m surprised you caught those though.” Toni raised and eyebrow at him.

He muttered something about being observant and went back to studying the page. Toni shrugged carefully and turned her attention back to Evan. He was three quarters of the way done with the outline and it was coming out exactly like Toni had hoped it would. She smiled at the work of art now permanently on her arm.

Evan pulled back suddenly and stated that he was done. Toni pulled her arm towards her and twisted it to try and see the under side. She grinned and turned so that she could show it off to Charley. Nathan had disappeared upstairs and she was glad he was no longer in the room. Charley walked over so that she could see better and voiced her admiration quite loudly.

Toni let Evan put something over it, followed by a bandage before following him to the front room and reaching into her bag for her money. After paying, Charley asked to see the book of pre-designs that Evan had sitting behind the counter. While she was looking for something to get next time, Toni stood and talked with Evan.

“Are you really related to that thing up there?” Toni motioned over her shoulder.

“Yeah. I ended up taking care of him when our parents died a couple years ago. He’s useful around the shop. A lot of the work in there is his.”Evan pointed to the book Charley was currently looking at.

“You’re kidding. No way he did these…”Charley muttered looking up at them briefly.

“I’m fully serious. Now, it’s not as good as this girl here, but he’s got talent. And I’m not just saying that cause he’s my brother.” Evan grinned at them.

Toni frowned slightly and pulled the book from Charley after she had chosen what she wanted and was talking to Evan about the details. She flipped through the pages until she came to one that was familiar. She wasn’t sure where she had seen it before, but she definitely remembered it. It was a design of the letter A. Evan came over to see which one she was looking at.

“Oh hey. That’s one of the one’s Nathan designed. He did it for someone specifically, but I can’t remember the guys name…”Evan shrugged and leaned against the counter.

“Hey, that’s the tattoo Andrue has.”Charley commented, looking over Toni’s shoulder.

Of course. Realization dawned on Toni as she remembered where she had seen the tattoo before. Her brother had had it done when he turned eighteen. There was no way Nathan had designed that…no way her brother wouldn’t have told her that he knew Nathan before hand. Pushing her thoughts to the back of her mind, she turned to Charley and asked what tattoo she had settled on.

Charley pulled the book towards her and flipped a few pages back. When she found what she was looking for, she pushed the book toward Toni pointing to a set of winged words. Toni smiled, knowing that he brother would love it and that it suited Charley perfectly.

After a few more details were set straight, Evan surprised Toni with a question.

“Do you have a job?” He asked, putting the book beneath the counter.

“What? Oh no, I don’t. I’ve been looking around though.” Toni said.

“What would you say to working here as an artist?” He asked

Toni was stunned for a minute. “um…really?”

“Yeah. We could always use fresh talent, and you wouldn’t be doing any of the tattooing yet, just drawing the art. What do ya say?” Evan pleaded with her.

“Um…sure…yeah, that’d be awesome.”Toni grinned at him.

“You’re letting that work here?” They all heard a voice exclaim from the direction of the stairs.
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hope you all enjoy...sorry I can't find an image for Toni's tattoo

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