Status: updates will slow because of school, sorry

Bad Girl, Bad Boy...Could Only Mean Trouble


Turning around, Toni scowled at Nathan. Evan walked over to him and started talking to him quietly. Charley looked between Toni and Nathan who, even though Evan was talking to him, was sending Toni death glares. Toni knew that there would probably going to be a fight if they didn’t leave soon, so she turned and started walking to the door.

“I’ll get back to you on the job thing.” She called out to Evan as Charley followed her outside.

Closing the door before he could answer, Toni turned toward her car and climbed into the driver’s seat. They had decided that she would come back in about a month for the color on her tattoo and she had the number for the shop. Charley watched her as they drove down before breaking the silence.

“Why’d we leave so suddenly?”

“I wanted to avoid a fight. I may not like Nathan but his brother is cool and I didn’t want to destroy his shop.” Toni explained watching the passing cars.

“Since when do you avoid a fight? You don’t have something for Evan do you?” Charley asked smirking.

“What?! No, of course not! We just met him today; do you know how much like Tiffany that would make me?” Toni asked totally straight-faced.

“Yeah, ok, I see your point. But seriously, since when do you avoid a fight?” Charley turned toward her.

“Since I didn’t want to destroy Evan shop. I already explained why, quiet making me repeat it.” Toni huffed as she turned into her driveway.

Laughing, Charley jumped out of the car and started screaming for Andrue to come outside. He opened the door and stared at her with a bored look on his face. They must have interrupted his TV show, Toni thought as she walked up to him.

“Let me see.” He asked suddenly getting animated.

“No. Not until you explain why you didn’t tell me that you knew Nathan.” Toni crossed her arms over her chest and stared at him.

“Oh…that. Um…I forgot about him until that day when he came to the house.” He told her sheepishly.

Toni glared at him for a minute before sighing and holding her arm out for him to examine. He leaned in so that he could see better. He pulled back and asked who had done it.

“Evan was the only one we saw… are there other artist?” Charley asked.

“I think. I had mine done by Nathan himself, and saw someone get something done by a girl I don’t know. But they might have been on break or something when you went.” Andrue shrugged.

“Did you know that Evan and Nathan are related?” Toni asked, walking past him and into the kitchen.

“No…well kind of. I found Nathan after school and asked him if he could do a new design for me. When he told me to meet him at his brother’s shop I was confused. He quickly explained that it was the same shop that I got the first tattoo done. That was when I figured it out.” Andrue explained following her.

Nodding, Toni examined the fridge to see if the had anything to eat. Charley called out that Toni would have to fend for herself tonight because Andrue was taking her out.

“I am?” Andrue called back to her confused.

“You are. Now go get ready.” Charley grinned cheekily at him and shoved him up the stairs.

Toni laughed and went in the living room grabbing the remote and changing it to one of the local music channels. She picked up her phone and checked her messages before throwing it on the couch beside her. She had just decided to order a pizza for dinner when she heard Charley walking down the stairs.

Turning so she was looking over the back of the couch, she watched Charley walk over to her.

“You stole my clothes again didn’t you?” Toni groaned as Charley grinned at her.

“Of course! How else would I look this fabulous?” Charley spun around and laughed.

Toni laughed at her as she watched Andrue walk down the stairs in jeans and a button down shirt. He laughed at Charley’s antics and kissed her softly after managing to get her to stop spinning. Charley waved to Toni as they walked out the front door. Toni waited until she heard the car before she picked up her phone and ordered the pizza.

Thirty minutes later, she heard the door bell ring. Getting up, she went and opened it. At first she was looking through her wallet for the money she would need, but when she finally looked up, she looked straight into the face of Matt.

He grinned at her and softly pushed her backwards before walking in and shutting the door. Toni’s breath caught when he turned and locked it. She took the moment of distraction to take off up the stairs. She knew that she wasn’t afraid of him anymore, but the look that he wore and the words Clark had sent her rang through her mind.

She could hear him following her slowly as she ran into her room and shut the door locking it. He stopped outside her door and Toni could hear listening. She backed up until she hit the wall next to her window when she heard him start to pick the lock.

Turning quickly, she raised her window and was about to climb out when she realized that Andrue had already put the screen. She thought about popping it out, but cursed when she heard the door open realizing that she didn’t have time. She turned so that she could see Matt standing in her doorway.

He walked towards her and Toni backed away into the farthest corner of her room. He smiled when she looked around to see if there was anywhere else she could go. He managed to corner her before he said anything to her.

“You knew this day was coming. That first day I saw you in school…that had to be a clue. Or you would have thought that you had gotten it when Clark texted you. But you’re just too soft, you always were. I realized that on the day you fought back, when you ran away, even then you were soft.” Matt told her softly as he raised his fist.

Toni started to cower back like she would of when they were dating, but suddenly something clicked in her mind. Stepping forward, she pushed Matt backwards. He stumbled and fell over something she had left in the floor. She continued to move towards him as she talked.

“It’s got nothing to do with being soft. You made me feel like I deserved everything you ever gave me…and now I realize that you were wrong. If anyone deserved it, it was you. You have some kind of problem with yourself that you feel you need to take out on other people. And I’ve had enough of it. I don’t care what Clark said, you’re not finishing anything here tonight.” Toni stood over him.

Looking up at her, a scowl crossed over Matt’s face for a minute before quickly changing to a smirk.

“That’s what you think.” He sat up, making her move back, before standing and pulling out something from his pocket.

Toni stared at it in shock. She remembered from when they had been dating…he had threatened her with it several times before they broke up and he moved. Matt flicked his wrist so that the blade sprang out and gleamed in the light. Suddenly they both heard a door downstairs open.

“Toni? Are you here?” Someone called out.
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