Status: updates will slow because of school, sorry

Bad Girl, Bad Boy...Could Only Mean Trouble


Toni looked at Matt to see what he would do. Growling, he walked towards the door, opening it quietly to listen and see if the person would come upstairs. When they continued to search the downstairs, Matt shut the door and turned back to Toni. She hadn’t moved from her spot and he smirked at her, flashing the switchblade.

Walking towards her, Matt twisted the blade so that the light danced off of it and onto Toni’s face. Soon he was standing in front of her, dragging the blade gently down the side of her face. Toni stepped to the side to get the blade off her skin. Matt frowned and grabbed her arm, pulling her towards him.

“You don’t get it do you? You’re not getting away this time, there’s no escape for you.” He whispered, dragging the blade across her stomach before stabbing it in suddenly.

Toni gasped and stared out at nothing as pain over took her brain. Matt plunged the knife as deep as it would go, laughing as Toni gasped with each push. When she started to slide down the wall, Matt pulled the knife out again sharply. He turned suddenly, listening to the stairs. Looking over his shoulder at Toni, Matt decided to go see who was down stairs.

Toni heard him leave, and through the haze of pain knew that it was her time to leave to. Opening her eyes, Toni hissed in pain and looked down to the wound she had her hand over. Standing gingerly, she tried to ignore the black spots in her front of her eyes and walk towards the window. She had never shut it and hoped the Matt hadn’t noticed it.

Gasping as she stood in front of it, she silently apologized to Andrue as she pushed on one of the corners. It took three tries, but she finally got the screen out and waited for it to crash to the ground, alerting Matt to what she was doing. Looking behind her, Toni took a deep breath and swung one leg out the window and onto the branch that was her way down.

She was halfway out the window when she heard the struggle. It sounded like it was coming from the stairs. She could hear Matt cursing and someone else stumble. She wanted to yell something about the knife, but realized that they must have seen it by now, if not felt it. Looking back at her feet, she managed to get all the way out the window before her door opened.

She watched as Matt fell backwards onto her floor and someone else follow soon after. She still couldn’t tell who it was, but they looked to be winning the fight. Gasping, she moved as quietly as she could down the tree. She heard Matt yell as she reached out for another branch, but that was all she remembered before everything in front of her went black.


Andrue pulled into the driveway to see ambulances and a car he didn’t recognize surrounding his house. Charley looked at him before jumping out of the car and running to the house. She reached the door just as paramedics came out with Matt on a stretcher. They had already taken Toni to the hospital, but Andrue and Charley didn’t know that.

Andrue grabbed one of the passing paramedics and demanded to know where his sister was. The medic didn’t say anything so Andrue let him go and followed Charley into the house. Nathan sat on the couch with a bandage wrapped around his upper arm and a cop sitting in front of him on the coffee table.

Charley ran over to him and, interrupting the cop, began asking him a million questions. Nathan shushed her and turned back to the cop, asking for a minute. Nodding, the cop stood and walked out of the room. As soon as he was gone, Andrue walked over and took his spot on the coffee table. He pulled Charley away from Nathan, signaling her to be quiet and looked his friend over.

“What happened?” he asked.

“I’m not entirely sure. I was walking past, going to a friend’s house near by, and I saw the light on. I saw that you car was gone but could see lights on, so I figured Toni was home and came to apologize for earlier today.” He said the last part grudgingly before continuing his story.

“I found the door unlocked and didn’t see Toni so I walked in and was looking around when I heard something upstairs. As soon as I started up the stairs though, Matt came barreling down them with a knife headed straight for me. We fought for a little bit, eventually ending up in Toni’s room. I didn’t see her, but the window was open and there was blood on the floor. Matt managed to catch my arm with the knife before I wrestled it away from him. I don’t think I hurt him too bad…just knocked him out. I called the ambulance before looking out the window to see if I could find Toni.”

“Was she ok?” Charley interrupted.

“Um…damn…uh…well, maybe you should go see her for yourself. The medics already took her to the hospital.” Nathan told them rubbing the back of his neck.

Charley got up and ran out to the car, but Andrue stayed behind and stopped Nathan when he went to stand up.

“Please…tell me how she was when you found her.” He asked quietly.

“I found her…she had passed out and fallen out of the tree. I think that one of her legs was broken and…well, before I found them upstairs I think Matt stabbed her. She had a huge wound in her stomach and that was the only thing that made sense.” Nathan sighed.

Andrue clenched his fist, which was still tightly grasped around Nathan’s unhurt arm. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath to keep from doing something stupid. Without another word, he followed Charley out of the house and into the car. Nathan went to find the cop after he heard the engine start and the car pull out of the driveway.

Toni woke up to the sound of a heart monitor and an intense pain coming from her leg and stomach. She looked around her as best she could without sitting up and saw that she was in a hospital room. Memories flashed through her mind and she quickly picked up her arms, looking at the, closely. No, she wasn’t I her because of the same reason as last time…she tried to think of why she might be in the hospital and suddenly memories from the night came flashing back.

She saw quick flashes of Matt fighting the other person, of Matt shutting the front door, of the light flashing off the blade. She tried to think of who would have helped her, but she couldn’t think of a name to go with the face. Suddenly she remembered Matt stabbing her and realized that that must be the sharp pain in her stomach.

Carefully, she sat up as well as she could when Charley and Andrue burst into the room. Toni soon found herself being tackled back against the bed before she cried out in pain and Charley quickly let go. After she had regained her breath, she looked over at her brother and saw that he while he was crying; he had the look of murder in her eyes she had only seen once before.

She hugged Charley back when she hugged her again, gently this time, before reaching out for her brother. Andrue walked over to the bed and sat beside her, quickly engulfing her in a painful hug. Instead of moving so that she was more comfortable, Toni just hugged him as hard as her strength would allow.

“I hope you don’t mind I broke the screen.” She muttered.

Andrue pulled back and stared at her in surprise before he burst out laughing, still crying, and hugged her again. Charley joined in on the hug and Ton realized that all three of them were crying. When they finally pulled back, Andrue immediately asked her what had happened. Taking a deep breath, Toni began to them what she could remember. When she was done, Andrue filled her in on the parts she was missing, the parts that Nathan had told them.

“That was Nathan? What was he doing there? Is he alright?” Toni asked.

“Yeah, he said that he had come to apologize for something that happened earlier today. I don’t think that he was hurt that bad, but Matt caught him on the arm with the knife before he could get it away from him.” Charley explained.

“Andrue? Are you ok?” Toni asked, looking at Andrue and noticing the enraged look in his eyes.

“No. that fucker had better be prepared for what’s coming to him, because he’s not getting out of this with nothing.” Andrue spat.

Toni nodded and lay back on the bed. When Charley asked is she was ok, she explained that laying flat felt better on her stomach than sitting up. Charley nodded and Andrue asked if that was the only thing she had hurt. Toni shrugged and told them that she thought though although her leg hurt enough to rival the pain in her stomach.

Suddenly the door opened and a doctor walked in.

“Oh, hi. I didn’t realize that Toni had visitors…if you like I could come back later?” She asked motioning towards the door.

“No, its ok. Do you think you could tell us anything?” Andrue asked.

“Well, I came to tell Toni that she had broken her leg but the fall from the tree hadn’t done much damage. The stabber missed any vital organs, so there’s nothing to worry about there. You’re just going to have a scar.” The doctor told them looking at her chart.

They all nodded and Andrue asked how long Toni was going to have to stay there.

“She should be able to go home in a day or two…we just need to keep her under surveillance and the stomach wound needs to close up a little before she can move.” The doctor told him.

Nodding Andrue turned back to Toni. She smiled at him and started talking to Charley, asking how they’re date had gone. No one notice the doctor leave and Nathan walk in as they both told her that her priorities were messed, laughing at her as she grinned sheepishly at them.
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ok, please don't hate me.sorry if it's crappy I got stuck after the first sentence of the second paragaph...but I figured it out. I just hope you guys enjoy it.

thanks for reading
