Status: updates will slow because of school, sorry

Bad Girl, Bad Boy...Could Only Mean Trouble

Finding Nemo

Toni was the first to notice Nathan. She waved him over, and when Charley turned to see who she was waving at, she jumped up and immediately began thanking him. Nathan waved the thanks off and looked at his feet with his hands in his pockets. Andrue thanked him as well, and patting him on the shoulder.

Toni smiled and watched the exchange, waiting for Charley and Andrue to stop talking so she could get her piece in as well. When they finally shut up, Toni asked Nathan why he had come.

"I wanted to see how you didn't look that well off when they put you in the ambulance." He explained.

" were there?" Toni thought back to what Charley had told her and tried to remember what she had said about Nathan.

"Yeah. I was the one who found you and stopped Matt." Nathan told her.

"Oh, right. Charley told me that already...sorry, the meds make me forget. Thank you for stopping him, I guess I owe you don't I?" Toni asked thoughtfully.

"You don't owe me anything. I just did what I needed to." Nathan protested.

"No, I owe you something. You probably saved my life. or Andrue's health, depending on how you look at it." Toni smiled at her brother as Charley laughed and he scoffed.

"You shouldn't joke about things like that. You never know what could happen." Andrue folded his arms and pouted as they laughed at him.

Toni coughed and winced a little at the pain in her stomach. Charley looked at her concerned and touched her shoulder gently. Toni smiled at her and looked over at Nathan and Andrue who had started talking quietly.

She wondered at their conversation but didn't say anything about it. Yawning, she turned to Charley and asked her what time it was. Looking at her phone, Charley told her that it was time for them to get home. Not quiet getting the answer she was looking for, Toni just nodded and layed back against the pillows.

Charley walked over to Andrue and started pulling him out the door, even though he was in the middle of a conversation. He protested and tried to keep from falling backwards as he stumbled out the door. Nathan stood and watched them walk out with a bemused look on his face.

"well, we all know who wears the pants in that relationship..."Toni muttered laughing.

Nathan looked at her and nodded before starting to walk out himself. Stopping at the door, he turned and looked at her. He didn't say anything and neither did Toni. When she gave him a weird look, he shook his head and walked out.

Shaking her head, Toni leaned back into the pillows and went to sleep.

~couple days later~

Toni sat on the couch in her living room as she waited for Charley to come back from the kitchen so she cold start the movie. Andrue was still insitent that she take it easy, but Toni ignored him and was up and about as much as she could be. She loved her brother dearly, but his over bearing ways pissed her off and made her want to rebel against them.

Hearing the door bell ring, Toni stood up from the couch and started to walk towards it but Charley beat her to it. Opening the door, Charley saw Laurie standing in the door way. Toni had gone back to sitting on the couch and didn't see who it was.

Calling into the hall for Charley to just let who ever it was in, Toni picked up her phone to see if she had any messages. Seeing that she had none, she looked towards the doorway and saw Laurie standing there looking lost. Grinning, she stood up and walked over to her, engulfing her in a giant hug. Pulling away, she realized that Laurie was crying.

"Whats wrong?" Toni asked concerned.

Laurie shook her head and hugged Toni again, roughly yet gently because of the stitches. Toni led her over to the couch and as soon as she sat down, Laurie burst into apologies about how she had dissapeared after Toni told her about the drugs. She had heard about the accident and felt really bad that she hadn't been there to maybe stop him.

Toni shook her head and told her that it wasn't her fault, that she understood the aversion to her after hearing about the drugs. Luarie hugged her again and then looked up when Charley walked into the room holding a large bowl of popcorn.

"Feel like watching a movie with us?" She asked sitting on Toni's other side.

Laurie laughed and wiped her eyes as Andrue walked downt he stairs. He stopped when he saw Laurie and looked between the three girls to try and figure out what he had missed. Toni looked back at him and smiled, motioning for him to join them on the couch. He shook his head and walked into the kitchen.

Charley yelled something at him while Toni and Laurie yelled. Turning back to the tv, Toni picked up the remote and pushed play. Andrue walked back in during the opening credits and looked at the tv in disbelieve.

"Really? Aren't you tired of this yet?" He asked.

"Hell no! How can you ever get over the awesomeness that is Finding Nemo?" his sister gasped at him and gave him a look saying he was crazy.

He shook his head at her and looked at Charley for support, but she was absorbed in the movie and not paying attention to him. He didn't bother looking at Laurie before sighing and walking back up stairs.

Toni laughed at him and turned back to the movie. After it was done and Charley had finished quoteing Dory, Laurie said that she needed to get back home while Charley went up stairs to find Andrue. Toni walked Laurie to the door, signing 'just keep swimming' under breath and dancing to it the entire way.

Laurie laughed at her and hugged her good bye before calling up the stairs that she was leaving. Charley yelled something inaudible back and they didn't hear a response fron Andrue.

"One can only wonder what they could be doing..." Laurie snickered.

"Ew. Who would ever want to wonder that?" Toni asked with mock disgust.

They both burst out laughing and Luarie waved as she walked out to her car. Toni shut the door and walked back into the living room, picking up her phone as she passed the couch. She went into the garage and pulled the cord that connected to the hanging lightbulb, allowing light to fill the room.

She walked over to the desk the sat on one side and turned on the lamp that sat on a corner. Pulling out the chair, she sat down gently and pulled open the center drawer. Humming to herself, she pulled out somepaper and a pencil. Before she could get started though, she heard Andrue yelling her name and wondering around downstairs.

Calling out to him that she was in the back, she turned back to the desk and pulled the chair in so she was leaning against the desk. She heard the door open, but didn't turn around to see who it was. pickingf up the pencil, Toni started to sketch something out before she felt a hand on her shoulder.

She jumped slightly and looked behind her to see her brother looking at her.

"Hey, whats up?" She asked.

"Just wanted to see what you were feeling all right?" He asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just felt the need to draw... I think maybe it was seeing Laurie and having so much fun that made me want to."Toni said thoughtfully.

"Maybe...well, I was gonna tell you that I'm going out to get dinner and that Charley is staying her. She should still be upstairs, but she'll come down evetually looking for someway to wreck havoc." Andrue explained with a smile.

"Knowing her, I give her five minutes after you leave before she comes in here and tries to get me to join her." Toni laughed.

Andrue laughed and nodded at her, before excusing himself and walking back into the house. Toni heard him pull out of the drive way and a door upstairs open. Looking at he watch, she counted off the minutes before she heard the door open behind her.

Turning in her seat, she saw Charler standing in the doorway with a michevious grin on her face.

"Come on, we've only got like...half and hour before he gets back." She exclaimed as she pulled Toni out of her seat and into the house.
♠ ♠ ♠
could it possibly be...yes it is! an update!! yay!!
holy crap, I'm am so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, SO sorry that it took me this long to update. i don't have any of this planned out so it's all off the top of my head. I hope it's not too crappy...although I may re write this depending on the response I get...

anywhos...thank to all of you who have stuck around and who read this!!!!!


<3 chelsea