Status: updates will slow because of school, sorry

Bad Girl, Bad Boy...Could Only Mean Trouble


Charley stood in the middle of the kitchen surveying her work. The room was totally destroyed. The sink was full of dishes while the stove was still smoking from the fire extinguisher Toni had used to put the fire out with. Nodding, Charley turned to grin at Toni, who had fallen into a chair with her head in her hands.

"You do know that Andrue is going to kill us right?" She asked without looking up.

"Nah, I don't think he will. First he'll have to get over the shock and figure out how to fix all this. Then he'll get to us." Charley told her, skipping over and sitting in the chair in front of her.

Toni looked up when she heard a car pull into the drive way before looking over at Charley, whose grin had only grown bigger. Shaking her head, Toni stood and went to look out the window. Dropping the blinds back to where they were, she walked into the living room and picked up the remote, turning on the tv and acting as if nothing had happened.

Andrue opened the door but didn't get past the doorstep before stopping and looking around suspiciously. He noted Toni in the living room and looked around for Charley. When he didn't see her, he walked in catiously and walked towards the kitchen.

He stopped in the walkthrough and stared openmouthed at the destructive state of his kitchen. Toni could hear Charley giggling and shook her head but staying focused on what she was watching. She heard Andrue walk further into the kitchen and decided not to wait for the explosion she knew was coming. She got up and quickly made her way back into the garage.

She had just sat down when she heard something crash from outside. Wincing, she chose to ignore it and looked at the picture she had been working on before Charley had interrupted her. It was mainly the outline for the bottom part for a tattoo she was thinking of letting Evan use. He had been asking for a design...she guessed that Nathan had given him her number, and he hadn't left her alone since.

She wasn't sure how it was going to turn out, but she was hoping that he would like it. She listened to the sounds coming from the kitchen before picking up her pencil and getting back to work. She was was able to get a few more lines down on the paper before Andrue burst through the door and ran towards her.

"You let her get away with that?!" He yelled.

"Get away with what?" Toni asked innocently.

"What she did to my kitchen! I should hold you soley responsible for that mess..." Andrue muttered.

"You wouldn't!" Toni exclaimed, turning to look at him.

"I so totally would." Andrue stated, crossing his arms.

"You sounded so gay right now...but again, you wouldn't! It wasn't like I could have stopped her! She has a mind of her own and it's unstoppable once she gets started. You should know that best of all." Toni told him.

"You have a point...but you couldn't you have tried to not have her blow up the stove? What was she trying to make anyways?" He asked.

"Finding Nemo cupcakes. She got the recipe off the internet but left them in the oven for too long. I didn't expect that the oven would actually catch fire until she came screaming into the living room and I had to remember where the fire extinguisher was. It was quiet the adventure." Toni said thoughtfully.

"You sound like you actually had fun causing all that destruction." Andrue scowled.

"Well, it was amusing, although I wouldn't say I actually had fun." Toni shrugged.

Andrue looked at her blankly for a minute before shaking his head and walking out, calling for Charley. Toni could hear her come down the stairs and the exchange of soft voices. She waited, knowing that Andrue would call her in a minute to try to get her to help with the clean up.

Hearing her name called, she sighed and made her way back into the house and over to the kitchen. She leaned against the door frame and watched Charley start dishes as she waited for either of them to notice her.

She laughed quietly when Charley threw bubbles from the sink at Andrue, getting his shirt wet in the process. He scowled and went back to inspecting the damage done to the oven. Charley pouted and filled up a bowl with water before sneaking up behind him. She spotted Toni and motioned for her to be quiet.

Toni nodded and watched as her best friend stood over her brother and dumped the bowl over his head. She laughed as he yelped and jumped back, trying to shake water out of his eyes. He looked up at her and frowned before looking over at Charley and smirking.

Her eyes widened as she dropped the bowl, running out of the room as Andrue chased. Toni continued to laugh as she walked into the kitchen and picked up the abandoned bowl.

so much for cleaning up... she thought
♠ ♠ ♠
sorry it's so short...I probably wont be updating much because of school. I have so much going on this year, but I'm trying to make time for my writing. I hope I haven't totally lost all my readers, or dissapointed them too bad.

thanks to all of those still reading and to those who have commented.

much <3 Cheslea