Status: updates will slow because of school, sorry

Bad Girl, Bad Boy...Could Only Mean Trouble

Just a Little Faster

Toni woke early the next morning, not looking forward to school at all. She quickly showered and got dressed. Walking down stairs, she looked around for her brother but didn't see him anywhere. Figuring he wasn't up yet, she walked into the kitchen and started looking for something to eat.

She had just pulled cereal out of the cabinet when she heard her brother come crashing down that stairs.

"Can't you do anything quietly?" She asked as she put a bowl on the sink.

"I prefer not to." Andrue replied as he picked himself up and grabbed her bowl of cereal.

She glared atr him before turning and grabbing another bowl out of the cupboard. She could hear her phone ringing from upstairs, but decided to ignore it, knowing that she would ger whatever message it was when she went back to get all of her stuff. Andrue threw his bowl in the sink and ran back upstiars to finish getting ready.

Toni didn't understand why they had to pick up Charley every morning. She loved her to death, but one of these days she just knew that Andrue was going to kill himself trying to get out of the house on time. Putting her bowl in the sink, she walked back to her room, stopping on the way to check on the progress of her brother.

Sighing when she saw him sprawled on the floor, pants only half on, she turned and walked into her room. She gathered her books, and paper she knew she was going to need this morning and her phone. On her way back down that stairs, she checked her message and saw that it was from Charley, telling them that they didn't need to pick her up that morning.

Toni sighed and yelled at Andrue to slow down, they didn't need to pick Charley up. She could almost hear him go slower as he relaxed, no longer worried about being late. Grabbing his keys off the hook by the door, she walked out to the car and opened that back.

Andrue soon followed and they were able to get in the car and finally make their way to the school.


As soon as they parked, Andrue jumped out and went to find Charley while Toni went about her business. She dropped her books and bag off at her locker and then went to find the one person she really didn't want to talk to.

Spotting him sitting a little but a ways from a group of people, she walked till she was standing in front of him. Pulling the paper out her pocket she threw it at him.

"What the hell is this?" She asked, crossing her arms.

"An apology." Nathan replied without even looking at it.

"So you were eavesdropping on my and my brother?" She asked.

"Uh, it was kind of hard not to heard what was being said." Nathan said, picking up the paper and holding it out to her.

Ignoring it, she asked why he had felt the need to apologize at all.

"Look, if I have to work with you, I just figured that it might need to be in a non hostile environment. It's not like I personally felt the need to make you feel better. It was more the benefit of Evan than anyone else." Nathan stated, standing up.

Toni hadn't realized just how much taller than her he was until just then. Standing directly in front if her, less than a foot away, he was at least half a foot taller. Not wanting to back away, she glared up at him, standing her ground. He stepped forward, forcing her to step back.

Nathan looked down on her and was amazed at how small she was. He had never thought to take it into consideration, but now he wondered what could have happened to her to make her as fierce as she was. He noticed that she wasn't backing up, and didn't seem to intend to. Searching her eyes, noting the steel that seemed to flash behind them, he sighed and turned away from her.

Toni was surprised when Nathan turned from her, showing that he was folding first. That she had not expected. She watched as he picked up his stuff and without another word to her, walked into the school. She stood there until the bell rang and Charley found her, reminding her that they had class.

She slept through first and second period, but was forced to stay awake during third because it was gym. After changing out, she walked into the gym and layed down on the bleachers, hoping whole heartedly for a sub so that she could go back to sleep. She had just closed her eyes when she felt something hit her.

Sitting up from the other side of the bleacher she had been sitting on, she picked up the ball and glared at Tiffany, knowing full well who had thrown it. Standing up, Toni walked down to the floor and went to stand in front of her. She bounced the ball a couple times before picking it up and spinning it in her hand.

"Bet you thought that was funny huh?" She asked Tiffany.

"Oh, it was hilarious." Tiffany smirked.

"You wanna know what I find hilarious?" Toni asked.

"Do you really think anyone really cares?" Tiffany snarled.

"Oh, I think you might...when I break your face." Toni threw the ball so that it hit Tiffany squarley on the nose, easily breaking it.

Tiffany screamed as Toni smiled, backing up. A crowd had formed and several of them gasped when she threw the ball. The teacher hadn't come out yet, but Toni knew that she would need a good lie to get out of this one. Thinking quickly, seeing the teacher walking towards them, she bent so the she looked like she was helping Tiffany.

"Omg, Tiffany are you ok? I'm so sorry, I thought you heard me." Toni gushed.

"What's going on here?" The teacher asked sternly.

"I was bouncing the ball and then threw it to Tiffany. I thought she was looking and would see it coming, but it hit her in the face. I swear it was an accident, I didn't mean to." Toni explained.

"Alright, Toni. I think Tiffany needs to go see the nurse. Any one volunteer?" The teacher asked looking around.

There were a few giggles from the crowd, but someone readily volunteered. The teacher chose someone at random and sent Tiffany to the nurses before starting class. After class, Toni still hadn't seen anything of Tiffany. She found Charley waiting for her outside the locker room and boastfully described what had happened in class.

"Well, sounds like you've had a fun day." Charley laughed.
♠ ♠ ♠
yay, second update withing two days. too bad schools starts again tomorrow, so they're gonna slow down again. I know I'm focusing on this one more, but if you read my other stories, I'll be getting to those soon. [sorry for any grammatical/spelling errors]

thanks for reading, comments?

much <3