Status: updates will slow because of school, sorry

Bad Girl, Bad Boy...Could Only Mean Trouble


Andrue slapped Toni on the back of the head when he saw her at lunch.

"Quit trying to get kick out." He told her sitting on the other side of Charley.

"How'd you find out?" She asked.

"Oh, it's all over the school by now." He stated.

"That's great...lets see who comes around this time." Charley sighed.

Toni laughed and kept back to watching people. Getting bored and not seeing Laurie, she laid back and tried to go to sleep, but something hit her stomach. Looking at it, she saw that it was an apple. Looking around, she saw her brother trying not to laugh and figured that he had thrown it.

Picking it up, Toni tossed it up and down a few times before throwing it at Andrue. When it hit him on the side of the head, Charley started laughing and Toni's eyes got big. Andrue turned to look at her and she quickly stood and took off. She could hear him behind her and knew that it probably wouldn't be good if he caught her.

Not looking where she was going, she ran right into someone. Landing on the ground, she looked behind her to see where Andrue was and then looked forward to see who she had run into. Nathan loomed over her, looking between her and Andrue, who had stopped running and was walking over to them.

"Hey, thanks for getting in her way." Andrue said smiling.

"Crap."Toni muttered, crossing her arms.

"What are you two doing?" Nathan asked.

"I threw an apple and hit him in the side of the head. He's trying to catch me to take his revenge. You got in the way of my escape." Toni pouted.

"You make it sound like I'm trying to cause permanent damage." Andrue laughed.

"For all I know, that could be exactly what your planning to do!" Toni exclaimed, looking up at him.

"I would never. Now how 'bout you get up off the ground. People are starting to stare." Andrue smiled innocently and held out a hand.

"Uh...nuh-uh. I dn't trust you. That smile tells me you have something planned." Toni shook her head and uncrossed her arms.

Andrue laughed and grabbed one of her hands, pulling her up anyways. Toni managed to struggle away from him and ran towards where Charley still sat, Andrue and Nathan walking behind. Toni hid behind Charley and watched the two walk up.

"Don't hide behind me." Charley said, trying to move from infront of Toni.

"Please? He's gonna hurt me." Toni pleaded.

"Really, what could he do to you?" Charley asked.

"Lots of things." Toni assured her, nodding.

Charley laughed and waved to Nathan. Andrue walked behind them and Toni circled around so that Charley stayed in between them.She made a face at him, squeaking when someone grabbed her from behind. She struggled as Andrue laughed and walked over to her.

Nathan held her in place as Andrue began to tickle her. Toni squeaked again and struggled even more. Finally she broke free and tackled Andrue, quickly landing them in one of their many wrestling matches.

"You two are ridiculous." Charley sighed.

"Do they do this often?" Nathan asked.

"Yeah, it's a regular occurence. At least once a week." Charley explained.

"Wow. They get along just a little too well." Nathan said, watching them.

"I know, kinda scary huh?" Charley asked looking at him.

Nathan nodded. Andrue suddenly pulled away from Toni, who fell forward onto her hands. Pushing herself up so that she was on her knees, she rubbed her stomach where the stitches were and turned to look at Andrue.

He motioned behind her and she turned to see a teacher walking in their direction. She sat down fully and started talking to Charley about something random. The teacher looked at them as she passed, but Toni and Andrue made it a point to ignore her.

"What was that all about?" Nathan asked as soon as she was out of earshot.

"Tiffany's mom." Toni told him.

"She works here?" He asked surprised.

"You dated her daughter and didn't know that." Toni looked at him in disbelief.

"I never thought about her parents." He admitted.

"I bet I can you what he was thinking about..."Toni muttered to Charley.

Charley laughed and Andrue slapped the back of Toni's head again. Suddenly the bell to end lunch rang. They all jumped in surprise and quickly gathered their stuff, before heading to class. Toni made a face at her brother when he told her to try not to get kicked out.

Charley laughed at her, but jumped when Toni kicked her in the ass and ran off to hide behind Nathan. He looked at her weird, but she was looking around him to see if Charley had come after her and didn't notice. He looked up at Andrue who was watching them and shrugged.

Andrue watched his sister avoid his girlfriend as they slowly made their way to class. He laughed when Toni tripped after trying to run infront of Nathan. They finally stopped chasing eachother when they reached Charley's class and Toni followed in. Nathan caught up with Andrue because they had the same class together and shrugged again when he gave him a questioning look.
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sorry, I know it seems like it rambles...and it kinda does...but there is a point and you'll see it in the next two chapters or so. Pay attention to whose missing though. sorry it's a filler and probably poorly written haha [and it's kinda short]


mucho <3