Status: updates will slow because of school, sorry

Bad Girl, Bad Boy...Could Only Mean Trouble

All of the above

Toni fell asleep in the car and Laurie glanced at her before changing directions away from her house. She drove out to a house that was near the city limits, pulling into the driveway next to another car. She pulled out her phone and quickly sent a text before opening her door and stepping out.

Toni continued to sleep in the car as Laurie greeted the approaching figure.

"Did everything go as planned?" He asked.

"Easy. Andrue didn't suspet anything and neither did Toni. She fell asleep on the way home, which just made it even easier." Laurie smiled brightly.

"Good work. We need to get her inside before she wakes up. Is she sick?" He asked, walking towards the car.

"Yeah, I think so. But it shouldn't last that long. I think she'll be ready for them in a couple days." Laurie replied.

"Good. They want her as soon as possible."He smiled as he opened the door and picked Toni up.

They both walked toward the house, Laurie opening the door for him before following him down to the basement. She felt slightly bad for Andrue, but not made enough to stop what she was about to start.


Toni woke in a dark room, surprisely comfortable. She sat up and looked around. Her eyes adjusted quickly and she saw that there was a light switch on the other side of the room. She got up and turned on the light to better inspect the room. She didn't recognize it and that unnerved her, but she decided that she wasn't going to let it get to her.

The bed she had been on was a fairly good sized and was more comfortable than it looked. there was a door at the top of a set of stairs, and a dark corner to her left, but other than those few things the room was empty and completely lacking in description. She wondered if Laurie had had to have been so cliche.

The room practicly screamed kidnapped, and while this unnerved Toni, she knew that Laurie wasn't smart enough to know what to do next. Now she just needed to figure out who had helped Laurie come up with the plan in the first place.

Suddenly the door opened. Toni stood and stared at the person walking down before turning and walking to the opposite side of the room, leaning on the wall.

"So, is there a point to Laurie? Are you trying to prove something? Or did somebody else put you up to it?" She asked, coughing slightly.

"You feeling better yet?" Laurie asked, completely ignoring her questions.

"Much, thanks. Now answer my questions." Toni restated.

"Oh, you know, I'm just so sick of you and your little martyr act, so I decided to do something about it. I know some people...they're very interested in you." Laurie said with a sly smile.

"Who helped you come up with this brilliant idea? Because I know you are nowhere smart enough to come up with something like this on your own." Toni raised an eyebrow.

"Oh, you know him...quite well actually." Laurie said with the same smile.

"Really? And when do I get to see him?" Toni asked, pushing away from the wall.

"Hmmm...I think you should wait a little longer. But don't worry, you'll see him soon enough." Laurie smirked before walking out of the room.

"Fucking bitch." Toni muttered.

She walked over to the bed and sat down before laying down and staring blankly at the ceiling. She could hear people moving around upstairs but didn't bother trying to get to the door because she had heard the squeak when Laurie was coming and going.

She sighed and rolled onto her side before falling asleep.

~*~*~a couple days later~*~*~

Toni was sitting on the bed when the door opened for the second time that day. Laurie was the first oneto come down, and Toni knew something was about to happen when the door didn't close behind her. She stood and quickly backed against a wall. She hadn't seen anyone but Laurie for a couple days and she still wasn't any closer to knowing who was going to follow her down those stairs.

She watched as Laurie as smiled, and four other people walked down the stairs. She didn't recognize the first three, but she knew the fourth one fairly well.

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holy crap...that only took me forever and a day. I'm really sorry to all my readers and I'm gonna try to start updating more frequently.


mucho <3