Status: updates will slow because of school, sorry

Bad Girl, Bad Boy...Could Only Mean Trouble

Hidden Places

When he got to Nathan's house, Andrue jumped out of the car almost before he even had it in park. He ran up the front steps and started banging on the door. He stopped to look around, and was just about to start knocking again Nathan yanked the door open, looking pissed. When he saw it was Andrue, his face lost some of the anger but not all of it.

"What do you want?" He asked.

"Have you seen my sister? or Matt and Clark?" Andrue asked breathlessly.

"No, I haven't. I've been wondering where my brother is though...have you seen him?" Nathan asked, now curious.

"No, I haven't. I wonder..." Andrue didn't finish the thought.

"Have you tried calling her?" Nathan asked as he finally motioned for Andrue to come in.

"Tried that. She doesn't have her phone on her. I also tried calling Laurie, who was supposed to take her home, but she's not answering her phone." Andrue sighed.

"hmm...neither was Evan when I tried to call him." Nathan said thoughtfully.

Andrue sat in the living room while Nathan walked into the kitchen and back out with two cups of coffee. He handed one to Andrue and set the other on the table as he sat in and chair and tried to think of where to go next. He knew something was up with his brother, but he didn't see the connection with Laurie, Matt and Clark.

He watched Andrue out of the corner of his eye, and noticed that he looked like shit.He must be really worried Nathan thought. Suddenly the phone rang. Andrue jerked his head up as Nathan jumped up and grabed it off the table in the hallway. He glanced at Andrue before walking out of earshot and answering.

Andrue frowned and stood up, pacing around the room. He tried to piece the pieces together, seeing how Laurie and Evan might fit in. He didn't think that Evan was really in on anything...but he could figure out why he might be missing as well. He also couldn't figure out why Laurie would do something like this, whatever this was, to Toni. They had been friends, never fought, it didn't make any sense.

He looked up again when Nathan walked into the room. He looked more confused than he had before. He set the phone back on the table and sat heavily in the chair he had been sitting in before. Andrue copied him, but continued to watch him to see if he was going to say anything. When he finally looked up at him, Andrue was surprised to see anger flashing in his eyes.

"Clark's behind it." Was all Nathan said.

"Behind what? How do you know?" Andrue asked.

"Toni's disappearance. That was Evan on the phone. He said he had been hanging out with Clark when he spilled the whole plan to him. He was drunk." Nathan explained.

"No offense, but how do we know that Evan is involved?" Andrue asked catiously.

"None taken. I've already thought of that. We don't...and that's our biggest problem right now." Nathan muttered.

"How is that the biggest problem? My sister is missing and that is our biggest problem?" Andrue asked, outraged.

"I didnt mean it like that. it's just, if Evan's involved, then he's the brians behind it all and it'll be even harder to figure out where she is. If it was just Clark, then it wouldn't be that bad." Nathan sighed.

"but if he was in on it. why would he call you?" Andrue questioned.

"Probably to throw us off any suspician of him. I know for sure now that he has his phone, and that makes me wonder why he never answered before when I was trying to call him." Nathan said thoughtfully.

Andrue sighed and dropped his head into his hands. This was too much. Ever since Matt came back to town, things had been going downhill concerning Toni. He had always known that she was a trouble magnet, but this was ridiculous. He tried to think where Evan or Clark might have taken her that someone might not think to look. Suddenly he sat up straight as an idea struck him.

Turning to Nathan he asked, "Does your brother's shop have a basement?"

~*~*~with Toni~*~*~

"Clark? Who are you? Santa, or Santa's helper?" Toni asked sarcasticly.

He looked at her like she had lost her mind. "Neither." He replied shortly.

"So are you misses Claus than?" Toni asked, tilting her head.

He frowned at her and turned to look at Evan who had turned red with embarresment and anger. He shook his head at Clark and Toni guessed that ment he was telling him to just ignore her. She glanced at Laurie, who looked like she was trying to not laugh. She returned her inspection to Evan and Clark who were now talking quietly in a corner. She tried to hear what they were saying, but they were too far away.

"Will you at least tell where I am?" She asked exapserated, interrupting them.

They turned to look at her, before Evan stepped forward to answer her.

"You haven't figured it out yet? You were here just the other day." Evan said smirking.

" mean...your shop?" Toni asked surprised.
♠ ♠ ♠
another chapter! yay! probably crap...but it's another update! let's see if I can keep it up....


mucho <3