Status: updates will slow because of school, sorry

Bad Girl, Bad Boy...Could Only Mean Trouble

"A Guy She Doesn't Even Like"

When she was done, Nathan stared at Toni in disblief. He just couldn't seem to wrap his head around the idea that his brother had kidnapped and threatened her. Well...technically speaking, Laurie had kidnapped her but if Toni was right then Evan was the one behind the whole thing. And he slpet in the same house as him!

Toni waited for Nathan to say something and when he didn't, she stood up and walked toward the door. She figured she could either leave him alone in the room to think or he would leave when she opened the door. She was just reaching out for the door handle when he spoke.

"Are you sure it was my brother? It wasn't just some guy who you mistook for my brother when the drugged you?" Nathan spoke quietly.

"I'm positive. I wasn't out of it enough to mistake someone for your brother. especially not when he was just standing in my room, threatening me." Toni told him angrily.

Nathan sighed. Eh was either going to have to Toni's word on it or talk to his brother....or both. Although he was not looking forward to the latter option. He turned so the he was looking at her and noticed that she had the door open.

"Are you asking me to leave or were you planning to go somewhere?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Both kinda. Figured we could go downstairs...unless you wanna stay up here?" Toni asked hesitantly.

"Whatever your more comfortable with. I would imagine after my brother just threatened you that you would be scared to be n the same room as his younger brother." Nathan said sarcasticly.

"Actually, I don't mind you too much...except when you choose to be an asshole. Maybe it would be better if you just leave if you're gonna be like that. Go find your brother and question him if you don't believe me." Toni glared at him and motioned subtly towards the door.

They stood there and just stared at eachother for a few minutes before Nathan shook his head and sat on the bed. Toni sighed and walked towards him, keeping the door open. She avoided the bed and walked to the other side of the room where her computer desk was.

Without daying anything to him, she turned on teh desk lamb and flicked the power swicth to the machine. She listened to it come to life as she searched for her ipod. She knew that she had left it on the desk, but couldn't see it anywhere.

She heard Nathan humming and knew exactly where her ipod had gone, spinning around in the chair, she saw him laying back on her bed with the headphones in, completely ignoring her as she had ignored him when he had decided to stay in her room. She wasn't sure when he had managed to grab it, but she decided that he needed to quit taking her stuff.

without lettinghim kow what she was doing, she got up from the chair and came around to the side of the bed. She stood over him for a minute, just watching him lay there with his eyes closed and listening to him hum. She tilted her head, wondering if he knew she was there and was just deciding not to do anything because he was curious as to what she was planning.

He seemed to not know she was there, so she took advantage of the fact that he couldn't hear her. Walking into the bathroom, Toni took the cup that she kept by the sink and filled it with water. she wasn't too worried about the head phones he was using because she had a million other pairs. she walked back out and carefully towards the bed.

He still didn't seem to know that she was there, and she was hoping the she could pull this off without him noticing her first. She leaned over the bed, with the cup of water held over him, debating whether she should dump ot or not when he reached out and grabbed her hand. Toni jumped, letting out a shriek and dumping water on him anyways.

He sat up, shaking his head and coughing on the water that had gone up his nose. He stilled had a hole on Toni's wrist, and she stared at him wide eyed. He glared at her and pulled ou the head phones roughly.

"What the hell?" He asked.

"You need to quit stealing my crap." Toni told him, turning her stare into a glare.

"Well why the hell did you not just ask me to give it back?" Nathan demanded.

"You were the one who grabbed me and dumped the water on yourself. I had nothing to do with it." Toni declared.

"You were the one holding the cup over my head because you were planning to dump it on me yourself!" Nathan cried.

"Yeah well, in the end it was you who dumped it. I just happened to holding the cup." Toni tried to pull her arm away, but Nathan has a strong grip.

He glared at her for another minute as she struggled to move away from him. Finally he threw her arm towards her and shook his head again as she fell away from him. Toni quickly became angry and stormed from the room, forgetting that her computer was on and that she was leaving a guy she didn't even like that much alone in her room.
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