Status: updates will slow because of school, sorry

Bad Girl, Bad Boy...Could Only Mean Trouble

Whose Hungry?

Toni sat on the floor just staring at the door for a while before Charlie opened the door and stuck her head into the room. When she saw her just sitting there she walked in and sat beside her.

"What are you doing on the floor?" Charlie asked.

"I'm not sure anymore. Why aren't you downstairs with Andrue?" Toni asked, shifting so that she was facing Chralie.

"He's talking to Nathan. The kid seems to issue." Charlie said.

"What kind of issue?" Toni asked hesitantly.

"I'm not entirely sure. I left to come talk to you before they got to far into it." Charlie shrugged.

"Damn." Toni muttered.

The two girls sat and simple looked at eachother for a few minutes before Toni got up and walked towards the door. Charlie looked at her questioningly before getting up and following her into the hallway. Toni continued down the stairs and into the kitchen before it even occured to Charlie that she might be trying to eavesdrop.

She hurried down the stairs and followed toni into the kitchen. she saw that she was simply sitting at the table, but knew that because the boys were unaware they were in the kitchen, they wouldn't bother to watch the level of their voices or the contents of their conversation. Charlie decided to give them a far chance.

"Have you eaten anything Toni?" She asked loudly, knowing the guys would hear her.

"No, not really." Toni replied glaring at her.

Toni could hear the guys moving around as the conversation they were having stopped. She glared at Charlie, knowing her chance to eavesdropp was ruined. She sighed as she heard them get up and walk towards the kitchen were Charlie was starting to dig through the fridge to find something to eat.

Sighing, Toni stood and went to help her. She grabbed the burgers that Charlie was holding out and set them on the counter before leaning down and grabbing a skillet out of the cupboard. Charlie set a few more things on the counter before turning to Andrue and Nathan who were now sitting at the table.

"How do we want to cook these?" She asked, motioning towards the burgers.

"Grill?" Andrue suggested.

"Then you go set it up and what not." Charlie ordered.

Andrue's head dropped and Toni laughed as he made a face and went to do as he was told. She was avoiding looking at Nathan after what happened in her room. She was still unsure about what his intentions had been and really didn't want to start thinking things that weren't true. She turned toward the stove and turned the burner with the skillet over it on.

Charlie had pulled out a couple onions and tomatoes, and Toni decided to start with those while the skillet was heating up. She could hear Charlie and Nathan talking a few feet away from her but decided to ignore them. She was slicing the onions when she heard her brother yell and mutter a few choice words.

"Charlie, I believe my brother is in need of your assitance...before he blows the house up." Toni said laughing, looking up at Charlie who had her head resting on the table in forfeit.

"When isn't he in need of some assistance?" She muttered as she got up and walked out of the room.

Toni laughed again and dumped some of the onions in the skillet. She turned to grab something else to prepare when she almost ran into Nathan.

"God! You need to quit doing that!" She gasped as she stepped away from him.

"Sorry." Was all he said.

"What are you doing anyways?" Toni asked.

"Decided I should make myself useful." He shrugged as he pulled a bowl down off a shelf and started to make the salal Toni had been about to start.

"Alrighty then..."Toni muttered

They continued to navigate around eachother until Charlie and Andrue walked back into the room, Charlie carrying a plate of hamburgers, Andrue covered in soot. Toni took one look at the pair of them and burst out laughing. Nathan looked over at them and choked back his laughter. Andrue glared at the both of them and Charlie just shook her head. Andrue cleaned himself up as Charlie and Nathan put the rest of the food together.

Toni sat at the table for a few minutes and watched them before getting up and going to her room. She searched around for a few minutes before grabbing her phone and heading back down the stairs. She was about half way down when she heard yelling. She sighed and hurried down the rest of the stairs, wondering what kind of scene would meet her.

It wasn't one she was expecting. In the kitchen stood Nathan, Charlie, Andrue, Evan and Laurie. Laurie and Evan stood on one side while Charlie, Nathan and Andrue stood on the other. Toni stood halfway between both groups and was looking between the two of them in confusion. She wasn't sure what they were talking about but decided to wait and see what she could hear before she was pulled into all of this.

"Who do you think you are, calling me a liar! I saved your sister!" Evan yelled at something Andrue said.

"Yeah, and then you brought her home and threatened her!" Nathan was the one to respond.

"They've got you caught up in this too?" Laurie asked incredilously.

"We don't have him caught up in anything." Charlie stated calmly.

"Like hell you don't. This whore's brainwashed him into thinking his own brother is the bad guy!" Lauire exclaimed, pointing at Toni.

"Wow! Wait a minute, what did you just call me?" Toni asked angrily.

Laurie paused for a minute, looking towards Evan with an "oh, shit" face. Toni watched the exchance and decided to try and end this.

"Neither of you belong in this house and you both need to leave before I call the police and tell them what really happened while I was missing, Evan." Toni threatened, walking towards them and the front door.

Evan growled and stepped towards her. Both Andrue and Nathan stepped between them and wouldn't move until Evan had backed down and walked towards the front door. Laurie followed behind him, looking over her shoulder at Toni the entire time.

"This isn't over bitch...not even close. I'd keep your guard up because your never gonna be safe. Not until I finish what I started." Evan growled before walking out the door.

Toni sighed as the door shut behind Laurie and turned back towards the others.

"We'll talk about this after we eat." She muttered.
♠ ♠ ♠
it's summer so I'm going to updating a lot more than I currently am...hopefully for all of my stories and not just one or two of them. I'm sorry for not having updated sooner, school got way hectic. I hope you enjoy this chapter, it's kinda filler, but I hope to get another one out tomorrow that will actually advance the story. thanks to all the readers that have stuck with me =]

mucho <3