Status: updates will slow because of school, sorry

Bad Girl, Bad Boy...Could Only Mean Trouble

Trouble Walked Through the Door

They made their way into the rink and Toni realized that Charlie had been right. There were a lot of cuties who hung around the rink. She looked around, checking them out and noticing them checking her out as her brother got their skates. Somehow Charlie had convinced him to be some sort of pack mule....she would never understand their relationship.

"Whatcha looking at, friend?" Charlie asked, grinning michieviously.

"Oh, you know very well, just what I'm looing at." Toni laughed, wiggling her eyebrows.

Charlie laughed and high fived her across the space between the benches. Finally Andrue came back and handed out the skates. He sat beside Charlie, which left the space beside Toni empty. Although, it didn't stay empty for long.

Toni eyed the guy sitting next to her catiously. She didn't know him, but he looked sweet enough when he smiled at her. She heard Charlie laugh as her brother choked when she smiled back. The guy stuck his hand out and introduced himself.

"I'm Jason, and your mighty cute." He grinned at her.

"I'm Toni, and your mighty blunt." She told him, mimicking the slight accent he had.

He laughed and shook his head. Toni grinned back. Jason was "dreamy" by Charlie's standards and the fact the he was sitting next to her was a surprise to her, but she decided not to question it. They talked for a bit while she got her skates on, and then he helped her out onto the ice.

Toni knew that Andrue was watching them the entire time and that Charlie was probably laughing at his over protectivness. She let Jason lead her around the ice a couple of times before breaking apart from him and spinning so that she was facing him and skating backwards.

"Ah, you do know what your doing." He exclaimed.

"Well, of course." Toni smiled.

"But, then why would you let me lead you around as if you didn't?" He asked.

"Maybe I just liked you holding my hand." Toni said boldly as she smirked at him.

He grinned back and skated towards her at a faster pace. Toni quickly turned and skated away from him. They were soon involved in a game of tag, which Toni tried to explain to Charlie when she skated past her and quickly hit her arm, yelling "Your it!" before skating away laughing.

Jason continued to chase her, even after she had passed it on to Charlie. Andrue frowned at the pair but didn't say anything, just kept going around the ice with Charlie.

"Does it really bother you that much?" Charlie asked him suddenly.

"What? Oh...Well, yeah. I don't know if I trust him. I mean, we trusted Evan and look what happened there. Besides, you'd think Toni herself would be a little more wary." He explained.

"Well, maybe she is. But did it occur to you that maybe she just wants to have fun? That she doesn't plan for any of this to turn into anything serious?" Charlie asked.

Andrue thought about it for a minute before sighing and nodding. Charlie smiled.

"See, I told you never to question your girlfriend." She patted Andrue's arm that she held onto tightly.

He stuck his tongue out at her before looking around the room trying to spot Toni and Jason. He frowned when he saw that they weren't on the ice. Suddenly his attention was drown to the door by yelling.

"What are you doing with this whore?"

He recognized that voice, and so did Charlie if the look she was giving him meant what he thought it did. Trouble had just walked right through the door. The two quickly skated to the edge of the ice and exited, heading towards the door and the source of the yelling.


Toni had gotten off the ice just a few minutes earlier with Jason and had agreed to go to the snackbar with him. What she hadn't expected was to run into Tiffany at the door, and then to find out that she was apparently seeing in dating him. She looked at him in disbelief before quickly stepping away from him and turning her attention back to the blond who was causing a scene.

"What are you doing?" Tiffany screamed.

"Having a good time. What's it look like I'm doing?" Jason asked defensively.

"It looks like you're cheating! And with this whore, no less." Tiffany gestured off-handedly towards Toni.

"What did you just call me?" Toni asked.

"You heard me. I called you what you are, a whore." tiffany sneered.

"Have you even looked in a mirror lately? Your the epitome of is it just Jason's night of the week, or have you actually been able to stick with one guy for more than an hour?" Toni asked sweetly.

Tiffany gaped at her in shock before she stepped forward and shoved Toni.

"Ya know, I think I've told you before not to touch me bitch." Toni growled at her before punching her in the face.

"Hey, now! That's my girlfriend you just hit!" Jason yelled incredilously.

"Yeah, well, maybe I should punch you too to knock some sense into you." Toni told him as she glared.

By that point Andrue and Charlie had reached the crowd and the shoved their way through until they were in the middle. They quickly observed what was going on. Tiffany was sitting on the floor, holding onto her nose(which Toni had already recently broken once before), and Toni was in what seemed to be some kind of standoff with Jason.

Andrue quickly stepped in between them.

"I think it's time we went home, Toni." He told her quietly.

She glanced at him, looked again at Jason, then scoffed and turned to change into her shoes and return her skates. Andrue turned to Tiffany and told her to get her whore ass home. She shrieked with indignation and hit the floor as if she was throwing a tantrum, but Jason rolled his eyes and picked her up before ushering her out of the room. All the while she was berating him for "cheating" on her with Toni.

Charlie followed Toni over to change her shoes, but she didn't say anything. She knew that Toni was still riled up and it would be a while before she was able to talk civily to anyone. When Andrue came up and tried to ask if she was alright, she snapped at him before standing and returning her skates. She didn't bother to wait for the other two before she walked out to the car.

Toni growled and kicked at the ground next to the car. She pulled out her Ipod and turned it on loud so that she wasn't able to hear anything but the music. That's why when someone touched her shoulder she jumped and spun around and would have hit them in the face with a backhand if they hadn't caught her arm. She looked at her brother, who had a stern look on his face, before ripping her arm out of his hand and climbing into the back seat.

She kept her Ipod up loud the entire ride home....that is, until Charlie reached back and ripped it out of her hands.

"What is your problem?" Toni asked angrily.

"What's yours? You're never this worked up after a confrontation." Andrue asked.

"Nothing. Just reveling in my stupidity at trusting someone cause he was cute." Toni growled as she slouched in the back seat.

"Is that all? Really, that's what has you in such a mood?" Charlie asked incredilously.

"See, I'm even stupider cause I'm getting all worked up about it." Toni stated.

"You can just stop right there. All you're doing now is throwing yourself a pity party, and you don't need it. He was the one who was stupid, and probably deserved the punch in the face more that even Tiffany did." Andrue scowled at her in the rearview mirror.

"Yeah, well, you prevented me from delivering said punch in the face. Maybe then I'd be in a better mood..." Toni muttered.

"Hon, are you ever in a better mood?" Charlie asked.

"Hmmm....I think she only has a good mood and a bad mood. No such thing as a better mood for our dear Toni." Andrue said thoughtfully.

Toni glared at them before sticking her tongue out at them. Who knew having people making fun of her would put her in a better mood?
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-Chelsea <3