Status: updates will slow because of school, sorry

Bad Girl, Bad Boy...Could Only Mean Trouble

What Now?

After he had left that night, Nathan hadn't gone straight home. He headed first to the park where he had originally stolen Toni's Ipod. He wasn't sure why he had done it....maybe to piss her off? He had changed some of her music based off what she already had in there, as well as adding in some that he thought she might like. Why he cared what kind of music she liked, he had no clue.

He sighed in frustration as he sat on one of the swings. He didn't like her much, even though he has just spilled his biggest secret to her. She made him do things that he didn't stealing her Ipod or telling her about his past. He hadn't been surprised much when she hadn't said anything about her own past, he didn't expect her too. He knew she wouldn't open up to him, why would she? And why did he feel hurt that she hadn't?

Growling, he pushed the swing away from him and headed home. He obviously had to talk to his brother about some things.

When he reached the shop, he wasn't surprised to find Laurie there. What did surprise him was what Evan and Laurie were doing. He quickly cleared his throat and averted his gaze. The two pulled away from each other and Evan asked him what he wanted.

"We need to talk about what happened tonight." Nathan told him.

"What about it?" Evan asked.

"What was the point of coming to her house? Why threaten her? I thought you had nothing to do with her disappearence?" Nathan asked, crossing his arms.

"Ugh...are you two seriously going over this again? He wasn't involved Nathan and he didn't threaten her. She's just some stupid girl whose got you brainwashed to believe everything she says. It's obvious she's playing you." Laurie scowled at him.

"Then why did he get so worked up about what she said before the two of you left?" He questioned.

"I didn't get worked up about that. I'm tired of her lies and how everyone believes them." Evan growled.

"Then why did you tell her she wasn't safe until you finished what you started?" Nathan asked him, getting in his face.

"Now, now, lets not start this here." Laurie got inbetween them, putting her hands on their chest and pushing them away from eachother. The look on her face showed that she was worried.

She turned to Evan and started talking to him quietly, gestering wilding at some points, pointing back at Nathan at others. Nathan stood by the stairs and crossed his arms, watching them suspiciously. When Laurie put her hand on Evan's arm, Nathan saw him nod before looking past her and towards him.

"The shop's yours. Your old enough now to run it on your own." Evan told him coldly.

"And where the hell do you think your going?" Nathan asked.

"Me and Laurie are leaving...Going to stay with mom and dad for a while. I don't know when we'll be back, or if we even will be at all." He told him, shoving past him to get to the stairs.

Nathan watched him walked up them without another word, then turned and glared at Laurie.

"Watch it, kid, I'm doing this for the benefit of you and your little girlfriend. He has other plans for her, but I'm taking him out of town. Don't make me change my mind." Laurie warned.

"And what part do you play in all this?" Nathan asked.

"You're friend got my boyfriend thrown in jail. I'm not losing another one to her. I've already lost enough because of her." Laurie spat at him.

"Whatever. Just get my brother and get out of here." Nathan gestured towards the stairs.

Once the two of them had collected their stuff and left, Nathan locked the door and sat in the chair at the front desk. He looked out the window at their retreating tail lights and sighed before dropping his head onto the desk. Now he had to figure out what he was going to do with the shop...


After they had gotten home from dropping Charlie off, Toni wondered up into her room while Andrue stayed downstairs to try and clean up a little. She collapsed onto her bed, cuddling into her pilows with thoughts of sleep. Those thoughts were interrupted by the vibrations of her phone, signaling a new text message.

hey, do you still want a job at the tattoo shop? - N

Toni stared at the text in surprise. She had totally forgotten about that. But why was Nathan asking? Did he really think that she would want to be anywhere around Evan after everything that had happened?


He won't be around...he left town with Laurie.-N

Now Toni was truly surprised. He had left town with Laurie? What the hell? Why? She started to ask Nathan and then decided that she really didn't care. She contemplated not texting him back and just going to sleep, but didn't feel like being totally rude and told him that she would get back to him tomorrow.

After that was taken care of, she laid back down with the intentions of sleeping. This time it was her brother who ruined those intentions.

"Hey, I need to talk to you." He stated as he sat on her bed.

"What?" Toni groaned as she sat up and looked at him.

"Sorry, I just really wanted to talk to you about today at the rink before you went to bed." Andrue said with a shrug.

Toni sighed and motioned for him to continue.

"First of all, You're not stupid. Maybe a little slow at times....but not stupid. You just need to be careful who you trust and don't judge on looks alone." Andrue started.

"Ugh, Andrue, are you going to tell me anything that I already don't know? And what do you mean I'm slow?" She cried indignantly.

He laughed. "Alright, not as slow as I thought. But I just want you to be careful, if anything else were to happen to you.." Andrue stopped talking and cleared his throat.

oh, here we go Toni thought. She hugged her brother as he tried not to cry. She never thought that she would be the one to comfort him after everything, but she didn't have a problem with it. She preferred not to cry, but if it was someone else, then fine, she could deal. He laughed suddenly and pushed her away from him.

Wiping his eyes, he stuck his tongue out at her and she rolled her eyes, grumbling something about people being ungrateful. Andrue heard her and quickly tackled her into a headlock. This got them started on a wrestling match on her bed. It ended though when they both fell off the bed. They sat apart, just laughing together before Andrue stood and told her goodnight, ruffling her hair.

Turning off the lights after her brother shut the door, Toni jumped back onto her bed and gladly welcomed the sleep she had been waiting for.
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-Chelsea <3