Status: updates will slow because of school, sorry

Bad Girl, Bad Boy...Could Only Mean Trouble

Girls Day Out

The next morning Toni woke to the obnoxious sound of Charlie singing in her ear. With a groan, she through her arms out randomly in an attempt to shut her up. When that didn't work, she opened her eyes to see where her friend was. She looked around and saw her sitting in the computer chair, still singing. no wonder I couldn't hit her... Toni thought.

Charlie shouted something about it being a good morning and Toni just grunted in response. She sat up and slowly made her way into the bathroom to shower as Charlie made her way out of the room, still singing. Toni rolled her eyes and felt sorry for her brother, who she knew Charlie was going to visit next. Starting the shower, she let it heat up before stepping in.

After she was done and dressed, she made her way downstairs, still able to hear Charlie singing.

"Don't you ever shut up?" She yawned.

"Hmmm...nope, not really. Why?" Charlie asked her cheerfully.

"It's too early to listen to you." Toni replied.

Andrue walked down the stairs looking as if he'd been up for hours...and Toni would bet that he had. She had no clue how either of them could be so....awake this early in the morning. She sat at the table and put her head down on it, planning to go back to sleep.

"You mean to honestly tell me that your shower didn't wake you up?" Charlie asked.

"Nope. I'm exhausted." Toni told her, yawning again.

"Are you sure you aren't sick again?" Andrue asked, reaching for her forehead.

"Touch me and I'll bite you. I'm fine." Toni mumbled.

Charlie laughed as Andrue snatched his hand back quickly. Toni slept on the table as the two of them made breakfast. After they finished, Charlie woke Toni and they ate silently. They were all trying to figure out how they were going to spend the rest of the week. Because of everything that had happened, the school had given everyone the rest of the week off in hopes that it wouldn't cause too much distraction when they came back. They still had a few days off.

Toni watched Andrue and Charlie argue over something, giggling at the looks of exasperation Charlie sent her way. Suddenly Charlie turned to her, totally ignoring whatever Andrue had been saying.

"You and I are going shopping today." She declared.

"Ugh, do we have to?" Toni whined.

Andrue laughed at her reaction. He knew what Charlie was like in the mall. She felt the need to go into every store, touch everything, and then walk out without buying a single thing. Toni normally enjoyed the havoc it caused, but felt too tired today.

"Yes, we have to. You need to get out of the house and I need to get away from your brother." Charlie stated.

"And why would you want to do that?" Andrue asked, faking hurt.

"Because you question me. And this is what happens when you question me." Charlie told him sticking out her tongue.

Toni laughed at her brother's shocked expression. She knew that he hadn't been expecting the answer and he seemed to be choking on whatever response he had been about to give her. With a sweet smile, Charlie stood and grabbed Toni's arm, pulling her up and dragging her towards the front door.

"We'll be back later hon. Try not to choke and die while your sitting there." Charlie called out sweetly.

They both head Andrue scoff at them. Toni could mentally see him crossing his arms and mumbling about why in the world he was in a relationship with such a demanding girl. She looked at Charlie to see how she would react, but she continued walking towards the car, whistling and dancing with herself. Shaking her head at her friend, Toni got into the front seat just as Charlie started the car.

Once they were at the mall, Toni realized that she had left her phone at home and that she still needed to text Nathan back on whether or not she still wanted a job. She shrugged it off and told herself that she would take care of it later once she got home. The first place Charlie pulled her into was a hair salon. When Toni looked at her confused, Charlie just grinned at her mischeiviously.

"You need a haircut...and maybe some new color. And I just need a whole new look in general."Charlie stated.

"But, I like the color of my hair. Yeah, I could probably get a trim, but I'm not changing the color. What are you going to change about yours?" Toni asked.

"Fine, keep the color. But you are cutting it. I haven't decided yet...what do you think Andrue would like?" Charlie asked, flipping through a book.

"Who cares what Andrue likes?" Toni told her. "Just get something you like."

"You never did care waht guys thought of you..."Charlie muttered.

"Why should I? They don't control me." Toni crossed her arms, but the affect was ruined when she yawned again.

Charlie just shook her head and kept looking through the book. When it was Toni's turn, she decided to keep the same style and color, but she told the woman to cut it to just below her collar bone. it wasn't much different, just quiet a bit shorter than she had had it cut before.

When the lady was done and Toni could see it in the mirror she decided that she liked it. Her natural curls came out a little more in waves now that it was shorter and it actually looked good on her. She knew that it would make Charlie happy. She stood up and paid the lady before sitting down and waiting for Charlie to get done.

Charlie walked towards her and Toni smiled. Her friend had gotten new highlights, mult-colored, and it was shorter than before. She nodded when Charlie looked towards her in approval. After she had paid, they both left the salon and decided which store to cause havoc in first.

A couple hours later, after getting kicked out of JC Penny for playing hide and seek, and getting into an argument with an employee in zumies because he accused them of stealing, Charlie decided that it was time to go back to the house. As they were walking out, Toni ran into someone, causing them to drop their phone and her to drop her bags.

Looking up, she saw Nathan standing in front of her. He frowned and mumbled a sorry, before picking up his phone and her bags. She nodded her thanks and started to walk away, but he stopped her.

"Have you thought at all about that job offer?" he asked.

"Yeah, kinda. I'm still not sure though. Is he really not going to be around?" She asked with narrowed eyes.

"You think I hate you enough to put in the same room as him? Just forget it." Nathan said rolling his eyes.

"No, wait! I...I'll take it. I need some way to help my brother pay the hospital bills..." Toni trailed off at the end.

"Fine. I'll contact you with when you can start." Nathan said curtly before walking away.

Toni watched him walk away with narrowed eyes, before turning to look at Charlie who was standing at the car calling her name. When she reached the car, she ignored Charlie's questions asking what that had been about. She stared out the window silently the entire way home.

why had it hurt when he accused me of hating him? she wondered.
♠ ♠ ♠
filler again


-Chelsea <3