Status: updates will slow because of school, sorry

Bad Girl, Bad Boy...Could Only Mean Trouble

Give It Up

Somehow Clark had managed to sneak away from his grandparents to drive down and meet her. He stayed long enough to give her what she had asked for and left just as quickly. Finally Toni made it home and into her room without her brother noticing…or so she hoped. She heard him knock on her door before she actually realized what was happening. He walked in and opened his mouth to say something before freezing.

“Are you…are you high?” He asked incredulously.

“I…uh…no?” Toni stumbled over her words and it came out as more of a question than she had hoped it would.

She could barely keep her thoughts straight and the room was spinning. She was seeing Andrue in multiples and he walked towards her. She cringed away from him but he grabbed her face and made her look at him. He studied her eyes and then let go of her in disgust. He stormed out of her room without another word.

Reaching up, Toni realized that she was crying. Walking into her bathroom, she pulled another bag out of her pocket. Shutting the door and locking it behind her, she sat on the edge the tub and stared at the contents of the bag. Clark had refused to give her anything more than what he had brought, so he had given her this instead.

Glaring at the razor in frustration. This was something she had been trying to get away from and here Clark was pushing her towards it. Pulling it out, she examined it closely. It was your standard razor but she noticed that initials had been etched into the side. Looking closely, she almost dropped it. She hadn’t realized that he had kept her old blade for her…did he really think that she couldn’t stay away?

Putting the blade back into the bag, Toni pushed it to the back of one of the drawers. Walking out after splashing water on her face, she collapsed on her bed and grabbed her phone. Quickly scrolling through her contacts, she found her brother. She knew that he wouldn’t talk to her in person and decided to text him and see if he would answer.

Andrue…I’m sorry. Please forgive me, or at least here me out. Please. –T

She didn’t wait for a response before curling up beneath her covers and falling asleep. Waking up the next morning was not something Toni was looking forward to, put she did it anyways. She looked at her phone and saw that indeed Andrue had responded to her. She opened the message hopefully.


Shutting the phone harshly, she got up and walked into her bathroom to take a shower. After she was done, she was rummaging through her drawers looking for a hair tie when she felt the bag. Pausing for a second, she thought about how the old habit had felt, about how Andrue would react if he ever found out. Then she remembered that Andrue wasn’t talking to her and pulled the bag out. Opening it quickly and shutting the door, she slid down the wall so that she sat in front of the door.

Gripping the blade in two fingers she pressed the blade gently against her skin. She gasped when it cut through. Clark must have sharpened it before giving it to her. Taking a deep breath and steeling herself against the pain that she knew was to come, she pushed it against her skin harder. Blood pooled around the wound as she slowly pulled the blade down her arm.

She was careful not to hit any major veins…that wasn’t her goal this go around. This time she just wanted to forget. After repeating the process a few more time, Toni washed the blade and put it back where she had found it. Washing her arm, she walked out and grabbed a jacket out of her closet. Pulling it on, she grabbed her bag and headed out the door.

Ignoring the breakfast that sat on the table, she headed out to her car and drove to school. Sitting in the parking lot, waiting for Andrue to show up with Charley was murder but she did it. Laurie showed up a few minutes before them and scared Toni when she knocked on her window. Quickly climbing out of the car, grabbing her bag and everything she would need, she closed the door and hugged Laurie.

“How in the world can you be wearing a jacket?” Laurie asked fanning herself.

“I don’t know…the heat doesn’t really bug me.” Toni lied nonchalantly.

“Whatever you say…hey look, there’s your brother and Charley.” Laurie rushed at the oncoming car.

Toni quickly pulled her out of the way and waved at Charley. She was surprise when she gave her a cold look in return. Then she realized that Andrue must have told Charley what had happened the night before. Clenching her hand, she could feel the pull of the skin around her cuts. Wincing, she turned away from them and told Laurie that she would meet up with her later. Walking towards the building, she felt her phone vibrate in her pocket. When she looked at it, she realized that she had a new text from Charley.

what the hell is wrong you?!

Toni paused before answering.

everything. she shut off her phone and walked into the building.

After stopping at her locker she thought about how she was supposed to spend the day. She couldn’t spend it with her friends, they wouldn’t talk to her the entire time. She knew that she shouldn’t have asked Clark for what she had and she was greatly regretting it now. She was also regretting her act this morning…especially if her brother or Charley found out.
Sighing, she walked into her classroom and sat at her desk. Dropping her head down on the desk, she yawned and tried not to does off. She heard other students filing in, but she didn’t look up.

“You really should keep your phone on.” Someone said from beside her.
Toni looked up to see Charley standing next to her. She had forgotten that they had a majority of their classes together. Sighing, she reached down and turned it back on before putting her head back onto the desk. Growling at her, Charley walked to her desk in the back of the room and sat down. Suddenly Toni felt her phone vibrate several times.

Looking down at it, she realized that Charley was texting the same thing over and over again. Sitting up, she pulled it out of her pocket and looked at it. She had 11 text messages from Charley and one from her brother. She checked the one from her brother first.

I’m checking your room when I get home. Your bathroom included

Toni gasped and tried to remember if she was getting home first or he was. Suddenly her phone vibrated again.

I get home first

She growled and was about to shut it off again when she remembered the 11 messages from Charley. Looking through them, she realized that they all said the same thing.

your right everything is wrong with you…but you didn’t slip did you? You’re still whole? Because I can forgive the other thing, as can your brother, but if you went back to that…I wouldn’t know what to say.

Without looking up, Toni knew that Charley was watching her and frowning. How she was supposed to lie to her best friend? Especially about something that had almost killed her last time?
♠ ♠ ♠
old habits die hard...will this one die at all?

[sorry, I had to have her slip up eventually]

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