Status: updates will slow because of school, sorry

Bad Girl, Bad Boy...Could Only Mean Trouble



Charley knocked on the bathroom door to see what was taking Toni so long.

“Hey, Toni? You alright?” She called through the door.

When no one answered she tried to open the door. After the third time of knocking and calling, Charley went to find Andrue. She found him in his room down the hall, and after telling him what was wrong, followed him back into his sister’s room. When he couldn’t get the door open, Andrue pulled something down from the top of the door frame and attempted to pick the lock.

Once they finally got the door open, what they saw made Charley scream. Toni lay against the side of a full bath with a razor by her left hand and blood dripping gently from her wrist. She was still breathing but just barely. Charley realized that Andrue was yelling something at her, and she jumped to go grab her phone out of the other room. Quickly dialing 911 and telling them what had happened, she hung up and went back into the bathroom.

Andrue was kneeling over his sister and holding a rag to each of her wrist. He looked at her and Charley realized that he was crying. She had known that Toni had fallen into a bad habit, but she had never thought that she would go as far as she had. Andrue was never going to let her live this down…if she survived.

Backing out of the room, Charley went downstairs to wait for the ambulance. She loved her best friend, but she couldn’t stand to be in the same room at the moment. Taking deep breaths, she slid down the wall so that she sat on the bottom of the step. She heard the ambulance and opened the door before they even got into the driveway. She told them which room it was and just let them past.

Charley didn’t follow them and stayed in the living room when they came back down, followed by Andrue.

“Is she going to be ok?” he kept asking.

They told him that they didn’t know, but to keep hoping. They think that they called just in time. After the paramedics left, Andrue sank down onto the couch next to Charley and stared at the wall across from them. Charley put her arm around him and he suddenly collapsed against her. She hugged him to her and just sat there, waiting for the phone call telling them that everything was going to be alright.

end flashback

Charley shook herself out of the memory and watched Toni to see if she would answer. She had her head down, but Charley knew that she was looking at her phone. The teacher had yet to walk into the room, so the students were sleeping, texting or talking on their phones. Charley resent the message incase Toni had zoned out. She knew that the vibrations would bring her back to reality.

Toni jumped as her phone vibrated again. She hadn’t come up with what to tell Charley yet, she just knew that she didn’t want to lie to her. She could handle lying to her brother, but not her best friend. Sighing, she reread the text that Charley had sent and hit reply.

I didn’t slip that hard

She hit send and cringed slightly knowing that her friend would believe her and wouldn’t look past the words to the hidden meaning. She put her head back on the desk just as her phone vibrated again. Groaning, she opened her phone and read the message.


She shut her phone and looked at the front of the class to see if the teacher had showed up yet. She saw two people talking at the front, but still no sign of the teacher. Suddenly one of the people turned around and she realized that it was Matt. Another memory flashed through her mind, but the sight of the other person pulled her back to reality.

Matt had been talking to Nathan. Toni didn’t know what about, but by the look he was sending Matt behind his back, she knew it wasn’t good. Before she had a chance to give it any real serious thought, the teacher walked into the classroom. Quickly slipping her phone into her pocket, Toni sat up straight and tried to suppress a yawn. This was going to be a long class.

Finally, lunch had rolled around and Toni still hadn’t figured out what to do about her brother. She had gotten Charley’s forgiveness, but Andrue was going to be pissed for a while. She also hadn’t figured out what to do about him searching her room. He normally left that for mom and dad…she couldn’t figure out why he felt the need to be the one to do it this time.

Scanning the area where they all normally sat, she spotted Charley motioning for her to come over. Biting her lip, she walked over cautiously. Andrue refused to look at her, but Laurie and Charley smiled warmly at her. Sitting down on the other side of Laurie, she heard Charley whisper to just ignore her brother, he’d get over it. She looked around the area one last time before lying back on her bag and trying to sleep.

Of course, it was interrupted once again.

“What the hell is your problem?” She heard Laurie ask someone.

Looking up Toni saw Tiffany standing over Laurie. She looked pissed and Toni guessed that it was about the other day.

“My problem is you. You ruined my relationship, butting into something that didn’t even concern you.” Tiffany yelled.

Toni sat up and watched Tiffany curiously to see what she would do. When Laurie stood up, Toni followed suit and went to stand behind her. Tiffany noticed Toni for the first time and turned her attention on her.

“And you! You act all tough, but I saw the way you reacted to bumping into that Matt kid yesterday. You’re nothing but a scared little bitch who gives out empty threats to keep their reputation going.” Tiffany shoved Toni backwards.

“You want to talk about keeping reputations going? The only reason you’re getting as worked up as you are is because you want to keep your reputation as school whore hidden. You don’t want you boyfriends to realize that they aren’t the only ones in your life. So don’t talk to me about reputations.” Toni shoved her back and stepped forward.

Tiffany stared at her and then narrowed her eyes.

“What’s your problem with Matt anyways? Was he you last baby’s daddy? Leave you for someone better, someone who wasn’t a dirty little whore? Cause we all know that’s what you are, isn’t that why you were kicked out of you last school?” Tiffany asked smirked.

Toni looked at Laurie who nodded and turned as if she was keeping guard for something.

“I got kicked out of my last school for kicking the ass of a bitch just like you.”Toni punched Tiffany on the last word.

Tiffany reared back and caught herself before she fell over. She stared at Toni in surprise before jumping forward and trying to tangle her hands in her hair. Toni scoffed and stepped to the side. Tiffany grabbed her arm instead and tried to pull her toward her. Toni gasped from pain and wrenched her arm from Tiffany’s grasp. Suddenly Laurie turned around and gave Toni a look. Toni looked past her and saw a teacher walking towards them quickly.

She quite fighting Tiffany and let her grab hold of her. Tiffany hadn’t seen the teacher, so she wasn’t expecting it when she was pulled off of Toni. She turned around and gasped when she saw that it was a teacher. She quickly began trying to tell them what had happened, but the teacher shook her head and dragged her in the direction of the office.

Toni stayed where she was. She knew that because the teacher had seen Tiffany as the main one fighting, she wouldn’t get in trouble. She had learned the trick last year from Clark. Pulling her jacket sleeves down a little more she went back to where she had been sitting before. Lying back down, she ignore the look that both her brother and Charley were giving her.

Andrue didn’t know why Toni had reacted the way she had when Tiffany insulted her using Matt, but he knew from the look on Charley’s face that she did know…and he knew just how to get it out of her.
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thank you for reading