Status: updates will slow because of school, sorry

Bad Girl, Bad Boy...Could Only Mean Trouble


“He what?!” Andrue yelled, pulling away from Charley.

“He…he used to abuse her.”Charley repeated quietly, looking at the floor.

Andrue paced around the floor, trying to figure out why Toni would have kept this from him. He turned to Charley, she was looking at the floor still. Walking over to her, he knelt in front of her. He felt kind of for tricking her into telling him by playing off of her wants. Lifting her face so that she was looking at him, he kissed her softly.

“Thank you for telling me.” He whispered before standing up and leaving to go find his sister.

He had several things to talk to her about. After getting home, he had indeed searched her room and bathroom, finding nothing incriminating until he got to her bathroom. He had pulled the baggy out of the drawer and swore quietly. Now he had to figure out if she was hiding anything else from him.

Toni was at the park, sitting on a swing and hoping that her brother hadn’t found the bag. She had shut her phone off and hadn’t told anyone where she would be. She started swinging and thinking about what she had asked Clark the other night. She knew that she wouldn’t do that again…but it had worked wonders for distracting her. She didn’t understand why Matt felt the need to come back into her life now.

Everything had been going just fine, minus that Nathan and Tiffany drama. She had been able to keep everyone but who she wanted away from her, been able to keep up the look of someone who could fend for themselves. Of course, she still could, Matt just made it really difficult to think about anything else.

She heard someone walk up behind her, but when they didn’t say anything decided to ignore them. She was still swinging gently when suddenly she was dumped out of the swing. Standing up and turning around, she saw Nathan standing there. Shaking her head to get rid of the déjà vu, she backed out of range of the swing. He let it go so that it swung between them and just watched her.

“What do you want?” Toni finally asked.

“How do you know Matt?” Nathan asked.

Toni started. She hadn’t expected the question and didn’t understand why he was asking it. Ignoring him, she turned and walked over to her stuff, which sat on a nearby bench. She searched through the main pocket; she pulled out her iPod and phone turning both on in attempt to forget that he was there. She didn’t expect him to come and grab both of them from her.

“I asked you a question.” Nathan muttered.

“And I chose to ignore it.” Toni said standing up.

She hadn’t realized how much shorter than him she was. He was at least a foot taller than her and built. Nothing like the jock, but enough so that it would hurt if he hit you. Toni looked up at him and put her hands on her hips. He looked down at her and smirked.

“You’ll answer it if you want your stuff.” He taunted.

“Why should I? I know perfectly well how to bring you down to my level.”Toni stated.

“You wouldn’t…”Nathan started stepping back.

“Yes, yes I would.” Toni told him stepping towards him.

He turned and started walking the swings, glancing over his shoulder at her. She didn’t know why he felt the need to steal her stuff or why he wanted her to answer the question so damn bad. She followed him slowly as he sat on one of the swings.

“You do know stealing my stuff is childish? And why does it matter how I know Matt? What’s it’s have to do with you?” She asked.

“It’s childish but it works. Matt’s my cousin, he told me to ask.” Nathan explained opening her phone and going through the contents.

“And do you always do what he tells you to?” Toni asked as she stood in front of him and reached for her phone.

“No…but I was curious. He used to talk about you…call you all kinds of names.” Nathan leaned out of her reach and continued looking through her contacts. “Looky here…what would happen if I sent Clark a text message?”

Toni stood in front of him and crossed her arms. She hoped that he wouldn’t send the text, she didn’t know how Clark would respond thinking it was her. She could figure out why Nathan was this. She had been surprised when he said that he was related to Matt, but that explained why they had been talking today earlier in class.

Suddenly Nathan threw her phone and her and started looking through her music. Pocketing her phone she moved back a little.

“I thought I had to answer you question before I got my stuff back?” She questioned.

“You do…just thought that might make you talk faster.” He didn’t look up from her iPod.

Toni studied him for a second before deciding that answering him wouldn’t hurt her. She didn’t know what Matt was up to, telling his cousin to ask her when he could have said something himself, but she hoped she wasn’t falling into anything.

“I used to date him before he left.” Toni said shortly.

“Really?” Nathan asked, still not looking up at her.

“Yes. Now give me my iPod, I need to leave.” Toni reached for her iPod.

Standing up suddenly so that Toni stumbled backwards, Nathan pocketed the iPod. Gaping at him Toni watched him walk away without another word.

“Hey! What the hell?! Get back here!” She yelled after him.

He turned and looked at her, but instead of coming back, he flipped her off and kept walking. Looking at her phone, Toni decided to get home. She knew that she could get the iPod back the next day at school. Turning to go back to her car, she saw Andrue walking toward her. Groaning, Toni walked over to her stuff.

He walked up to her and threw a bag at her feet. Looking down, Toni stiffened, realizing that the one from her bathroom.

“What. The. Hell?” He asked.

Toni didn’t say anything, just stared at the bag. She didn’t know what to tell him without making him suspicious. She knew that if he found the bag he would flip. It was the calm act that was throwing her off. She glanced at him. He was standing in front of her with his arms crossed and a straight face.

“Answer me. And while you’re at it, maybe you can explain why you never told me Matt abused you.”

Toni jumped and looked up at him sharply.

“How the hell did you find out about that? The only person who knew was…” Toni stopped herself and felt her jaw drop. “She didn’t…she wouldn’t!”

Andrue didn’t say anything. He just continued to stand in front of her and wait for an answer.

“Ok, fine. I didn’t tell you because I knew this would happen. You’d get all pissed off and over protective. I can take care of myself.” Toni growled looking at him.

“Obviously you can’t.” Andrue said motioning towards her feet.

“It’s…its old. I haven’t used it since that time you and Charley found me.” Toni lied.

Andrue stared at her and stepped forward to grab her arms.
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tell me if it's still any good...I'm worried that I've already reached the point where the ideas start dying T.T

thanks for reading!