Status: updates will slow because of school, sorry

Bad Girl, Bad Boy...Could Only Mean Trouble

LearningTo Fall

Toni let him grab her. She knew that he would find out eventually. She just hoped that he wouldn’t try to kill her when he did. He pushed her left sleeve up and examined her arm. He dropped her arm and started to push the sleeve of her right arm up. Suddenly he jumped, dropping her arm.

Reaching into his pocket and pulling out his phone, Andrue checked the caller id. Giving Toni a look that told her to stay where she was, he answered. Toni hoped that this didn’t make him hate her more as she grabbed her stuff, jumped up and ran.

She could hear him cursing behind her as he hung up on whoever he had been talking to. She reached her car and had it started before he even reached the parking lot. She pulled out and drove past him, ignoring what she could hear him shouting through her windows.

Letting out a breath Toni glanced in her mirror. He was standing where he had been but he had his head bent. Suddenly her phone started to ring. Knowing that it was him, she decided to ignore it. She needed to concentrate on where she was going and think of a place she could stay where he wouldn’t find her.

Glancing around her, she tried to figure out how close to Laurie’s she was. She turned a corner and saw her house on the other side of the street. Pulling into her driveway, Toni looked around to see if anyone was outside. Glad to see that she was alone, she walked up and knocked on the door.

Laurie answered and was surprised when she saw Toni standing there. She told her to come in and led her into her room. After they were both sitting on the bed, she asked Toni why she was there.

“I need somewhere to stay for the night…I don’t think I can be a round Andrue.” Toni explained.

“What did you do this time?” Laurie asked.

Toni explained almost everything that had happened, leaving out the part about the razor. Laurie still didn’t know about that incident and she would rather that it stays that way. When she told her about Andrue walking in on her when she was high, Laurie shook her head and glared at her.

They had all promised never to do anything like that when they had all become friends. Toni knew that she would disappoint all them when she did it, but she hadn’t exactly been expecting Clark to bring to her. Trying to ignore Laurie’s look she finished her explanation. For a minute Laurie just looked at her before sighing and telling her that she could stay there.

Toni thanked her and finally looked at her phone. She had several text messages from Charley, and several missed calls from Andrue. Listening to the voice mails, she realized that she had proved she did something by running off. She also realized that he was probably never going to forgive her. Sighing she checked her messages from Charley. Some of them were apologies, while other where yelling at her. She guessed that Andrue had told her what happened.

Toni responded to all them with the same thing, telling Charley to fuck off. She felt bad for saying it, but she was angry at Charley for telling Andrue. Laurie had left to talk to her mom and she now walked back in.

“Everything all right?” She asked.

“Yeah…everything’s dandy.” Toni told her bitterly.

It was relatively late in the evening, so they both decided that maybe some sleep would help them think better. Laurie was still pissed about the drugs, and Toni was confused beyond words. Lying on the floor next to Laurie’s bed, Toni stared at her ceiling. She needed to think of a way to fix this.

Pulling out her phone, she searched through her contacts. She sent quick apologies to her brother and Charley, knowing that they wouldn’t do much good, but would start her on the way to redemption [or so she hoped]. Then she texted Clark, knowing that he was still awake.

Fucking bastard –T

Whatd I do?-C

You know what you did. You got me into this mess. -T

What mess? You got caught?! –C

Yes I got caught! Andrue walked into my room after I got home. And then he found the bag…why’d you even give that to me? Why’d you keep it?! –T

You said you wanted and escape. I gave it to you. Quite bitching. –C

What do you mean quite bitching?! You did this and all you can say is quite bitching? First you’re little friend comes after me because he can’t find you and then you make my brother hate me and all you can say is quite bitching? I’ll show you bitching. –T

Toni didn’t expect Clark to respond to that but when he did, his answer confused her.

How do you plan to do that? You wont be able to find me and I know about Matt. Him being back in town has totally screwed you up…you wont be kicking any ones ass for a long time when he’s done. -C

What the hell does that mean…when he’s done? Done with what? What do you know that you aren’t telling me? -T

Clark didn’t respond but Toni knew that she was going to be up all night thinking about this. Her brother and Charley never responded, but she hoped that they had at least read the messages. Getting up quietly so that she didn’t wake Laurie, she walked out of the room and out of the house. She had left all of her stuff in the car incase she needed to leave early.
She hadn’t expected to need to leave in the middle of the night, but here she was. She decided to drive over to the neighbor hood of Clark’s grandparents. On the way there, she decided to stop at home and change. Sneaking into her room would easy. Making sure that her brother wasn’t there waiting for her was another story.

She looked up at the window to see if any of the lights were on. She noticed that her desk lamp was on, but she didn’t know if that meant he was waiting for her or not. Deciding to risk it, she climbed the tree that was outside her window and sat on the branch outside so that she could see inside. Andrue sat at her desk, but he wasn’t alone. Charley and someone else sat with him. Toni gasped when she realized who else was sitting with them.

Inching forward a little more, Toni tried to hear what they were talking about. Leaning forward Toni felt herself lose her balance before she actually fell. She had leaned to far over the branch, but luckily she was able to grab hold of the window sill. She heard the others inside move around and looked up to see Charley looking down at her. She grinned sheepishly until Charley screamed.

Toni decided that the girl really needed to do something about that as she lost her hold and fell, hitting the awning roughly beneath her. She rolled down and over the side before landing with a thud in the grass. She could hear yelling coming from her window and managed to catch a glimpse of everyone trying to look out the window at once.

Groaning, she sat up slowly as Andrue, Nathan and Charley ran towards her. She narrowed her eyes when she saw Nathan, but was soon distracted by Andrue yelling at her.

“What the hell were you thinking?! Of all things…first the drugs, then going back to that, now you fall out of a tree?! Are you trying to kill yourself? Are you even thinking anymore? I realize that Matt coming back brought back memories and believe me, I plan to kick his ass for it, but what the hell? It’s been two years, you should be angry and want to hit him, not still scared of him! And just because he came back, it’s not an excuse to keep hurting yourself!” He finally stopped for breath.

“What’s he doing here?” Toni growled, completely ignoring Andrue’s tirade.

“He saw you going into Laurie’s. We were just about to call you when Charley found you hanging outside the window. But damn it, don’t change the subject! You’ve got a lot of explaining to do, to me and to Charley.” Andrue said realizing that she had almost distracted him.

“I don’t have to explain shit while he’s here. Why’d he even come tell you where I was?” Toni asked.

“He ran into me at the park. I told him that you had run off and he offered to help look for you.” Andrue explained.

“What the hell?! Are you fucking bipolar or some shit? Make up you’re damn mind!” Toni yelled at him.

She was thoroughly confused. She didn’t understand why Nathan would offer to help with anything that involved her? She hated him and as she was concerned, as long he was connected to Clark, she was going to have nothing to do with him.

Standing up, she walked past them all, rushing up the stairs to her room. She locked the door when she heard the others behind her, quickly changing and making sure she had everything that she would need.

Glancing around the room one last time, she noticed something sitting on her bed. Walking over, she saw that it was her iPod. Picking it up, she shoved it into her pocket and walked over to the open window.
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comments <3

where does she go? feedback is welcome