Will You Dance With Me?

An Offer We Can't Refuse

"Woah," Chrissie and I said at the same time.

The guys started laughing and Nick and Kevin introduced themselves.

"You guys were amazing," Kevin said, "what's your names?"

"I'm Chrissie!" I blurted out. I'd been so surprised by the guys that I apparently forgotten my name assumed my best friend's identity.

"No, I'm Chrissie. She's Belle," she nodded at me.

"Yeah, I'm Belle" I mumbled. I could feel my face turning red. The guys just laughed again and Joe said,

"Well if that's how it is around here then..Hi! I'm Nick!"

"I'm Joe!" Kevin said playing along.

"Then that means I'm Kevin!" Nick chuckled.

"And we're...the Jonas Brothers!!" they all yelled together. Chrissie and I laughed at how silly they were. Then Nick said to Joe,

"Hey Nick"

"Yes, my older brother Kevin?"

"Aren't we looking for a new opening act?"

"Why yes we were! And would you look at that," Joe said with fake surprise, "here's two extremely talented, and not to mention very pretty, girls that look like they're ready for show biz."

I whipped my head to face Chrissie. I had been watching Nick the whole time and it was hard to look away. Her face mirrored mine with shock and joy. I turned back to Nick and yelled,

"Are you serious?!"

"Well, my nickname is Mr. President so..yes," he said as a smile crept onto his lips.

"That is an offer we could never refuse!" I yelled excitedly.

"Great! But, first we'll have to ask you girls a couple questions."

"Shoot," I said.

"How old are you?" Joe asked.

"Sixteen," I said.

"Eighteen," Chrissie replied.

"Good. Now, why should you be our opening act?" Kevin said, and faked holding a microphone to Chrissie. She laughed and replied,

"Well, I love playing guitar and singing and you guys are awesome."

"Nice answer. What about you?" he said to me.

"Basically what she said."


"One last question," Nick said, "what's your favorite drink?"

"Diet Coke?" Chrissie and I replied together.

Nick threw his hands up in the air and yelled, "Oh they are so in!"

"So they are Mr. President!" Kevin yelled. Just then I thought of something.

"Hey how are you guys out in public without your bodyguards and throngs of girls surrounding you?"

"You know, we're not quite sure ourselves," Nick said thoughtfully. Chrissie and I giggled and then there were a few moments of silence. Chrissie grabbed her guitar and started strumming. She was taking a bunch of the boys' songs and winding them together into one song. It was pretty dang cool. We just sat and listened to her until she finished.

"You guys wanna go to dinner tonight?" Joe asked, breaking the silence.

"We'd love to!" Chrissie replied.

"Let's go then!" Kevin said while jumping up to his feet. We all got up and started walking and talking about where we should go. Just then I remembered my mom.

I stopped and told them I had to call her. I pulled out my cellphone and dialed home. She picked up after the first ring.

"Honey, are you coming home now?"

"Uh, no. Chrissie and I thought we'd go to dinner?" I asked.

"Well..okay. But please take yours or her car. I don't want you out walking in the dark."

"No problem."

"It's just you and Chrissie right?"

I hesitated with my answer.


"I'm here mom. No we're not alone.."

"Who's going with you?" she asked slowly.

Once again I hesitated. I took a breath and wondered if she'd believe me.

"The Jonas Brothers."
♠ ♠ ♠
Wow. I haven't written anything in a verrrry long time. Sorry about that!
Not sure how I feel about this chapter.
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