Status: one-shot contest entry.

Let Me Back Into Your Arms.

For Escape.The.Fate's Choose A Song And Write A Story Contest.

Song: Into Your Arms -The Maine.

Mikey Way stared out of the small, dirty window, watching the raindrops hit the cracked pavement outside.

"Gee, is it going to rain for forty days and forty nights like in the bible?”

“No, Mikey.” Gerard said absentmindedly, looking out the window.

“Oh.” Mikey said quietly, drawing pictures on the window with his breath. “But how do you know? I bet they didn’t know then either. I don’t know how to swim, Gee! I don’t wanna drown!” Mikey’s little voice grew louder and more hysteric as he worked himself up like he always did. Gee smiled at his small, younger brother as he wrapped his arm around Mikey’s shoulders pulling him closer to him. “You don’t have to worry Mikes, you have me and I’ll never let you drown.”
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    544 Words.