Voyeuristic Madness


“…but It’s my weekend off! You can’t-“

“Oh yes I can. I want you ready in my office tomorrow, 6 a.m. sharp!”


A slow, deep breath found it’s way into my body as I closed my eyes and fought against the urge to curse aloud. The sounds of child play and chattering surrounding me wasn’t helping my state.

There goes my 2-day resort vacation…

I slowly got up and started to gather my things into my mesh bag, shuffling reluctantly into my flip-flips and gathering the boringly yellow and white striped hotel towel around my half-naked body.

there goes my birthday present Voucher…

And to think I saved it up since last March…just waiting for the perfect weekend to come along!
I let out another angry breath.

Damn you Walter…!
♠ ♠ ♠
Well, it's just a start :D
Chapter one might be up tomorrow!
Stay tuned!