Voyeuristic Madness


The Elevator dinged as it settled into the 5th floor, and I marched out sleepily when the doors slid open.I was greeted by the far too-familiar cubicles. Sounds of hushed conversations and keyboard tapping, accompanied by the soft feel of office carpeting under my feet made me feel at ease. Like I was home.
I’ve been working here for more than two years now…

“Morning, Mandy…”, I murmured sleepily as I arrived at Walter’s secretary’s tiny office.”Is he here yet…?”

“Uh…” , she paused as she cleared her throat. “Rose, today’s his day off…” , She trailed off, humor in her eyes.

My eyes widened.

“…the hell ?! He told me to be here 6 a.m.!”

“I know , but- HEY! What do you think you’re doing?!”

I had snatched her phone from it’s holder, and pressed 1, knowing Walter’s home number was speed-dialed to that number.

“Give me that ph-“

She shut up as I gave her a death glare.
She was decades older than I am, but I was scary when I was pissed.
Her 40-year old face had hardened , her dark mahogany eyebrows furrowing over her tiny, beetle-black eyes. A frown settled on her lips, adding to the wrinkles around her mouth.
She was fingering the soft mahogany curls of hair, settling them on her shoulder. I had seen her do that before, it meant she was either excited or nervous. I was willing to bet it was the latter.
A sleepy greeting crackled through the phone at that moment, and I recognized Walter’s slightly squeaky voice.

“Walter. Good morning, and what the fuck?!”


“Yes it’s ’Rose’. Rose who freaking left the heaven-on-earth resort because you called and demanded she come to your office at an ungodly 6 a.m. on her day off! Only to find you asleep at ho-“

Rosanna Mariah Wilson! You do not speak to me like that!”

I pursued my lips angrily, fuming inside. I caught Mandy giggling slightly, and shot her another glare.

“Mandy has your assignment. I want you to start within 48 hours.”


My fingers tightened on the phone, the tips turning white from the pressure
It was the second time he had hung up on me within 2 days…

“I tried to tell you…but you were too….impatient.”

Mandy rested her chin in her palms , with her elbows on the desk, and grinned at me.
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First chapter...I know it's not soo good but I thought I'd start with something simple.
Next chapters stuff will be explained :D