Cross Your Fingers

Chapter Five.

The Summer Set played fantastically; I couldn’t believe how much talent they all had. I could tell they were going to go somewhere with this band. Working at the merch table, I had comet to realize, was quite boring; that is, until John came to help me after their set. A few of his fans asked if we were dating, which we found awkward, since we were joking around with each other so much. We laughed and replied no way, we are just really good friends. After their show was over, we went back to the hotel and decided to hit the pool.
Jess and I went to our room and changed into our suits, while the guys split up to go get theirs on. Jess and I left our room after about 15 minutes and went down to the pool, where everyone already was. “Livy! Jess!” Josh called when he saw us. “Come in the pool!”
Jess and I looked at each other and shook our heads at Josh, “We want to go in the hot tub first,” I said to Josh and everyone else who looked eager for us to get in the pool.
“But we want you in the pool” Josh replied with a frown.
We still shook our heads and made our way to the hot tub. However, we didn’t make it all the way there; about half way, both Jess and I were being picked up, Jess by John and I by Brian, and thrown into the pool. I screamed as my body collided with the cold hotel pool water. “Who did that!?” I yelled as everyone pointed at Brian. “Brian, you are going down,” I said and he swam away from me. I finally got him and dunked him under the water. We all goofed around in the pool for an hour or so before we decided to go into the hot tub, like Jess and I had originally planned. We spent another forty-five minutes in the hot tub and then we went back to the boys’ room and watched one of my favorite movies, Up.
Once the movie was over, Jess and I decided to go back to our room, which we shared with Mrs. Gomez. Mrs. Gomez was half-asleep when we entered the room, we told her we were back and everyone was going to sleep now, so she could also go to sleep.
“So, I know you’ve probably been asked this question a lot lately, but are you enjoying Scottsdale?” Jess turned to me and asked.
“Definitely,” I replied, “I miss my two best friends back home, but other than that, I don’t miss anything.”
“Really, you don’t miss anything else? Why not?” She asked curiously, I knew I was going to have to tell her eventually.
“Well, my life back home was kind of hell, a few months before I left, the majority of my friends decided they didn’t want to be friends with me or my other friend anymore, and I was pretty close to being depressed. When my dad got the new job, we thought it would be good for all of us, especially me, to get away from Highland.” I said with a sigh.
“Oh wow,” Jess replied, “That sucks, I’m so sorry.”
“Don’t be, they were shitty friends and I’m glad they’re gone now. Look on the bright side, had that not have happened, who knows if I would be in Scottsdale right now and who knows if I would have ever met you.” I said smiling. Jess and I talked for about another two hours about everything from my old life to her life to boys. It was nice having someone to talk to and new things to talk about. We finally fell asleep at about three o’clock in the morning.
The next morning we got up at 9:00 and started our drive back to Scottsdale.
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Swimsuit Outfit