You're My Missed Opportunity

Chapter Five: Jealousy.

Unique’s POV
I was totally exhausted from just talking on the phone with Gordy. Imagine how it would be when I was speaking to him in person.

I don’t understand why it was so difficult for me to talk to him. I mean it’s been nearly four years since it had ended between us and yet it feels as if it was week ago.

I laughed quietly to myself. And it was entirely my fault as well. If it wasn’t for me we would still be together, happy. But oh no I just had to completely ruin the relationship. Why am I so stupid why?
Gordy’s POV
I wondered why I was so excited to see this girl again. The one who broke my heart and tore me to pieces as girly and tragic as it sounds. It’s honestly hard to get over her. Even after so long. She’s just so beautiful.

I shook my head trying to rid myself of these insane thoughts. I should hate her. I should loathe her, but I don’t. Instead, 3 years later after she breaks my heart and never apologizes or calls or anything, I’m taking her out to lunch.

That sounds way worse than it actually is though. I can forgive and forget right? I’m capable of forgiving her for being such a rancid bitch when I knew her. She’s obviously changed.
She’s prettier for one. She seems to be nicer and more charismatic.

So this lunch is absolutely perfect then. Just two friends sitting at lunch hoping nothing from the past is brought up. What possibly could go wrong?
Unique’s POV
“Hey Gordy.” I smiled and blushed at the same time.

“Uh...h-hey Uay. You look…good.” He smiled nervously.

I felt awful. If he was really struggling that much for a nice word to say I must look dreadful. I groaned inwardly and tried my best to smile.

“I could say the same about you Milton.” I shrugged.

He chuckled. “Always the charmer.”

“You betcha so how is life for you these days?” I tried to make small talk.

“Ummm…good actually I have a girlfriend named Gina and…” He kept going on, but unfortunately I never heard the rest of it. I was too busy trying to get the big lump in my throat to go away. I mean what the hell was wrong with me? I wasn’t supposed to care. About him.

Or anything. I’d promised myself that years ago.

“Uay? Are you even listening?” He looked a tad bit annoyed.

“Of course I’m listening. I was just thinking as well.” I smiled sheepishly.

“Oh, well alright then, how has your life been then?” He asked.

I first I told him about how I bought an apartment out here in New York and lived alone working as a preschool teacher, then once I became bored with that I became an secretary for a law firm.

“I still work there to this day.” I smiled then I decided to tag on a something extra. I grinned and simply said, “Yeah, it’s pretty cool there especially when you work for your boyfriend.”

“Your boyfriend? You work for him?”

“Yeah he’s the lawyer I work for. He’s pretty smart and not to mention gorgeous.”

“OH really I’d love to meet him.” He smiled. “Next time we hang out you should definitely bring him with you. But I have to go now. My meeting will be beginning soon. I’ll see you later Uay.” He smiled, stood up and walked away.

Leaving me to pay for HIS food.

What a wonderful person right? I guess I deserved it.

I paid for our food and walked out feeling dumb and hopeless. My jealousy plan hadn’t even worked…
Gordy’s POV
The meeting didn’t even start for another hour. But I just couldn’t stand being around her. All I kept thinking was how gorgeous she looked. And I shouldn’t be thinking that. I mean I have a girlfriend for Christ sakes. A beautiful girlfriend at that.

But Uay was just so…ugh it was hard to explain. I can’t believe that after all these years I still love her…
Rainbow’s POV
Hah, Unique is on a date with Gordy…she is so lucky. I bet its going just fan-flipping-tastic. They’ve probably already kissed and made up and are in love AGAIN. I mean whocouldn’t wouldn’t fall for Uay. Gosh she’s just so darn lucky if only Chris would love me.
I got a thick lump right in the center if my throat. Geez I couldn’t even think about him without almost crying. Boy was I pathetic.

It wasn’t even fair though. Unique was the one who ruined her relationship and I did everything I could to make sure mine was perfect and never destroyed. Uay treated Gordy like shit and I treated Chris like he was a fucking king. And yet look at what the fuck happens to me. It’s utter bullshit.

Sometimes Uay doesn’t make any sense. She acts as if she was the heartbroken one. And I have never once felt sorry for her ever. EVER. I know it’s my job as the best friend to be supportive, but I am most definitely not supportive of cheating. I don’t care who the fuck you are. My best friend or some guy from Fed Ex. YOU DON’T CHEAT. PERIOD. So why she cheated I don’t understand I mean she had everything going for her. Her boyfriend was absolutely gorgeous and he treated her good he told me he was gonna propose to her. But it obviously never happened considering she slept with Zachary Dylan. The basketball player. Yep that kid got into her pants real fast.

And she didn’t even give a damn. She thought he wouldn’t care. She must have been really drunk considering that night she came home to him telling him about how awesome Zach was. It was terrible. And itskind of the reason why Gordy isn’t my friend anymore. And I was really pissed at her for that. So pissed in fact that I punched her in the face that night.

And she ended up at the hospital. Not for the punch but because she was so drunk. That was when I forgave her, how could I not? I thought she was going to die and I was more scared than you could think.

I don’t know maybe I’m crazy but I just don’t understand why everything good always happens to her. Maybe she’s more daring than me. But I know I would never cheat. EVER.
Unique’s POV
I arrived home a few minutes after I had left the restaurant. I found Rainbow on the couch bawling her eyes out.

She sniffled and wiped her eyes. “So how was the date?” She tried to smile through her tear and makeup stained face.

I decided to take the quick way out so I wouldn’t have to do much explaining. “It was fine. But it wasn’t a date it was a lunch out.’

She rolled her eyes and wiped he eyes again. “Suuure it was. What happened?”

“Nothing. Really we just talked got to know each other a little better and then he left.” I

“He just left?” She furrowed her brows.

“No I mean he had a meeting to go to.” Hah, sort of. He left a little bit soon for a meeting that was supposedly at 3 o’ clock.

“Oh interesting.” She murmured.

“Yep, but I’m gonna go to bed, take a nap or something. I’m super wiped out.” I smiled sheepishly.

“Mhm…” Was all she said before walking quietly into the bathroom.
Rainbow’s POV

What a ho! My best friend totally just had sex with Gordy. Seriously, what the hell? He really forgave her that fast? I’m sorry, I love Uay I really really do with all of my heart, but it’s really difficult to put up with all of the dumb shit she does. I know she provided me with a place to live, love, and all the care for a baby and I really appreciate that. But sometimes I wonder if she’s going to act this dumb around the baby.

I know she loves the guy but to have sex with him the first day they see each other again is a really stupid move. He could very easily change his mind and decide to kick her to the curb. After all that’s what she did to him.

I completely understand it isn’t any of my business but I’m really worried for her. She absolutely cannot keep making these stupid choices.

Especially with a baby around. She can’t exactly bring whoever she wants home anymore. I won’t tolerate it. I really hope she gets back with Gordy though. Just not in this way.

I’ll probably have a talk with her about it. Tell her she’s acting a bit stupid and that she should take things slow. Or at least slower.
Unique’s POV

*RIIIINNGGG RRRIIIINNNGGG* My cell phone rang from underneath my pillow. For friggin christs sakes. I just fell asleep.

“Hello?” I answered the phone sounding quite annoyed.

“Uh, Uay? Is something wrong?” Gordy asked over the other line.

“Oh no sorry I was just kind of annoyed you called because I just fell asleep.” I laughed. It was probably the most truthful thing I’d said to him all day.

“Oh hah-hah sorry about that but I was wondering if you were free on Monday?”

“Um yeah I think so why?” I was confused.

“I was hoping we could go out to dinner.” He stated.

“Yeah sure!” I said a little too excitedly.

“Good then. Remember to bring your boyfriend. OH crap I have to go bye.” He hung up.
Boyfriend? What?

Unique’s POV

I paced around my room thinking of what the hell I was going to say to him. I couldn’t exactly conjure up a boyfriend in a few days that I just so happen to work for and isn’t outrageously old or ugly. There was Mark, but he wouldn’t ever date me especially considering he has a girlfriend.

Ugh. I have no idea what I’m going to do. I picked up the phone and called Rainbow.

“Um, Uay? Aren’t you in the room right next to me?” She sounded a bit annoyed.

“Yes but-”

“Just come out here.” She cut me off. I could practically feel her rolling her eyes.
I walked out into the living room with my head hanging.

“What is it now?” She sighed.

“Well…I kind of told Gordy that I worked for my boyfriend and now he wants me to bring him to dinner…” I trailed off.

“Uh Uay I hate to break it to you but you don’t have a boyfriend nevertheless work for him.”

“That’s obviously the fucking problem Rain.” I tried my best to be calm.

“Ohhh, now I understand this makes a little bit more sense sorry…uh well what’re you gonna do?” She looked genuinely concerned.

“I don’t know, maybe I could…” I trailed off nervously.

“Maybe you could what?” She furrowed her eyebrows at me.

“Maybe I could ask Mark?” My voice rose at the end making it sound like a question.

“Uh, no. Definitely not, Mark is dating Clarise remember? I mean I suppose you could ask Clarise if it was alright but I highly doubt she would say yes.”

I sighed. “Well, I can try.” I picked up the phone and dialed Mark’s number.

“Hello.” Came Mark’s deep husky voice out of the phone.

“Hey Mark it’s Uay, is it possible for me to speak with Clarise?” I was nervous hoping I wouldn’t be “rejected”.

“Uhhh sure?” He was hesitant, I could tell. Most likely because me and Clarise had never really talked before.


“Hello Clarise it’s Uay,” I started only to be cut off by her southern accent.

“Oh hey Uay! You’re the receptionist right?”

I winced. Maybe a receptionist asking for a favor this big was a bit far fetched. I hesitated. “Um, yes actually. You and Mark are still dating right?”

“Actually no, we thought it would be better if we were just friends, so we still hang out every once in a while but we are no longer ‘together’.” She chuckled. “Why?”

I felt much better about asking now that I knew he was single. “Clarise, I have a difficult favor to ask of both of you…”

“What is it honey?” She sounded concerned.

I began telling her the situation from the very start. I told her what had happened and how it happened and in the end I felt a lot better. I had never ACTUALLY told anyone my full side of the story before.

She had listened intently never interrupting. Only murmuring a few, “Oh’s” and “Hmmm’s” every once in a while. She even gasped once or twice but I think she understood how difficult it was for me to even ask her this.

“I’m sorry honey; I wish I could help you more. But unfortunately, the best I can do is help you with Mark.”

“That is more help than I deserve. Thank you.” I sighed in relief.

She called Mark over and we all talked about it together. Mark thought it was hilarious. He was laughing at the thought that he would be able to make someone else jealous and ultimately, hopefully, make them want his “girlfriend”. (Me.) He agreed and said, “This should be fun.”

I hung up with them feeling overly confident and happy as could be.

I could not wait until Monday.
♠ ♠ ♠
To whomever may be reading this. (Which may be nobody. Lol.) I know my writing isn't good and my plot is kind of stupid, and this may be a terrible story, I really enjoy writing it and I hope you enjoy reading it. :D
