American Idiot

little sluts and grenades



~end recap~

“Who the hell!” I scream as a nasty sticky ice cream cone hits my shirt.
“Oops. Sorry. Hehehe.” giggles one of those blonde bimbos.
“Sorry huh? Get out of here before i beat you down, bitch. And take your slutty friends with you!”
“*gasp* Humph.” the little Barbie says as she and her posse of sluts (different from who I thought HER friends might be, but still...) walk away.
Everyone stands, sits or lays still as we hear their footsteps echo above the bridge.
“If ANYONE thinks that was rude, wrong or just plain uncalled for....LEAVE.”
A few girls, who probably didn't belong here anyway, and a couple guys who were having their own way with the bimbos left.
“I don't want others down here anymore, too many people are beginning to figure out where this for the rest of you....continue.” I announce.
And every one goes back to what they were doing.

As time ticks by slowly, I watch these people afraid of me, yet still treat me like dirt. Ugh. I can't stand them. The act all tough and important but their not. It's me. All about me. Jesus. The Jesus of this place. No place in particular. ever here is. It's all about me, or is it?

As 6 rolls around the crowd gets smaller. Everyone is leaving. 'Places' to go, 'People' to see me ass. It trickles down until its only me, Jimmy and Mary-Jane. They whisper to eachother and I strain to hear. I sure can be nosy sometimes.
“I Love you Mary-Jane.” she giggles.
“No I really do. You keep me so crazy.”
“Do I drive you insane?”
“Good. In that case I love you too babe.” They kiss and part. I wonder who's house she'll be staying at tonight.
“Jimmy.” I sat as he starts to walk away.
“Come here.” He walks over to me warily, probably not such a good idea calling him over here when were alone, and I'm a girl.....yeah bad idea.
“Jimmy, I'm sick of it all. Sick of the crappy government and the freaking wars. Sick of everyone thinking I'm something I'm not. For respecting this...this...thing that I've become.” I walk over to an empty wall and pick up a spray can. I start to draw and outline of a grenade, but i curve it so it takes a heart shape.
“Are we demented or am I disturbed? I'm stuck somewhere in between going completely insane and becoming completely insecure. Am I retarded or just REALLY overjoyed? So overjoyed that i don't see the people treating like some different person than who I really am? I'm always accused. I mean, come on, nobody is perfect. Do they even respect me?”

I give up in my drawing half way and head over to an American flag somebody had sprayed on the wall. I write 'IDIOTS' in bright green right across the flag.
“Jimmy, I'm done here. My time here is long long overdone. That why I called you here.”
“Me?What can I do?”
“I'm giving it all to you. I've done everything. The foundation is put. The name is set. All you have to do is whip'em into shape and make them fear you.”
“Me? Why me? I'm...I'm...I can't.”
“Yes Jimmy It's all yours. It's tough, but I'm sure you can do it.”
“How are you so sure?”
“I just know...I can see it IN you.” I put the bottle down. “I'll be here tomorrow to get a few things,” I look at my pillows on my couch, “and take down a few things.” and I point to the sketches on the wall with my name scrawled over. “See you later Jesus of Suburbia. Yeah. The Jeusu of Suburbia.”

As I walk away I turn around to wave, but he's busy staring at the heart grenade and flag. I bet he' got some REAL GOOD ideas....