American Idiot

Jesus Of Suburbia Pt.1

Why did I wake up at 7 AM for? Jesus. Crap. She probably has already been there, and gone to school. NO! I Gotta stop her!

I throw on some random clothes that were lying on the floor. I don't bother to spike my hair or put on any eyeliner....I hope i still look ok from yesterday.
I run down the block looking at Jesus's territory. No...I can't...I...I...I can't! I just can't go and take her work. She did it. I can't take it all! I run even faster than i was. As I reach the hangout, I know I'm too late. The caution tape i put up is gone, and there is something written on the wall under the flag.
"No...." My words echo through the silent space.
I step closer to the the flag and smile. Just like her to make a flashy exit. I look around and see a whole bunch of white empty spots on the walls. She's gone, and she's made it noticable. I notice on one of the white spaces, green letters. I need glasses so i have to walk closer to read it. In 3 simple words she says 'Im gone. See ya later! Jimmy's in charge.....and don't forget it!'. It said 'Jesus Of Suburbia'. She Simply signed it X. She is gone. Really truley...gone.
As I head home to 'Primp up', haha, I turn back once and look at my kindom.
"Well, Jimmy, or should I say 'Jesus', here's the first day of the rest of your life".......or so I thought.

*XXX*2 Years Later...*XXX*

"Babe, where you going?" I ask Mary-Jane.
"Some people acually have lives, Jimmy. I'll see you tonight. I love you." She says as she slips on her clothes and walks out of my room..
i finally get up and out of bed. I attempt to get ready.
With that accomplished, I walk out of my room to find my mom laying on the couch passed out with a bottle of Jack Daniel'. Party. And i wonder where Brad is on this fine and lovley day? Probably at some chicks house hooking it up, or hopefully waking up with a fucking hangover. Whatever.
I take my Ritalin and down the rest of the Soda sitting on the counter. I wait. nope. No implosion. Damnit. That would be a much easier way of getting out of this...or not. I grab my keys and head off to the hangout...not that anyone will be there anyway.