American Idiot

Jesus Of Suburbia pt. 2

Crap. Why did I wake up so early?
“Oh hey Jimmy. I'm gonna go, k? See you tonight babe.”
“Wait. Mary-Jane, where ya going?”
“Like I've said before, Jim, people have lives outside of the house and your little 'kingdom'. And yes, people even have better places to go than 7-11.” then she slips on her jeans, lights a cig and walks out of my room. Bitch.
I get up, get ready. As I head to the kitchen I notice my moms not on the couch. Maybe Brad came home and they are happily asleep in bed. Maybe things will get better. Maybe-
Ok. Good feeling gone. My mom comes down the hall trying to get dressed, looking for the Aspirin and mad because I dragged her out of that party literally piss drunk and also very high. I take my meds and sit on the couch. Fucking TV ain't fixed yet. I sit and stare at it. A little while later, ok maybe a LONG while later, Mom comes out of the kitchen and drops a plate of food on the table in front of me. Her way of apologizing? Maybe. Really. I don't know. I just stare at her.
“Whats the matter with you?”
I don't mean to answer but I do, “Your face.”
“What are you? Jesus nailed to that couch suffering for my sins? Am I the loser?” I can't help my self at this point. I smile like a school boy. “Well that makes you the son of a loser.” I stare at her. Then she reaches over and sticks her cig in the food. Sick little fuck. I flip the plate at her.
“You're pathetic.” With that I walk out the door, grabbing a bottle of Jack Daniel's my mom seems to have an abundance of, and walk down the street to the 7-11.
I hang out in the parking lot for a while. Saying hi to people. Showing my tattoos, staring at people just to see their reactions. It gets boring. But then I saw a girl, she walks over to me and starts flirting with me. Slut. Oh well, Mary-Jane doesn't give a damn about me anymore, so matter as well enjoy the attention. She starts kissing me. Afterwards, we head into the 7-11 and give the clerk a heart-attack. We start fooling around. Opening stuff. Grabbing things off the shelves. Kissing, touching, whatever. Wow. I must be drunk. We must be a sight to see. Poor 7-11 guy. She had bright red hair, black/purple lipstick and spider tat's all over her chest. I'm pretty decorated myself.
“Hey, go outside, I'll be outside soon. Then we'll go back somewhere.”
“Ok Jesus.”
She walks out and I sneak my way into the bathroom. Graffiti covered walls is what I enter into. I read one that says 'Home is where your heart is”. What a lie. My heart is in my chest, that's where it's gonna stay. I've tried to put it other places, but it just keeps getting hurt and broken. Shame that person is so stupid. I just feeling like crying. I sit on the floor and think about what I just read. Maybe the guy is right, maybe it's just my heart that is different. Maybe mine is beating out of time. Well everyone's heart doesn't beat the same. Mine is just WAY off beat, maybe it doesn't even beat. Hmm. Maybe that person is actually smart. I read what other people wrote on the walls. I come to one that says 'Yep...this is the end of the world.' Now that one I have to agree with. As I read and think, I begin to lose it. I start jumping, and I try to pull things off the wall. I grab the makers someone left in here and lose it. I write and draw anything that comes to mind. I start to scream, cry, everything. I let everything go. I look up and read part of what I just wrote, three words jump out at me. Rage And Love.

***Spider's POV***
Wow, a lot of cuties around this place, especially that Jesus guy. He's a knock out. I did pretty good this time. Good job spider girly.
As I wait, this guy, apparently drunk offers me a drink and who cares i'm not sober so I take it. I'm sitting here chewing my gum and having fun. This guys starts to grab me and hug me. I start hoping around, dancing laughing singing. I keep drinking whatever this guy is giving me. Jesus is taking a long time. So I keep having fun.
Finally Jesus comes out and he spots me with this other guy. They start pushing each other and yelling. I spit at them but they keep going. I have to split them up, so I get in between them, well they just push me away like I'm a sack of potatoes. Geez. This Jesus dude can sure kick some ass. Jesus walks up to me when it calms down a little and grabs my mouth.
“You fucking slut.” I spit my gum at him. He pushes me. And the guys start at it again. Soon there are a lot of guys pulling them off of each other. I guess the other guy though he had enough of a beating, or his friends convinced him to stop, but he just stood up, flipped Jesus off, and walked away. Jesus grabbed me, kissed and then hugged me. Then he turned and walked away. I blink. Were those, tear stains?

*** End Spider's POV***