For the Record

For The Record: I Don't Know

I struggled to stay awake during chemistry. Believe me I did. But my intentions went up in smoke when I laid my head in my hand. I was gone in a second.


"Okay class! Get in a group of three for our next project." The teacher called, waking me up. When I opened my eyes, I was face two face with two girls. "Ello! I'm Abbie. And this is Clare." "Clare" waved at me, smiling. I returned the smile, looking down at our assignment. "So you're the girl Zacky's all hung up about." I froze, looking up at them. "W-what?" Abbie smiled wickedly, yet there was still a friendly vibe about it. "You like him...don't you?" I looked anywhere but in her eyes. Did I like him? I had no idea.


I walked down the hall with Abbie and Clare, giggling along with them. At the back of my mind, their question was still running wild. You like him...don't you? "BRIIIIIAN!!!!" Clare suddenly shrieked, rocketing toward some boy. Abbie rolled her eyes as he caught her, slamming her against the lockers, their lips connecting. Abbie snorted, laughing, when Zacky came up behind them, slapping Brian on the back of the head. "OW!" Both him and Clare yelled, holding their mouths.

"I WIN!" Zacky yelled in triumph, jumping around like an idiot. Abbie cleared her throat, getting everyone's attention. Zacky froze when he saw me, smirking widely. "This is Leah." She introduced me, walking over to the largest boy in the group. "Abbie this is Matt, Jimmy, Johnny, Brian, and you already know Zacky." She winked, causing me to blush.

"Hey babe." He said, waltzing over. The question was screaming at me now. DO YOU LIKE HIM!? And my answer was still the same.

For The Record: I Don't Know
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--Sinderella Plague