Fame Killed The Rockstar

Serve the Servants

“Why did I let him in?” Because you love him, that is why.

”What are you looking at?” Gerard glared.

”Nothing Gerard, nothing,” Bert replied turning his head to stare at his clock. Gerard snorted.

”I am going out with some friends. If you are going to get drunk or fucking try over dosing yourself. I do not want to see your fucking passed out body on the damn floor. Got it?” Gerard said standing up. Bert nodded his reply leaving him alone at the dinner table.

”Fucker…” Bert muttered as he too stood up from his place and walked into the living room. Minutes pass as anxiety was kicking in.

” Fuck, he drank all the liquor!” Bert cussed angrily to find a nearly empty fridge with nothing more than a few containers with decomposing food, rotten milk, and empty bottles. Bert grabbed his keys before quickly scribbling down a note for Gerard. Bert knew he would not care but he wrote notes to him anyways.


”That will be 7.98.” The cashier rang up. Bert quickly searched his pockets then pulled out the money.

”Thank you sir, have a nice day.” The old woman smiled. Bert nodded and walked off trying not to make any contact.

”Hey, wait!” Someone called out. Bert stopped in his tracks right by the door and turned around to see a young boy.

”Yes…?” Bert said eying the boy.

”Can I have your autograph?” He asked. Bert nodded as the boy handed him a pen and a receipt.

”Thanks,” the kid murmured.

”No problem,” Bert rushed out.


Nirvana’s “Serve the Servants” began to play as Bert was on his third bottle. He checked his caller ID, “Hey Quinn.”

” Bert! Hey, do you want to hang out later on this night?” Bert made his way to the kitchen and fiddled with the note he left Gerard.

”Okay sure. What time?” Bert said simply thinking on how Gerard left, he could too.

”Is somewhere around eight-thirty good? Oh and this time, actually come!” Quinn asked.

”See you in three hours.” Bert said sarcastically looking at the clock. It was seven-sixteen.

“Whatever.” Quinn said getting Bert’s sarcasm.


Bert was getting ready willing to go to his friend’s house. He heard the door slam. Gerard.

”Bert,” Gerard called out as he made his way to the kitchen.

”What do you want now Gerard?” Bert asked annoyed and trying to keep his voice lower than Gerard’s for once.

”Go upstairs. Now.” Gerard warned angrily.

”Why-,” Bert was interrupted by a slap in the face. He held on to his cheek and gave Gerard a glare.

”I said get the fuck upstairs!” Gerard yelled louder than before. Bert shuddered but decided to go anyways before flipping off Gerard.

”Ow you mother fucker!” Gerard had kicked Bert as ‘punishment’.

”Shut the fuck up and go.” Gerard demanded.


”Okay. I am up. Now what do you want?” Bert asked looking at the counter to see it is already seven-twenty-three.

”This,” Gerard said pushing Bert onto the bed viciously pinning him down. Bert stayed silent. He knew nothing mattered to Gerard right now.

”Okay asshole; how I can’t get laid tonight you are my only choice left.” Gerard growled as he ripped off Bert’s baggy patched jeans. Gerard quickly unzipped his pants and pushed himself dry inside Bert as he yelped out in pain.

”I thought I said to shut the fuck up!” Gerard hissed through gritted teeth. Bert stayed quiet and ignored the painful tears that trailed down to his neck. Everything was silent for more than five minutes until Bert’s phone rang.

”Don’t you even Dare!” Gerard spat bitterly as he rammed himself back into Bert’s prostate. He cringed at the feeling since it felt so good yet, wrong.

”Moan for me you bitch.” Gerard said as he slammed himself into Bert.

Bert bit his lip and let his eyes roll to the back of his head.

”I said moan!” Gerard yelled thrusting harder as he quickened his paste hitting Bert’s spot once more.

”Oh, Ge- Gerrrr-aarrrddd, fuck!” Bert moaned giving in when Gerard’s thrusts became slower feeling the other man’s warm liquid fill the inside of his body. Bert laid there feeling sick and disgusted with himself then again, pleased with himself. The second Gerard left the room leaving the other greasy black-haired man by himself. Bert ran to the bathroom and threw up. He was disgusted but the only way he was going to please both him and Gerard was by being Gerard’s ‘bitch’.

Teenage angst has paid off well,
now I’m bored and old.
Self appointed judges judge,
more than they have sold!
Serve the Servants,
Oh no-
” Bert scampered around the room to find his phone.

”Hey, Bert are you still coming?” Quinn asked.

”Yeah, hey, sorry I’m on my way.” Bert said rushing down the stairs and out the house.