Status: searching for a muse



The loud beat pulsed through the soles of my shoes and all throughout my body, beating out of rhythm with my heart, but my foot tapping along instead. We all were sitting, a drink in each of our hands, except for Ayden, who had gone off to dance. The alcohol was taking effect on me slowly with each mouthful I took, my throat burning with each swallow. I eyed the guy that came with Bob and Ray from across the table, curious about him. Our gazes met a few brief moments, but I wasn’t anywhere near drunk enough (I don’t even think I was barely drunk at all) to start a conversation with him. Although I learned his name was Mikey.

Boredom was taking its hold on me as I just sat there, staring at my almost empty glass. “Anyone want a smoke?” I asked, not really wanting any company, but decided to be polite instead of the normal jackass I am in asking. They shook their heads, and I barely shrugged before leaving.

There was a door that lead to the alley just outside, and when I opened it, light flooded into the darkness, illuminating the dirty ground and old wall of the building next door. I stepped outside, and shut the door, the light vanishing, leaving the blackness of the night to remain outside.

I pulled out my box of Marlboros and my lighter, lighting a cigarette, and breathing in the smoke I knew wasn’t good for me, but I didn’t really give a fuck at the moment. I wanted to be alone for a moment.

But, I realized I wasn’t alone when I heard someone step on something, the dirt and rocks on the cement crunching underneath the sole of the shoe.

Then a small flame was ignited with another lighter, and for a brief moment I was able to see the face of the other person. He had high cheekbones, and ghastly pale skin, and midnight hair that blended in perfectly with the darkness surrounding us that fell into his eyes, framing his face perfectly. Before I could look away, remembering I was staring, he looked up at me with piercing hazel eyes, and with a small clicking noise, the flame that gave a little bit of light went out.

I continued to smoke the cancer stick between my fingers, a little shaken that I didn’t realize he was there before, and from the fact that his face alone was fucking gorgeous. But, wanting to get some more of my mojito, I soon stepped on the butt of my cigarette, before making my way back inside, stealing another glance at him as the light from inside momentarily lit up the small area of the alley, making it able for me to see him again before going back inside.

I made my way back to the bar, where I found Bob, Mikey, and Ayden talking, Ayden leaning against Mikey, a drunken look mingling with the small drops of sweat that were on her face. Bob smiled at the sight of me, and handed me a mojito, the glass full, instead of the nearly empty one I had from before I went out for a smoke.

“I—I didn’t have a full one before I left,” I said to myself; Bob is careful not to buy me drinks, knowing I get pissed if he spends money on me. I don’t like anyone spending money on me unless it’s my birthday or Christmas. Any other occasion, I’m not a fan of it; I feel guilty afterwards.

“We didn’t buy it,” Bob defended himself.

“Gerard probably did,” Mikey commented, but more to Bob than me.

I made a confused face, my eyebrows furrowing together. But, almost as though it was on cue, a sleeved arm reached around me to grab another drink that the bartender placed on the smooth surface. I whirled around, and was met with the same gorgeous face from my small smoking break.

For a moment, I forgot to breathe.

He smiled before putting the glass to his lips, and my body starting to function properly again, and then I turned back to Bob and Mikey, my mouth open but no words coming out.

Bob, noticing that although I was breathing I forgot my vocal cords still worked, grinned and gestured to the man.

“Gerard, this is my buddy, Frank. Frank, this is Gerard.”
♠ ♠ ♠
16 subscribers already?!:D
you guys rock my socks off. :]