
You're The Only One

“Hey little sister!”

“How many times I’ve told you Nat. Stop calling me little sister”

“Aww, my little sister is mad. I miss you little sister”

“Stop it Nat! That’s embarrassing. We’re like in the public transportation now hello?”

He is Nathaniel Motte, my big brother. He always treated me like a 6 years old geez, and I’m Ashleigh Motte. And by the way I’m only like 3 years younger than him. We’re on the way to his friend’s house, Sean Foreman. We’re going to stay at his house for 1 week, our house is used for shooting something I don’t know what is it
They also have a band called 3OH!3, I always went to their gigs. And I have a secret crush on Sean for hmm, 5 years? Sean is just adorable I love him, and the way he talks is so cute. I don’t care if he’s older than me.

“SEAN! WE’RE HERE ALREADY!” shouted Nat. He is so hyper and childish

“Yeah yeah I know Nat, come in come in. Oh hi Ash I don’t know you we’re coming” he smiled at me and I blushed then I smiled back at him.

We went in to his house, his house is really simple yet modern. Actually we’ve been friends like since we were child. And we used to have sleepover every Saturday night. I guess we’re going to have one again, but for 1 week I guess haha.
I put my bag on Sean’s guest room next to Sean’s. Basically it’s my room haha, I always sleep there and my brother sleep at Sean’s room. Then I saw my brother run to Sean who’s at the living room now.


“Geez what is Nat?”

“Wanna have guitar hero match tonight?”

“You’re on man! The one who lose will buy 4 pizzas for dinner! HA”

“Fine! I know I’ll win the game”

“No you won’t brother, you suck at guitar hero,” I laughed

“Heeey! You mean little sister,” he pouted

“Kidding Nathaniel Warren Seth Motte, I’m going to take a shower now”

“Can I join?” asked Sean. I smacked his head; we used to take a bath together when we were young. It’s embarrassing though.

“Ouch that hurts!” Sean pouted

“You guys are such a cry baby” I stuck my tongue out

* * *

It’s 7 P.M already; the boys just started the match. 2 hours later they finished the game and guess who won the match, Sean. Nat complained the whole time he said Sean’s cheating, but actually my brother really suck at Guitar Hero. My brother is so childish.
But I recognize Sean’s always look at me every time, or is it just me. Which makes me blushed every time and my hearts pounds so fast.

Not long the pizza that my brother ordered came, and he still complained though haha. I really love this kind of moment, I’m so happy that we’re together right now. Because they’re so busy with their promo and gigs. Even tough I watched their gigs it’s just different

“I miss those times when we’re still young,” I said. The boys gave me the ‘aww’ face and hugged me directly. Yay group hug

“Yeah me too I guess, oh snap it’s 12 P.M already. Let’s sleep everybody!”

“Geez Nat! You always change the I-miss-old-times atmosphere” he stuck his tongue out and winked at me.

Guess it’s really bedtime I guess, Nat kissed my forehead and Sean kissed my cheek. Perfect two kisses at one time, my brother’s kiss doesn’t make me blushed but Sean’s does.

I went to my room; Sean and Nat went to Sean’s room. The clock kept ticking and my eyes doesn’t want to close; I went downstairs to make some hot chocolate so I can go to bed. When I realized Sean is also downstairs.

“Well what we have here? Aren’t you sleepy? Your brother snore so loud so I can’t sleep haha”

“Don’t ask haha, even when he sleep at his own room I can hear his snore from my room”


“Yeah, I wanna go outside to the swing. Wanna come?”

“Of course you silly”

We went outside, we play at the swing for a while. We joked around and we pretty much have a good time. My heart beats so fast every time I’m with him, I hope he didn’t hear my heart beats. Then we went to the bench near the backyard door. He put his arm around my shoulder. I blushed.
Then suddenly he began to stroke my hair softly, I looked at his eyes so does he. Now he started to peck my neck then my cheek, seriously I don’t know what’s all the meaning of this. But I love it though. He put both of his palms on my cheek; his face is like 2 centimeters away from mine. Then our lips touched, we kissed. It’s the most passionate kiss ever, from kiss into make out. Gosh, my face is so red right now even though we’re still making out. Then he pulled away, I still want more actually.

“Don’t you know I always love you Ash?”

“No. And don’t you know I always love you too Mr. Foreman?”

“Well I’m sorry I didn’t realize your feeling Ms. Motte”

“I’m sorry too Mr. Foreman, but to tell you the truth you’re a good kisser”

“You too. Wanna be my girlfriend?”

“So not gentleman”

“Fine” he went to the garden and took some flowers, he went back and kneeled down and looked at my eyes

“Ms. Ashleigh Samantha Seth Motte, do you want to be my girl…” he haven’t finished his sentence because I put my finger on his lips

“Ssh, I’m just kidding you don’t have to do it this way haha. Of course, from now on I’m your girlfriend” I kissed his forehead. He blushed! Oh my gosh, he is so cute when he blushed!

“Sean! You blushed!” I scream

“No I’m not!” he looked away from me

“Yes you blushed Sean haha. It’s okay, you look more cute when you blushed” I winked at him

“Oh shut up Ms. Motte” he leaned in and we kissed again for the second time in the first day of spring. This is the best day ever
♠ ♠ ♠
I made this when i was bored and tired. Kinda sucks though haha ;D
And the mosquitos is really annoying, there's like more than 10 here sheesh

I LOVE 3OH!3 WOOHOO! <3 (random)

Remember, Comments are love <3