Hiding From the Truth


You have black hair and bronze eyes (like Zuko’s) your hair is almost always in a ponytail and your hair reached to the bottom of your back.

* Means thinking

Emiko’s POV

The avatar was aboard the ship. This was my chance at freedom. Probably my last chance.
“AVATAR! HELP! I called out, hoping that he would hear me. I pounded on the door. “PLEASE! AVATAR! HELP ME!”
“Move away from the door!” I heard a voice say on the other side.
Quickly I ran to the side, and moments later the door blasted open. A boy with blue arrows stood there. He looked about my age. I cautiously stepped out of the room.
“Come on, don’t just stand there, let’s go!” the boy said before taking off down the hallway with incredible speed.
I paused for a moment, then took off after him, I caught fleeting glimpses of him as he rounded corners, but when I saw the storage room, I stopped.
I carefully opened the door and peered inside. My swords were in there, leaned against the wall, without a second thought, I raced inside and grabbed them, slinging them over my back. It felt good to have them again.
I ran outside to the deck, hearing loud noises coming from there. The Avatar was fighting Zuko. Zuko shot fire blasts at him, but he used his staff to block them, but soon, Zuko had blasted his staff away from him. The Avatar was balancing on the edge off the ship, he was going to fall!
I raced toward him, but I was to late, he fell overboard. I reached for his hand, but he had already fallen too far. I couldn’t reach him.
“Aang!” I looked up
A girl and a boy were on what looked like a sky bison! But I couldn’t’ pay attention to them now.
I turned to Zuko. I drew my swords. But before I could use them, the Avatar attacked using waterbending. It was the most amazing thing that I had ever seen. His eyes and tattoo’s were glowing. He took out the entire ship with one blow. But when the water came at me, it just, stopped, like he knew it was me. Zuko was thrown overboard. Then he stopped glowing. I sprinted to his falling figure.
A water tribe boy and girl landed on the ship. They had arrived it a large flying, fluffy thing.
“Aang!” the girl yelled, running toward us. The boy followed.
“Is that his name?” I asked. The girl nodded before turning her attention to him.
“Hey Katara. Hey Sokka,” Aang said. “Thanks for coming.”
“No problem,” Sokka shrugged.
“I dropped my staff,” Aang said.

“Got it!” Sokka said.
Katara helped Aang onto the sky bison and then she got on too.
“Come on Sokka!” She yelled. Then she looked at me.
“Are you going to get on or what?” She asked extending a hand. I took it and Sokka scrambled up the side shouting, “Yip-yip! Yip-yip!” Then we took off.
I stared over the side of the saddle. We were flying! I was flying! It was a dream come true.
“So, who are you anyway?” Sokka asked.
I took a deep breath and began my story