‹ Prequel: Love Bites

My Immortal

Only Mine

Shinya’s POV:
“Yes here, do you see any others?”
“…But it’s in the middle of nowhere!”
“Well don’t whine to me about it, I didn’t choose the location.”
“But Lizzie!!! You could’ve picked a closer school!”
“Shinya…” She sighs, eyes rolling. I continue pouting. It’s not every day a good friend leaves for college, and this is that day.
“Out of my way Shinny! She’s my girlfriend and I need time with my lover!!” Maya barrels over me and into Elizabeth’s arms.
“But she’s my friend!!!!” I whine, pawing at the two.
“She was my girlfriend first! And I’m gonna miss her more!” He argues, pulling her away from me.
“Would you two grow up and stop fighting!!!! I’m not that far away!!! You can come visit me any time you want to!!!!” She interrupts, shoving us both away and jumping back a good couple of yards. The two of us turn our quivering lips to the tiny foreigner. She only shakes her head. “I’m supposed to be unpacking by now. You guys aren’t being any help! You guys keep shoving everything back into the car and Kaoru’s too busy hitting on that girl!” She complains, pointing out Kaoru who has his lover boy face on and his sexy stance working.
“…Well Kaoru needs some action.” Maya and I conclude in unison, making Elizabeth roll her eyes.
“Ugh, just go to the cafeteria and find me something to eat or something, PLEASE?!! Drag him along…that is if you can pry him off her.” This time, she gestures to the two eating each other’s faces across the way.
“Get a room you two!” Maya yells, receiving the middle finger from both Toshiya and Remi, still in a rather disgusting looking lip lock. They’ve been conjoined at the hip ever since that night Aiji left her, and tonsil hockey is a more recent pastime. Well la di da for them all.
“Bring me some food, okay?” I hear her mutter, then the slam of a door. And with that, I’m stuck with the love birds, the heartbroken whiner, and Mr. Desperate (who was just slapped in the face…). This is going to be a great day. Sighing, I trudge off to the cafeteria, Kaoru tagging along beside me.
“Bet that smarts.” I smirk, meaning his blatantly red cheek.
“Shut up Shinya.” He grumbles, eyes glued to the ground. “I didn’t even say anything dirty! Ugh.”
“Well, what about that girl? She’s had her eye on you since you set foot on the campus.” I offer, nodding behind me to the girl curled up under a tree listening to her iPod by herself. Her dark hair is pulled back in a messy ponytail, and she wears only a dark bikini top and bright skinny jeans. And a great body. Just his type. And Kaoru seems to be just her type, according to her constant, sultry gazes. “Come on Mr. Wonderful, we’ve got food orders to take care of. I’m sure she’ll still be there.” I snap, yanking him along. The drooling look still plastered on his face.
“Are you hoping to describe your newest tattoo to her?” I beam, pointing to the scarlet hand mark still on his cheek.
“That’s what I thought. Now come on. Give her a wink or something and let’s get some grub.” Amazingly, Leader-Sama follows my orders for a change. What’s the world come to?
Remi’s POV:
“Hey you two, break it up all ready! We brought you along to help Lizzie unpack, not break in her sofa.” Shinya growls slamming the door behind him.
“Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed.” Toshi teases, pulling his soft lips away from mine for the first time today. I’d forgotten what it was like to breathe…
“And someone seems to think they’re still IN bed.” He snarls, dropping several take out boxes onto the kitchen table. PMS much? Toshiya moves to open his mouth and retaliate, but I quickly shut him up with a kiss.
“Come on Toto, I’m hungry!” I grin, sliding out from beneath him and bounding over to the table, eagerly searching through boxes. Shinya and Toshiya eventually join me, glares electrifying the air…well if this doesn’t make things awkward, I don’t know what does. “…Where is everyone?” I question, noticing it’s only the three of us at the table.
“Kaoru’s out stalking some poor girl.” Shinya answers matter-of-factly, eagerly swallowing a mouthful of noodles.
“Liz and Maya are in her room.” Toshiya smirks. “Someone’s getting some action.”
“With us in here? Ew.”
“If the need arises…” His malevolent grimace only grows, worrying me all the more. We’ve been going out for a week now, and at this rate I don’t know how the hell I’m going to keep him out of my pants. Sigh. But I’ve got to give him credit-he waited six long months before actually asking me out. I figured he would, and I really am glad he did. Sure, I was pissed at Aiji…but I was upset also. I really did care for him, and he couldn’t trust me. Now he’s running around in America with some new girl. Well good for them both. I’ve got my own man now, and my best friend. All in one. I love him more than life itself. I would give myself to him, but we both know what that would do…I’m not killing him. Not that he cares…
“Omigosh! Did you actually get food?!” Elizabeth’s tiny voice laughs, and I look over to find the two slinking out from her room.
“And did you two actually manage to finish up that quickly?” Toshiya smirks, leaning back in his chair. Anymore and he’s going to fall over.
“Well I didn’t have that many clothes to put away.” She answers, a confused expression on her face. I can’t help laughing, and neither can Toshiya or Shinya apparently. “What?!” She demands looking from one to the other.
“Never mind.” I chuckle. “Just sit down and eat before everything gets cold.”
“No! What did you think we were doing in there…?” I can hear the click of the final piece of the puzzle being put into place in Lizzie’s brain. “EW! You guys are all gross!!! I’m not hungry now!!” She shrieks dashing to her room.
“What, haven’t had enough?!” Toshiya exclaims, his boisterous laughter filling the room. Maya nervously grabs a random container of food and quickly disappears with Elizabeth. “Wait a second…why can he eat in bed and I can’t?!” Toshi turns to me pouting. I only smirk, scooping a large amount of rice into my mouth. You know, it’s rude to speak with your mouth full.
And so with that, another chapter of our new lives together begins. It may be missing several important individuals, but new friends are always made. And something is always happening in my book. I’d love to go back and change things, but who knows where I’d be now if that were the case. I’m happy just being here in his arms.
“Remi, when will we ever get to do it?”
Even if he is a pig.
“Toshiya, we just got home.” I grumble, wanting nothing but sleep. “Can’t you wait and beg in the morning?”
“No.” Sigh.
“You know exactly what I’m going to say Toshi.” I mutter, nuzzling my face into his bare chest. God I wish I would just say yes already. He’s delicious.
“You’re going to say no because you don’t want me throwing my life away for just one night when we could wind up being with totally different people.” He repeats my words, in his lovely interpretation of my voice. I move to argue, but he interrupts. “…What if I don’t want to be with anyone else? And I don’t want you to be with anyone else. Remi…I want you to be with me forever.”
“Forever?” I whisper, quickly meeting his gentle gaze. He’s suddenly turned from pig into Romeo. Wowzers.
“Remi…I want you to be mine always. I want to grow old with you, no matter how old that may be. You’ve always been in my life, and I can’t see one without you. Remi, I want to marry you…”
Wowzers indeed.