‹ Prequel: Love Bites

My Immortal

Only The Best

Amber’s POV:
“Say WHAT?!!” I squeal, lunging forward, threatening to fall on Kaoru and his new girlfriend, Kikki.
“You heard me!!!” He beams, holding his arms out in attempts to keep me on my own two feet. He may not be my favorite, but he’s growing on me.
“NO WAY!!!” He opens his mouth to say something when my dear, grumpy, hubby interrupts.
“Amber! Stop shrieking!!”
“You’re not being all that quiet yourself Die…” I mutter, cringing when I hear Alex crying out. Ugh. Now I remember why I didn’t want kids…Reluctantly, I leave to retrieve my son. Surprisingly Kikki eagerly follows.
“I love kids.” She explains, a gentle smile to her lips.
“He’s all yours.” I tease, picking up the tiny boy and clutching him close to my heart, returning to the group.
“I know you weren’t just trying to pawn off our son.” Die smirks from the couch. Ouch, caught me.
“You’re a terrible liar Amber.” He chuckles, flashing his million watt smile and taking Alex from me. Kikki follows whoever’s holding the kid.
“Watch out Kaoru.” I smirk nodding toward her. He only blushes brightly.
“Anyway…back to our original conversation…” He grunts.
“When’s the wedding?” Die questions.
“I’ve got no clue, but he’s heading over here to ask Die something.” Kaoru replies matter of factly.
“Awe, does he need his lover’s approval?” I giggle making Die’s laughing, brown eyes roll around in his head. I notice that Kikki managed to steal Alex off him and is now nestled by Kaoru’s side.
“Hey Kaoru, I think you should get me pregnant.” She nudges him.
“I think I’m getting a vasectomy.” He groans.
“But that’s no fun.” She pouts. “I want a sexy rockstar baby!” He sighs, taking Alex from her and handing the squirming bundle to me. “He’s adorable by the way.” She beams crawling into Kaoru’s lap. The girl makes me laugh.
“He looks just like his daddy.” I tease pinching Die’s cheek.
“I’m not adorable.” He grumbles.
“You keep telling yourself that.” I smirk disappearing to go take care of some baby issues.
“I’m not!”
All five guys? Pretty quiet. But take Kyo the Intimidator out of the equation and I swear to god they don’t shut up. Honestly. And due to this fact, my new friend and I, along with the blushing bride, disappeared into Alex’s room. I’ve never been one for newcomers, but seeing as how they’re dating my friends…Oh, Shinya’s out on the town by the way. So it’s just the three of us, and the guitarists. Shut up…bass totally counts as a guitar for me.
“I can’t believe how big he’s gotten!!” Remi exclaims, smiling broadly at my baby boy.
“Well no duh, the last time you saw him he’d just popped outta…well you know.” I blush.
“Can I hold him?” She begs, reaching for Alex.
“Take him. He whines, poops, eats…and that’s about it.” I grumble handing him over.
“Poor baby, I’ll be your mommy any day.” Kikki chimes in as I fall to the spare bed, fighting sleep. Why fight it though? I was up every hour of the night coaxing Alex back into dreamland. Sigh.
“Hate you Die.” I mumble, mainly to myself.
“You love me or you wouldn’t be married to me.” His husky voice whispers in my ear, soothing my tender nerves.
“Is everything all right? The girls aren’t in here anymore.” I sigh glancing throughout the room, my speech obviously slurred judging by his velvety laughter.
“It’s fine. Get some sleep babe. You deserve it.”
“You’re telling me.” I yawn, my head falling back into the pillow.
“I love you.” He chuckles softly as I drift away. I feel the familiar sensation of his lips tenderly brushing over my own.
“I love you more.” I smirk. I can guarantee any amount of money that he’s rolling his eyes right now. But why spoil the fun? I’d much rather be resting my tired eyes, ignoring the sounds of everyone’s laughter outside my bedroom walls. For me, the only things that matter are in this room. My unconditional loves.
“Want me to take Alex out with me?” He questions.
“Whatever you want.” I hear the sound of the door open and close, then the same sound again. Before I know it, I’m snuggled in bed with the only two I want to be with.
“Good night.” He whispers as Alex coos. I can’t help smiling.
“Dude, who actually takes a nap during a party?”
“Shush! You’re gonna wake her!” Die scolds, brows furrowed. “She doesn’t get enough sleep because of the baby.”
“Well whose fault is that…” I mutter taking a swig of my drink. He only glares, falling onto the couch. “What’d you drop by for? Congrats by the way.”
“Thanks. Well…”
“Oh my god he’s huge!!!!” Some shrill, slurred voice blurts out.
“DIE!!!! Why the hell doesn’t your bathroom door lock!!!!” Kaoru’s flustered voice sounds, followed by one giddy stranger and my bashful bride to be…
“What just happened?” Die and I demand in unison. Him fearful of his home’s safety, and me, of Rem’s innocence. Well, as innocent as you can get any way.
“Kikki walked in on Kaoru in the bathroom…and…well…” Remi’s face grows redder by the second, and I know exactly what she means.
“I’m taking her home before she does anything else she’ll regret…” Kaoru interrupts, grabbing the intoxicated Kikki by the waist and escorting her to the door. “Sorry guys, maybe next time.” He sighs.
“Hang on to her.” I smirk. “She’s a keeper.”
“I know that wasn’t sarcasm.” He glares.
“Me? Pfft. Just sayin she’ll be good for you. She’ll get that stick outta your ass!!” I beam, laughter following. He only rolls his eyes as the girl explores his body with her fingers. My oh my. Sometimes I wish Remi was like that…The door slamming instantly pulls me from my thoughts, and I turn back to Die. Now what was I saying before? Damn my short attention span.
“Why you’re here.” He sighs, head falling against the couch’s back. Whoa, it’s like he can read my mind. “No Toshi, your stupid expressions just give it all away.”
“Stop doing that!!!” I squeal clutching my brain, eager to keep its confines where they belong. He only grins, fingers tapping against his thigh. “…..”
“Why you’re here.” He repeats. Dammit.
“Don’t do that! I want you to be my best man. Will you?” I blurt out before losing my train of thought again. A smile forms on his face. I’ll take that as a yes. “Thanks man!” I beam fighting the urge to hug him. I’m bi if that explains that urge…just thought I’d throw that in there.
“Wouldn’t have it any other way.” He grins, standing to pat my shoulder before his son cries out, followed by a feminine groan and then Die’s own.
“…Well I’ll be heading off then! Have fun with your kid!!!” I laugh, quickly grabbing a smiling Remi and bolting out the door before the sounds increase. “Still like kids?” I smirk down at her.
“Yes.” She smiles warmly as I tuck my arm around her shoulders, pulling her closer. I’ll see what I can do.
“I love you.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Eh, this is kinda going downhill fast -____- Some feedback would be appreciated XP